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Permalink Surftone Memories / Dave Myers And The Surftones By Dennis Merritt

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For what it's worth, flutter tongue, and growl.


I really don't know how 'Moment Of Truth' got to be a Dave Myers song initially but probably through the writers and producers that Dave was associated with on so many of his early songs.I also didn't know it was a Surfari's tune at all?
Good link for the flutter tongue and growl examples. I never was a fan of flutter tongue it's self, I think a good example of it's use was 'Boss".
As far as the growl it's actually quite simple by just doing a growl in the back of your throat. It can be controlled from a mild growl to a more raspier version depending on the wanted effect and the individual style of the player.

Last edited: Feb 19, 2014 20:49:33

If i recall correctly The Surf Teens from central cal. Also did
Moment of Truth.


Last edited: Feb 19, 2014 21:50:02

That's one of several really nice versions of the song from the time, but I don't think there's any doubt that the classic version is the Dave Myers one found in the Surf Crazy CD. It's a great version and it was just so much more accessible than the others for years. I remember being astounded to discover that Larry Weed had written it. And, of course, it's not on the Original Surfaris LP from Sundazed. One of the reasons that's not such a worthy job of putting out an LP, as important as it is.

Hey Tuck, Thanks...

Hey, I found the original Surfaris 'Moment Of Truth'...very cool!
I did not know this. It seems like Tony Hilder the producer was the link to this tune to Dave Myers ?
Do you know what year they did this ?

I think pretty much '63. I'd have to see what dates John Blair gives in his surf discography and/or what Bob Dalley's Surfin' Guitars has. I think I remember Dalley's article on the Surftones mentioning the Surftones encountering the (Original) Surfaris once in the driveway at Ted Brinson's garage recording studio, so I know there was some sort of overlap.

That wasn't the only studio either group recorded at, of course, or the only one Hilder used, and both groups had a "post-Hilder" period - a pretty long one for the Dave Myers operation, obviously. Hilder stopped producing surf and doowop to work on the Goldwater campaign and (I gather) the John Birch Society. He was quite conservative. He may still be around, actually. Some years ago now I noticed he had some sort of conspiracy theory thing up on YouTube about 9/11.

It would be interesting to know more about the processes by which music moved between groups. Was it through producers like Hilder, or did people just hear each other play, or, when releases made that possible, buy and listen to records. In a few cases we know that things were transmitted that hadn't been released yet. Sometimes they weren't released until the 90s.

The reason this is interesting is not just the accumulation of random historical data. In many cases the songs evolved as they were picked up by different groups and dating or direct testimony tells us which of several groups playing a certain version of a song must have been responsible for developing that version. I think the Dave Myers group had a lot to do with the "evolution" of songs like Intoxica and Exotic into the forms people enjoy today. And Moment of Truth too, obviously!

Dennis, I can't tell you how great it is to be able to talk with people like you and Art Guy about your experiences!

It is so cool to be in touch with you guys like Tuck that have a wonderful historical handle on the surf music scene.
Hey, I think I mentioned before that I've done automotive illustrations for a cazillion years for Road&Track, etc. Here's a woody I illustrated this last summer...reminds me of long summer days spent at the beach and the smell of Coppertone.


Last edited: Feb 20, 2014 18:29:30

I know that style! Amazing. I probably have many dozens of your illustrations in my old magazines. In a million years I wouldn't have guessed I'd cross paths with you on a music forum!

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Thanks Noel, by your avatar I see you're a car guy...very cool. My design website has a silo of car illustrations I've done as well as some of the automotive design as a creative director.
Website is:

One place we played at in the early 60's was called the 'Casino Club' in San Clemnte Ca. It was an octagon or circular shape as was the dance floor. The stage was very small only about a foot tall and there was no green room to escape to during breaks so you just had to hang out inside or go out on the steps in between sets.
When we first started playing there the crowd was pretty sparse...nothing crappier and a bummer to a band than looking out at an almost empty dance floor. Later,as word got around, the crowds grew and we packed the place every time we played there. During the summer f I remember correctly we played only on Wednesday nights as were were booked solid at Harmony Park in Anaheim on Friday and and Sundays.
I really didn't like the venue because it was so far away from home and by the time we finished at 12PM and loaded up the equipment it was more like 1 PM before you left for home. For me that was over an hour drive so you would have to drive up Coast Hwy. to Huntington and then inland. What really sucked was if the coast was socked in with fog. It was OK for Dave though as he lived in South Laguna Beach.
The building is still there and totally refurbished with a nice area outside that they use for weddings, etc.


Last edited: Feb 21, 2014 02:17:05

Do you know the address of that place, I'd like to go see it.



No I don't but it's easy enough to find as it's right in downtown San Clemente.

surfinsax wrote:

Thanks Noel, by your avatar I see you're a car guy...very cool. My design website has a silo of car illustrations I've done as well as some of the automotive design as a creative director.
Website is:

I spent many, many hours as a young person admiring the beautiful illustrations and photographs of automobiles in the magazines you drew for. I briefly corresponded with Dick Teague when I was in 7th Grade (for a career day assignment) about automotive design. He asked to see my drawings (simple line drawings of derivative designs based on R&T's tech-page diagrams) and he was very encouraging. But my talent was not; I couldn't develop it beyond a certain cartoonish level.

The letters from Dick Teague are long ago lost to too many moves and a stern college-age (1970) indifference to childish things. But those fond memories were vividly revived looking at your illustrations.

Thanks, Dennis!

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

What a treat - amazing read. Thanks for capturing the history and sharing it here, Dennis!


El Mirage @ ReverbNation

Onslow_Beach wrote:

What a treat - amazing read. Thanks for capturing the history and sharing it here, Dennis!

Thanks man,
It was my pleasure. I'll add more as memories surface.
I traded e-mails with Seaton the last few days and were going to try to get together in the next couple of months when I get over to California.

John, thanks for correcting me on Cecilia Ann. I had always thought the Surftones were the same as Dave Meyer and the Surftones. I appreciate you setting me on the right path!

Craig Skelly

Little Kahuna
The Breakaways
The Curl Riders

Great stories Dennis, thank you.

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