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SurfGuitar101 Forums » Music Reviews »

Permalink The Best of the New Dimensions (Sundazed)

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22 tracks.
With Art being here now and couple of other posts about family trees & Art taking Q&A, thought I'd put up my impressions of this CD (which is playing through its 2nd pass in the background now).

The New Dimensions (The Best of the New Dimensions, Sundazed)
With Art on board here I had to have this. It evokes a special time when it was a different country.

And to think that, while Kenny & I were loading up the bungeed racks on the back of our bicycles for the multi-hour trip from the San Fernando Valley to go play in the ocean at Santa Monica and be back by dark, wheeling past Clint Eastwood's first house (remember Rowdy Yates?), these guys were making serious music.

If someone wanted a definitive CD that included sax & piano that tells them what surf & stomp music, with a definable groove, and what all the Jags, JM's, big rigs & outboard tanks sounded like - I would let them listen to this (get your hands off, go buy your own).

As I said about Crazy Aces' current album out applies, not a ho-hum track on the thing so I'll mention a couple of other things, rather than go song-specific:

  • I am really glad that I bought the physical CD rather than find it a tad cheaper buying the MP3 download. The liner notes pamphlet is a history of the band as well as launches into what endeavors members were involved in years afterward. It is replete with photos and the first portion of the liner notes is written by lead guitarist Michael Lloyd. There are pics of all the members in action as well as a reunion pic. (Art, such a serious young man on stage, was good to see that smiling pic of you in the reunion photo.)

  • Also inside: Biz advertisements of the time, The Completely Magnificent Dimensions, available for Parties, Gremlin Stomps, and Bar Mitzvahs, Masters of Variations of Musical Arrangements, call.......
    Folks, as the beginning of the regular liner notes says:
    "Have you heard the one about the obscure surf band that sold 150 million records...?"

If you don't have this one, I feel sorry for you.
Get it. Now. That is all.
Big Grin

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Always buy the cd or LP when possible.
Especially for the cool sundazed and ace records
Releases with great liner notes n pics.


Last edited: Feb 03, 2014 15:00:40

That's a good review, Wes. You ought to consider doing more.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Noel wrote:

That's a good review, Wes. You ought to consider doing more.

Thanks; I will, but have so much to digest and someone lied to me when they said you'll have "copious spare time" when you retire. They might've been fibbing a little.
Big Grin

(Now back to fleshing out how to get some more predictable behavior out of my JM's pots.)

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Last edited: Feb 03, 2014 17:35:51

The liner notes for this really are terrific.

The music is just the right combination of rough and powerful. It feels live. Some of it is live.

As you listen reflect that your worst fears about this CD will be correct: no it isn't everything cool the band ever did.

"Not safe for listening in motorized vehicle" warnings may apply.

Last edited: Feb 04, 2014 11:55:37

Badger wrote:

Noel wrote:

That's a good review, Wes. You ought to consider doing more.

Thanks; I will, but have so much to digest and someone lied to me when they said you'll have "copious spare time" when you retire. They might've been fibbing a little.
Big Grin

(Now back to fleshing out how to get some more predicable behavior out of my JM's pots.)

Well, I had a LOT more spare time until I decided to really learn to play guitar! Big Grin

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Tuck wrote:

"Not safe for listening in motorized vehicle"warnings may apply.

I think you've got something there. I just took it for the 3rd listen in the car doing some running around. It is, indeed, innocently raw energy and I find myself listening to every nuance for some reason. I need to be a passenger in my own car...

The thing that took me with this release back to a galaxy far far away is this:
I can noodle around with the Bambis in the background & the JM takes me to a darker place, or get contemplative with Infra Green & Heinlein. Or if I need happy feet I just put on Crazy Aces, pickup the Strat, step on the Luther Drive & go at it. This collection just says, "Whatever, just pick the damn thing up and PLAY!"

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Badger, great review on the release! One of my all-time personal faves. I really hope every single person on this forum owns this. If not, you should!!

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