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Permalink Surf Album Top 101 @ North Sea Surf Radio; Postponed untill further notice

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Danny, I think you mean "The Phantom Four" for your first choice.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

DannySnyder wrote:

Danny - USA

In no particular order:

  1. Phantom Surfers - Morgana
  2. Laika&TC - Instruments of Terror
  3. The Madeira - Carpe Noctum
  4. Space Cossacks - Tsar Wars
  5. Bambi Molesters - Sonic Bullets!
  6. Satan's Pilgrims - Creature Feature
  7. The Mermen - Glorious Lethal Euphoria
  8. The Kilaueas - Professor Volcanova
  9. The Baronics - Get Bach!
  10. The Beat Tornados - Mission to Mir

Man that was hard. As soon as I press submit I'm sure I'll have regrets.

No no, do not have any regrets! Good choices! Thanks a lot! : )

And, yes, Morgana is the Phantom Four album.

I guess Niels will know this.

Twang cheers!

Ralf Kilauea

jonfender wrote:

After some thought, I did not put in an album (vinyl) which I should have. It came out in the 80's & is REALLY surf music

#11: The Cruncher "Go Surfin' With the Cruncher"

They were a German band & featured the talents of Herbert Hooke on lead guitar. Is anyone here familiar with them ?
BTD is correct in posting "a top 20 or 25 may have been better".

Yes, The Cruncher! He is good known in the german surf music scene. He released 3 (or 4?) vey surfy albums. A few tracks were recorded with rhythm machine, but it sounds very good for me! He did a lot of cover versions, and I LOVE them. His version of Latinia from the album Surf Guitar for example is the best Latinia version for me. He has got a unique drippy guitar tone out of his old Jazzmaster! As I know The Cruncher was always a studio project.
Herbert Hooke aka The Cruncher is still active and is doing a Rock n Roll radio show. Last surf music activity is about 6 years ago…
Sometimes I play a few songs from The Cruncher in my "The Fantastic Four" radio show at NSSR.
Check out his albums!

Twang cheers!

Ralf Kilauea

Last edited: Mar 08, 2014 12:48:26

HallmarkSweptWinger wrote:

And, yes, Morgana is the Phantom Four album.

I guess Niels will know this.

Yikes! now fixed

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Ah, Danny, the title Professor Volcanova is also a bit wrong. But just a bit…
The title is in spain : ) So we call it Profesor with only one s here. Haha!


: )

Twang cheers!

Ralf Kilauea

Name: Paul
Country: USA
1. Atomic Mosquitos – "Atomic Mosquitos (2002)"
2. The Tomorrowmen – "It's About Time!"
3. The Supertones – "Supertones Are Go!"
4. The Madeira – "Tribal Fires"
5. Aqualads – "Treasures"
6. The Penetrators – "Locked & Loaded"
7. Los Straitjackets – "Viva Los Straitjackets"
8. The Surf Coasters – "Misirlou 10th Anniversary Best"
9. The Concussions – "Fall In Love With The Concussions"
10. The Breakaways – "Time Surfin'"


HallmarkSweptWinger wrote:

Ah, Danny, the title Professor Volcanova is also a bit wrong. But just a bit…
The title is in spain : ) So we call it Profesor with only one s here. Haha!


: )

You're lucky I spelled Kilauea right, Ralf Duh

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Thanks for everyone who included the TomorrowMen's album on their list, it's much appreciated!

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

I have about 50 cd's. After looking at the other posts, I realize I haven't scratched the surface of what's out there. I think I'm going to quietly watch.

Name: Ben J (wooza)
Country: USA

  1. The Madeira - Carpe Noctem
  2. Los Twang Marvels - Jungle of Twang
  3. The Bambi Molesters - Dumb Loud Hollow Twang Deluxe
  4. The Barbwires - Searider
  5. The Surf Coasters - Surf Attack
  6. The Madeira - Tribal Fury
  7. The Mermen - At the Haunted House
  8. The Space Cossacks - Interstellar Stomp
  9. Satan's Pilgrims - Creature Feature
  10. The Mach IV - Eleki!

Some honorable mentions (since it's too hard to list only 10):
Pollo Del Mar - The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
The Royal Fingers - Wild Eleki Deluxe
The Surf Coasters - Samurai Struck, Surfdelic
The Concussions - Fall in Love With...
The Deadbeats - Day of the Deadbeats Stir the Pot

wfoguy wrote:

I have about 50 cd's. After looking at the other posts, I realize I haven't scratched the surface of what's out there. I think I'm going to quietly watch.

I had that issue last year & just treated it as an opportunity; reading some of the other lists just got me exploring further & I found more tasty stuff. Still, post what trips your trigger; it's likely to be different next year.

Edit: I just finished a re-listen of a Torquays album. I should've waited till the last minute, making the teacher call home for my assignment. Can't we have 11......?
Face Palm

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Last edited: Mar 09, 2014 19:55:56

I have a lot of favorite modern surf albums. But the one thing that makes this list difficult is that I really do see the 90's movement as a separate thing from the mid 2000's and further movement...None-the-less, I have done my best.

  1. Stereophonic Space Sounds Unlimited - Plays Lost TV Themes
  2. Man or Astro-man? - Project Infinity
  3. Daikaiju - Phase II
  4. Shadowy Men on a Shadowy Planet - Dim the Lights
  5. Surf Motherfuckers - Solano Star
  6. Space Cossacks - Tzar Wars
  7. Madeira - Tribal Fires
  8. The Mystery Men? - Sonos Delirium
  9. The Dead Rocks - International Brazilian Surfs
  10. The Tomorrowmen - It's About Time

THE KBK ... This is the last known signal. We offer Sanctuary.

Last edited: Mar 10, 2014 12:40:18

Ok, here's my Top 10.

Name: J. Emilio J. Nava Cool
Country: Mexico

  1. The Nebulas - Nebula One
  2. The Bitch Boys - In Heat
  3. The Fathoms - Fathomless
  4. The Volcanos - Surf Quake
  5. The Bambi Molesters - Dumb Hollow Twang
  6. The Phantom Surfers - The Great Surf Crash Of '97
  7. Surfer Joe - Señor Surf
  8. The Torquays - Somewhere In California
  9. The Surfites - Big Pounder
  10. The Bradipos IV - Surf Sessions

When you have to shoot ... shoot! Don't talk.

"Los Grainders" >
"The Strings Aflame" >
"Planeta Reverb" >

Last edited: Mar 10, 2014 22:22:50

Just to clarify to people,
When you say no particular order.
Do you know that the number 1 gets more points
Down to number 10 getting the least.
So the order you put them in does matter.


Thanks for the heads up Jeff. Niels, I'm going to adjust my list. Dang it was hard enough just making it.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Tough to rank, but...
Country USA
1. Surf Coasters, Samurai Struck
2. Aqua Velvets, Guitar Noire
3. Frankie and Poolboys, Frankie and the Poolboys
4. Surf Coasters, Surf Attack
5. Pollo Del Mar, The Ocean is Not for Cowards
6. Barb Wires, Sea Rider
7. Daikaiju, Daikaiju
8. Penetrators, Locked and Loaded
9. Slacktone, Into the Blue Sparkle
10. Bambi Molesters, As the Dark Wave Swells

oops, two best ofs, Fixerated

Last edited: Mar 10, 2014 22:21:24

Name: Sascha Reynders
Country: France...but also a bit Belgium Wink

  1. The Ghastly Ones - A-Haunting We Will Go-Go (1998 original release)
  2. The Barbwires - Sea Rider
  3. Satan's Pilgrims - At Home With...
  4. Man Or Astro-Man? - Your Weight On The Moon
  5. The Nebulas - The Nebulas
  6. Fifty Foot Combo - Go Hunting
  7. The Apemen - Surfvival Of De Onbeschoftste
  8. The Wangs - On Target
  9. Slacktone - Into The Blue Sparkle
  10. The Razorblades - Dark Side Of The Beach

"Duck Tape is like The Force: it has a light side and a dark side and it holds the universe together"

I've struggled. I've been unable to make a logical complete decision. There's so many albums that have half that are great and then not so great. I finally based my decision on how the whole album affects me. I really couldn't make a placement for the ten so I don't want to reflect negatively on any band that I placed them lower than the others. That was my own failure to be decisive. I like so much of this music that it all blends in to one large happy place in my world.
Country: USA
1: Glasgow Tiki Shakers- Little Orbit
2: Van Duras- In the Dark
3: Halibuts- Chumming
4: Eliminators- Unleashed
5: Pollo Del Mar- The Golden State
6: Penetrators- Locked and Loaded
7: Voodoo Court- Aggravated Marshmellow
8: Pollo Del Mar- Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
9: The Madeira- Sandstorm
10: Frankie & the Pool Boys

Name: James
Country: USA
1. Surf Kings – “Up From The Depths”
2. Supertones – “Surf Fever 2000”
3. Duo-Tones – “Surf Music Unplugged”
4. Jon & The Nightriders – “Fiberglass Rocket”
5. Evan Foster – “Instrumentals”
6. Looney Tunes – “Cool Surfin’”
7. Surf Trio – “Moxie And More”
8. Jon & The Nightriders – “Moving Target”
9. Shadowy Men On A Shadowy Planet – “Savvy Show Stoppers”
10. Surfdusters – “Rain Coast Rumble”

I have no idea why I made these choices. My ideas change daily. So I had to confirm something. This is WAY more difficult than the singles! It depends on personal influences, personal history, thoughts, periods, sounds... and thinking of the overall sound of the album, more than the single track.

Name: Lorenzo Surfer Joe
Country: Italy

  1. Slacktone - Into the Blue Sparkle
  2. Jon & the Nightriders - Surf Beat 80
  3. Los Straitjackets - Velvet Touch of…
  4. Bradipos IV - Instromania
  5. Fathoms - Fathom This
  6. Treble Spankers - Hasheeda
  7. Frankie & the Pool Boys - Frankie & the Pool Boys
  8. Madeira - Carpe Noctem
  9. Atlantics - Flight of the Surf Guitar
  10. Longboards - Insane!

Lorenzo "Surfer Joe" Valdambrini

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