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Permalink what surf band t shirt are you wearing today?

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The Secret Samurai

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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

my white SG101 t shirt. not a surf band t shirt I know but....

Enjoying the surf,sun and sand!!

zzero wrote:

my white SG101 t shirt. not a surf band t shirt I know but....

that passes

I have a story.

In college, I was quite fond on my Satan's Pilgrims shirt. I was working in the library of one of the main libraries on campus in the largest of the student-facing copy centers. I actually got a complaint that I was wearing a Satan's Pilgrims shirt, and my boss' boss' boss got a complaint as well. Funny that I got a complaint as the person was very rude and I was always nothing short of being unfailingly kind to clients even after a complaint against the shirt I was wearing. My boss told me about the complaint and asked for a CD, I still hear the CD playing in her office until this day!

I don't have many surf t-shirts that fit anymore and I haven't bought any t-shirt in a LONG time. The real bummer about my job now is that I never get an opportunity to wear a t-shirt.

I do finally fit into that sweet light purple Satan's Pilgrims shirt! That is a weekend favorite these days.

Not wearing any shirt now.
But I love wearing my Satan's Pilgrims shirt to Disneyland.
Quite a few stares and under their breath comments.

When asked about it, I tell people it's a band.
Bunch of good guys. And how evil could they be if
They wear white Levi's. Wink

Jeff(bigtikidude) t-shirt on a cross country flight!

Fifty Foot Combo. Not really a surf band in the true sense of the word anymore, but hey: they started out as one Smile

"Duck Tape is like The Force: it has a light side and a dark side and it holds the universe together"

today, my 'surfin' sundays' 10th anniversary huntington beach international surf museum t (not a surf band t per se but close enough)

I wore my Atomic Mosquitos shirt earlier this week. Currently wearing a Duke's Waikiki shirt that I bought while on my honeymoon. Waiting for a new one from Ferenc...

My Crazy Aces shirt - I know, I know, not very cool but I had three commercial flights in one day, four airports and if I'm not proud and supportive of my own music enough to promote it who else can I hope to do the same? LOL


raito wrote:

I wore my Atomic Mosquitos shirt earlier this week.

Atomic Mosquitos
Bug music for bug people is here!
Killers from Space

bigtikidude wrote:

Not wearing any shirt now.


Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

Shouldn't this thread require photos? Prove it! Very Happy


Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

bigtikidude wrote:

Not wearing any shirt now.

Three kinds of meat!!! Big Razz

JONPAUL wrote:

Shouldn't this thread require photos? Prove it! Very Happy


Hey Johpaul, your shirt's inside-out!

I was wearing my Satan's Pilgrims Psyhosploitation shirt, but have my yardwork ensemble on now.



Representin' today with my classic "professor" SG101 tee.

I wish I could wear that one still.
Outgrew it. And wore it out, lots of holes now.


Nova Rays,


Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

JakeDobner wrote:

I have a story.

In college, I was quite fond on my Satan's Pilgrims shirt. I was working in the library of one of the main libraries on campus in the largest of the student-facing copy centers. I actually got a complaint that I was wearing a Satan's Pilgrims shirt, and my boss' boss' boss got a complaint as well. Funny that I got a complaint as the person was very rude and I was always nothing short of being unfailingly kind to clients even after a complaint against the shirt I was wearing. My boss told me about the complaint and asked for a CD, I still hear the CD playing in her office until this day!

I don't have many surf t-shirts that fit anymore and I haven't bought any t-shirt in a LONG time. The real bummer about my job now is that I never get an opportunity to wear a t-shirt.

I do finally fit into that sweet light purple Satan's Pilgrims shirt! That is a weekend favorite these days.

I'll never forget this, it's a similar t shirt situation. In 7th grade I had a Mr.Zogs Sex Wax t on and my teacher made me turn it inside out until my mom could pick me up from school for my 3 day suspension . The funnier part of this story is that another kid in class had a Corona beer poncho on and it was fine Confused

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