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Yesterday's episode of “Surfin’ The Eighties” with no less than 23 instrumental surf tunes from more than 30 years ago!!

Playlist “Surfin’ the Eighties” Februari 19th 2017

  1. The Piers - Zoo at Blackies (80)
  2. Neil Norman - The Perfect Wave (82)
  3. The Evasions - Son of Surf (82)
  4. Agent Orange - Surfbeat '85
  5. The Creatures - The Rip (80)
  6. The Wedge – Debbie (80)
  7. The BottleUps - Lonely Longhorned Skull (84)
  8. The Ventures - Theme From No Smoking (87)
  9. The Escalators - The Munsters Theme (83)
  10. The Surf Raiders - Long Boards at San Onofre (84)
  11. The Cherokees - 7 Samouraïs (81)
  12. The Dialtones - The Cove (82)
  13. Bow Wow Wow - Orang-Outang (81)
  14. Dick Dale and his Del-Tones - One Double One Oh! (86)
  15. Davie Allan & The Arrows – Polyurethane (88)
  16. The Surf Trio - Down I-5 (85)
  17. Lawndale - Interstellar Caravan (86)
  18. Kip - Okie Dokie (88)
  19. The Surf Piranhas - Costa Mesa (84)
  20. Sandy Nelson - Redondo Strand (87)
  21. Jon & the Nightriders - Hit Man (82)
  22. The Packards - Windshield Wiper (80)
  23. The Halibuts - Skinny Dip (86)

Eddy Luca
DJ at North Sea Surf Radio (Fantastic Five)
Music Director (Classic Surf + First Revival Surf) North Sea Surf Radio
Fantastic Five Facebook

Interesting and sometimes scary stuff there.


and these were released on vinyl!
Very good choice Eddy.

There is more to come. I am already working on the next episode.



Gonna publish my playlist before my show airs next Sunday 2/26 as I will be (happily) away from the internet for a while. I dug pretty deep to find some obscure songs or bands. I'll miss Sunday's showtime, but will sit in the IRC next Wednesday at 8PM West Coast time, if anybody wants to talk about surf music Smile

110 Lbs of Drumming - The Rondels
Dynamite - The Clee-Shays
El Monkey - Saxie Russel
Ghost Wave - The Vistas
Hungover - The Martinis
Kuroda bushi - Terry and the Blue Jeans
Love Lost - James Burton
Midnight Surfer - Jerry Cole
Neb’s Tune - Ahab and the Wailers
Paganini Twist - United Artists Studio Orchestra
Taboo - Sounds Incorporated
Shish Kebab - The Black albinos
The Robot - The Cousins
No Place Special - The Titans
Twist of the Spinsters - Ennio Morricone
Bay Area Band Spotlight---
(as bed music) Three Gymnopodies - The Pyronauts -Pray for Surf
Lake Surfin - The Pyronauts - Surf Motel
Sprinkler of Doom - The Pyronauts - Live In San Francisco
Sifaka - The Pyronauts - Surf and Destroy
Sifaka - Pollo Del Mar - unreleased

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DJ Frankie Pool Boy on North Sea Surf Radio

News flash, the Fantastic Five show is now on Saturday which is today. Airing at 1 PM West Coast time. Please go to for more information.

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DJ Frankie Pool Boy on North Sea Surf Radio



in my next show you will hear some of the most horrible, most boring surf / instrumental songs.
Worst voting ever!!!
Check the NSSR timetable for the "Fantastic Five" show with Ralf Kilauea.

Twang cheers!

Ralf Kilauea

I'm torn, on one hand, I don't want to hear horrible songs.
But my deviant side wants to know what you play. I'll be tuning in,


Some songs horrible in a funny way.
In a few cases so horrible that I can not believe that someone recorded this.
It is not my intention to bash bands or something! Fun is the intention.

Twang cheers!

Ralf Kilauea

Here's my playlist of "Surfin 'The Eighties" part 4.

Playlist “Surfin’ the Eighties” week 10

  1. Jon and the Nightriders - Storm Dancer (87)
  2. Surfin Dave & The Absent Legends - Pistols At Dawn (85)
  3. The Insect Surfers – Stingray (81)
  4. The Revtunes - Surfin' to the Max
  5. Cruis-O-matic - Invasion of the Body Surfers (86)
  6. The Surfaris – Earthquake (81)
  7. The Mustangs – Stoogie (88)
  8. Angelo Santoro - Surfin' on the Nile (88)
  9. The Go Go's - Surfin' & Spyin' (81)
  10. The Pandoras - Thunder Alley (87)
  11. The Nightrunners - Last Train to Surf City
  12. The Packards - Lanky Bones (80)
  13. Dick Dale & Stevie Ray Vaughn – Pipeline (87)
  14. The Halibuts - Exodus 5-0 (84)
  15. The Overtones - Calhoun Surf (80)
  16. The Unknowns - Olajae de Misterio (88)
  17. The Beat Poets - Surf’s Up (87)
  18. The Raybeats - B-Gas Rickshaw (81)
  19. Sid Presley Experience – Firewater (84)
  20. The Cheepskates - Last Minute Rush (83)
  21. Jerry McNeish – Stringer (87)
  22. Jon & the Nightriders - Charge Of The Nightriders (82)

Eddy Luca
DJ at North Sea Surf Radio (Fantastic Five)
Music Director (Classic Surf + First Revival Surf) North Sea Surf Radio
Fantastic Five Facebook

HallmarkSweptWinger wrote:

Some songs horrible in a funny way.
In a few cases so horrible that I can not believe that someone recorded this.
It is not my intention to bash bands or something! Fun is the intention.

...I wanted to post the playlist for this show but I don`t find it... worst playlist case... sorry.
anyway, any comments? I know, two people listened minimum. Smile

Twang cheers!

Ralf Kilauea

Alright, alright, alright. Next Firetone/Twang episode is coming up tonight 22:00 CET (that's in 3 hours time). Yes, it is a new timeslot and it just fits perfectly with your Saturday night tiki drinks. To celebrate this - and life in general - we'll present a brand new track from Welsh band Y Niwl's upcoming album. A world premiere that is. Tune in!

El Bluesky
El Ray
El Ray on Bandcamp
El Twang on YouTube

Great show El & El!!!

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DJ Frankie Pool Boy on North Sea Surf Radio

DJ Frankie Poolboy on the air today at 1PM PST. I will have two brand-new Satan's Pilgrims songs, a Bay Area Spotlight on Planet 7, deep tracks from Al Garcia, Kilaueas, Tiki Tiki Bamboos, Beach Boys and many more. Also a "Telecaster" surf set.
I will be in the SG101 ShallowEnd IRC chatroom if you wanna hang out.

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Pollo Del Mar on FB
DJ Frankie Pool Boy on North Sea Surf Radio

Mike Surf is on now, I guess my show is at 2PM. Looks like the schedule needs updating to USST (U.S. stupid time). Guaranteed that the first president that does away with Savings Time will be a national hero.


PolloGuitar wrote:

DJ Frankie Poolboy on the air today at 1PM PST. I will have two brand-new Satan's Pilgrims songs, a Bay Area Spotlight on Planet 7, deep tracks from Al Garcia, Kilaueas, Tiki Tiki Bamboos, Beach Boys and many more. Also a "Telecaster" surf set.
I will be in the SG101 ShallowEnd IRC chatroom if you wanna hang out.

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Pollo Del Mar on FB
DJ Frankie Pool Boy on North Sea Surf Radio

Great show. Planet 7 was neat! Smile

Thanks to all who listened!

DJ Frankie Poolboy
NSSR Show 2017-#3-March 25

will repeat on Monday night at 8PM PST

The Fireball – Satan’s Pilgrims – Sinestro
The Shack – Al Garcia & the Rhythm Kings
Pedal Pusher – 3 Balls of Fire – Jet Set Guitars

Unknown – Splashback – Live at KFJC
Tiki Tiki Bamboos – Shark Next Door
Seashore Ratarol – Sell Cancers

Spring Is Nearly Here – The Shadows
Summer Is Nearly Here – The Surf Coasters
Pet sounds – The Beach Boys – Pet Sounds

Graveyard Stomp – Satan’s Pilgrims – Sinestro
Silhouette – Sell Cancers
Luna Tiki – The Kilaueas

Bay Area Band Spotlight: Planet Seven
(bed music): 16mm
A Great Divide – Planet Seven – The Tomorrow That Never Was
Lost On Valencia – Planet Seven – The Tomorrow That Never Was
Power Strip – Planet Seven – Pleasurecraft Recovery Theme

Turf’s Up – Brad Paisley – Play
Torpedo – Marty Stuart w/ Kenny Vaughn – Way Out West
Hawaii 5O – Dweezil Zappa
El Monkey – Saxie Russell

Buy Speed of Dark @ Bandcamp
Buy Spin the Bottle @ Bandcamp
My Blog- Euro Tour Blog
Pool Boys on Spotify
Frankie & The Pool Boys on FB
Pollo Del Mar on FB
DJ Frankie Pool Boy on North Sea Surf Radio

Last edited: Mar 26, 2017 14:45:43

Playlist of last Saturday’s “Surfin’ The Eighties” part 5.
24 tracks in one hour. Wow, must be my personal record.

Playlist “Surfin’ the Eighties” week 14

  1. The BottleUps - Woo Hoo (85)
  2. The Surf Raiders - Curl Rider '84
  3. The Piers - Surf Route (80)
  4. The Cruncher - Taco Wagon (87)
  5. The Surf Piranhas - Sunset Beach (84)
  6. The Pandoras - Haunted Beach Party (84)
  7. The Dactaris - Elmstreet Nightmare (89)
  8. Jon & the Nightriders - The Nightrider (81)
  9. The Surf Trio - Beach Genius (85)
  10. Jerry McNeish - Las Vegas Scene (87)
  11. Davie Allan & The Arrows - Deep Six (87)
  12. The Halibuts - Little Old Ladies Seldom Cut Back (84)
  13. Beach Coma – Shotgun (85)
  14. The Surf Raiders - Wave Walk'n (83)
  15. The Schematics - South of the Surf (80)
  16. The Smithereens - Hang Ten High (86)
  17. The Tikis – Surfadelic (81)
  18. The Insect Surfers - Dorsal Fin (80)
  19. The Infernos - The 1000 lb Bee (87)
  20. The Revtunes - The Avenger
  21. The Surfaris - Point Panic (81)
  22. The Evasions – Evasion (82)
  23. The Wedge - Endless Sun (83)
  24. Shark Bait - Surf Punk (88)

Eddy Luca
DJ at North Sea Surf Radio (Fantastic Five)
Music Director (Classic Surf + First Revival Surf) North Sea Surf Radio
Fantastic Five Facebook

1PM Pacific time today, tune in to for my show as Frankie Poolboy takes a ride on the surf train this week! Songs from Los Agamemnonz, Los Venturas, Splashdowns, El Supernaut, The Surf Coasters, Hatori Hanzo Surf Experience, Muse (????) and many more! Bay Area Spotlight this week on Splashback.

I'll be in the IRC if anybody wants to chat about, I don't know, SURF MUSIC????

Buy Speed of Dark @ Bandcamp
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Pollo Del Mar on FB
DJ Frankie Pool Boy on North Sea Surf Radio

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