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Permalink Brisbane and the (sad) surf scene......

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Shout out to any surf/psychedelic instro space rockers out there ?
I'm in Brighton on brisbanes northside. I havent gigged in a year or so (originals bands) but I think its time to take steps towards forming or joining in with anyone surf instro orientated. Practising alone without a live gig goal is near impossible for me and the blues jams are fun but done.
So anyone keen to work on a set list? I play 6 string, lap steel and harmonica.
Just throwing it out there. Big Grin

Hope you find some peeps to play with!

Good luck, we have same problem here in Indonesia Argh

The Mentawais
The Rentones

Hi Waterman
PM sent Smile

beachbreak a.k.a Sean Cool
Turn up the Reverb!!

At least brissi is getting some traction...
Good luck guys.
Mel is as dry as a toast at the moment.

There's several surf bands and players in Melbourne

ararat wrote:

At least brissi is getting some traction...
Good luck guys.
Mel is as dry as a toast at the moment.

Hey Andrew,
I know you guys play.
I have a running ad here and in melband with 0 traction for a year or so.

Good luck with this Waterman, I'd love to see a surf band in Brisbane. I'm in your area but have no musical skills what so ever to help out.

J_T get a theremin!! Big Grin , you can contribute with any tool you think, just jump in the water and you will most likely swim well.



ararat wrote:

Hey Andrew,
I know you guys play.
I have a running ad here and in melband with 0 traction for a year or so.

Good luck to all in the dry places of the earth. High and only infrequently wet in Denver.

kruelkats wrote:

Good luck, we have same problem here in Indonesia Argh
Hey Kruelkatz...,

Im in Bali ..., into traditional surf , surf punk , spy , punk , 60 garage, rockabilly , rock'n'roll cow punk , actually all punk , alternative , grungy , swampy etc

..., all sorts except Electronic Dance music (that makes me want to puke)

I am a songwriter, but I Play guitar, and bass, lap steel, Harmonica, + program virtual Instruments like drums , keys etc ..., I have home studio for recording

Im a bule old fart , but still young at heart and a bit crazy. I still like to charge out in the Big surf.

I'd move there and join a band with you if I could! Love me some surf and some AFL!

To Boldly go where no Tiki has gone before...

Hey Waterman PM sent

Hey Guys,

I'll be up your way this week. Six gigs all up. Three with my (instro) band and three with Mental As Anything. Come to a show if you can.

So are there any surf/instrumental players around looking to play?

Last edited: Dec 09, 2016 15:58:41

philjudd wrote:

So are there any surf/instrumental players around looking to play?

Where are you located Phil?

I am in Bardon...looking to learn some stuff and find some muso's next year.

If you want a true dearth of surf musicians I still say nothing compares to the state of Delaware, 40 miles of white sand beach and the total supply of surf players consists of me. That and I just bought a Moog Etherwave Theremin, you gotta get one, much too cool.

Not much surf music in the 'surf town' of Byron Bay. If you get some gigs together let us know I would come up to Brisbane for it. (weird - 10,500 beaches in Australia and almost no surf music!)

'Surf Music Lasts Forever'

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