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We're looking for a drummer well-versed in the style, someone who understands what goes into being a surf drummer and can nail stops, arrangements, and really drive the band. Serious chops are a must, and a rehearsal space is a BIG plus. Ideally we'd like someone local to Marietta, but we're open to making a short drive for the right drummer!Our set includes a lot of Dick Dale and Ventures tunes, with some Duane Eddy and Link Wray stuff for good measure. Our aim is to get three sets of material very solid and well rehearsed, play out a bit, and then start writing some material and make a record. Our pace is fairly quick, so please be a serious cat! Hit me up!

Best of luck David! I'll keep eyes and ears open!

Hey, Jamie! Thanks a lot, man. The guy we've got just ain't cutting it.

It is nowhere as easy as some people think.

Good luck.

eddie k

Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

David, have you tried the Atlanta Craigslist? There are usually several drummers looking for bands (and vice versa) on there. You'll want to specify SURF drummer and be prepared to audition drummers that may not be at all what you are looking for.

As Eddie mentioned, finding the right one can be difficult. A knowledgeable, experienced surf drummer that isn't already in an active band is pretty much a unicorn in this neck of the woods.

Happy hunting! Smile

Jack Booth
(aka WoodyJ)

The Mariners (1964-68, 1996-2005)
The Hula Hounds (1996-current)
The X-Rays (1997-2004)
The Surge! (2004, 2011-2012)
Various non-surf bands that actually made money

Thanks so much, Eddie and Woody. We have a gig on the 17th, so we need a guy who can rehearse this Saturday and play the set on the 17th. Gotta get it together pretty quick!

Sooooo. . . we had a drummer lined up to audition for The Fugitives on the 31st of this month, and he backed out today. So we're on the hunt! If you or a friend happens to be an experienced and/ or skilled drummer and would like to play with a stripped-down and aggressive instrumental surf rock trio, this is your chance to shine. We need a guy who can rehearse once a week, gig freely, and can learn songs as quickly as we can, which is pretty damn quick. Inbox me or comment for a song list and details! Thanks!

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