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Permalink Spazz Presents Pre-Instro Summit Show in Greenville, NC, May 15

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Hey guys,

I live in Greenville, NC. We're less than an hour and a half east of Durham. I've been contacted by one of the bands playing Friday at Instro Summit about other gigs in the area while they are here from out-of-state.

I've contacted a local music promoter who runs Spazz Presents. He is open to hosting an event in Greenville on Thursday, May 15. There are tons of details that will need to be worked out but are there any other bands that would be interested in a gig the night before the Instro Summit? We're thinking 3-5 bands playing starting at 8:00pm till 2ish.

I can't promise a lot of money but it should cover gas and meals for the day plus a little extra. I'm also willing to personally pay for one hotel room per band to help offset your costs.

PM me if you might be interested. Again, no guarantees. We're just gauging interest to see if this idea is worth pursuing.


The Out of Limits

Eastern Carolina BBQ is worth the trip alone.
I dream of that stuff.
Hats off for your generosity.

Yep, and we live in Pitt County, home to Bee's, Bum's, and Pete Jones' BBQ; all of which have been featured on Food Network and/or the History Channel's History of Barbeque! Wink

The Out of Limits

It's on... 3 instro bands in Greenville (about an hour from Durham) on May 15, the night before Instro Summit! Hope you can fit it into your travel plans!


The Out of Limits

Last edited: Mar 14, 2014 09:13:01

I'll be there if I can get in early enough Thursday evening.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Last edited: Mar 14, 2014 09:16:01

Gee Chipper...............I haven't had breakfast this morning yet.

Vinegar based barbecue.................yum.

NC has a kick butt breakfast biscuit chain (who's name currently eludes me).
I am sure that Kev knows the name, be on the lookout for it.


Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

Eddie, are you thinking of Biscuitville? The Charlotte-based Bojangles also has great biscuits... available all day long and many locations.


"I knew I was in trouble when the Coco-Loco tasted like water!" -- morphball

Biscuits are our bread and butter... If you plan on coming, PM me and I'll send my cell number. I can get a group rate on rooms for $49 for a double. You can't beat that deal because it's a really nice venue. I'll reserve the room for you.

The Out of Limits

Yeah, Biscuitville!!!!!! Don't yet know what the Surge! brothers are pondering about our trip to Durham. Will keep it in mind for sure though!



Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

We hope to see some of you guys in Greenville this Thursday for a pre-Summit show! Music starts at 8:00 and we now have 4 bands playing!!! Sea Dirt, SuperCobraJet, The Out of Limits, and The Trabants!

The Out of Limits

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