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Permalink Turn off the 'verb!

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I played out the other day, and instead of hauling all the stuff, I brought out my Brian May Special which I haven't used in about 6 months. It's a little white 5 watt practice amp which isn't traditionally surf friendly, but it is just a blast to play through for anything else. It has no reverb...

I haven't played with NO reverb in so long I forgot how much sloppiness even a slight amount of reverb can cover! My cleanliness and execution actually improved in less than 15 minutes!

Every once in awhile, just turn off the reverb...

Embarassed i got 2 little vox pathfinder 10's, usually run an rp80 thru 'em for insanity purposes. sometimes i get 1 of 'em out and play thru it---no verb. and yes, it will clean up your playing fast!! sure makes me appreciate even a crappy verb!! also bang on the acoustic a bit for the same purpose, but sometimes itsnotloudenough!!!!!!!!!!!!!peace

I thought this topic was about turning my band off.


I thought the same thing, and I did not agree at all.

But this is okay. I've been playing acoustic lately--no reverb there.

I thought this topic was about turning my band off.


Laughing as did I!!

I thought this topic was about turning my band off.


Shoot, and here I went and turn them off. Now I gotta get up, go over and turn 'em back on again! Jeez...


What kind of reverb do you all use?

"One may smile, and smile, and be a villian"


..."no reverb" that will ever happen!!!


What kind of reverb do you all use?

Welcome aboard Alex,

The answer is a 'Fender stand alone reverb unit'. Start browsing thru the website and you'll learn more than you ever thought possible about the things. I'm sorry to inform you that you can't approach the 'true surf sound' without one of these. And typically used in tandem with a fender strat/jag/jazzmaster or Mosrite- though guitar choice is more forgiving than reverb type - and played thru a Fender tube amp (>or =40 watts) Whether you want or need to do so is entirely up to you.

BTW, the reverb units cost from $300 to $500 for the reissues.

Feel free to ask as many questions as you'd like, that's why we're here. However, most info you'll seek is probably within the archives, so have fun rooting around.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Hey I have one of those little Brian May Special in white too!
Nope it doesn't sound like a surf amp.
It does go beserk into overdrive though.
It has it's uses, and surf isn't one of them, but I never thought about using it to clean up my playing. Hmmm
Interesting tip badash


Without reverb my life wouldn't be complete man. I feel naked without reverb. Sad

Augusto Vite

Thanks Mr Snyder, Im so new to this music, I absoutly love it. Im just trying to figure out an affordable way to play. My band dont want to incorperate it, but im gonna learn anyway.

"One may smile, and smile, and be a villian"

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