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The Continental Magazine Issue # 21 Review By Noel

Double Crown Records is owned and operated by Sean Berry. It’s truly a labor of love. In addition to the records he releases on this label and the other records and publications he sells, he produces and publishes The Continental Magazine. This small periodical is a treasure-trove of information of interest to lovers of surf and instrumental rock music. Though small in size and few in pages (honestly I have trouble reading the small print and I wear trifocals) the amount of information jam-packed into this magazine is almost unbelievable. Each issue normally contains two in-depth interviews with artists or bands of great historical or contemporary interest, pages of brief record reviews, the occasional concert or show report, and a compilation CD that is worth twice the price of the magazine if it were sold by itself. Issue # 21 is the subject of this review.

Fifty Years of Thunder and Lightning is the title of the Interview with the Atlantics, by Ivan Pongracic of The Maderia. Spanning eight full pages and five half pages, the interview is with two original members, lead guitarist Jim Skiatithis and drummer Peter Hood. The first question should be enough to reveal the depth of the interview, “Give us the full story about the beginnings of the band.” And Peter and Jim proceed, led by Ivan’s questions, to do just that.

Next is a one page review of a show by The Mono Men with Fireballs of Freedom. I’d say Sean has too much fun, but I know how hard it is to run a small independent record label and do everything else necessary to publish this magazine.

Then comes Eddie Bertrand: In Memorium, by Ivan Pongracic. Pulled together by Ivan from a forum thread on Surf Guitar 101, Ivan starts with an heartfelt tribute to Eddie Bertrand, and a summary of the highlights of his singularly significant place in the founding and early history of surf music. Then, Ivan weaves together questions from himself and forum members such as Ted Pilgrim of Satan’s Pilgrims, Danny Snyder of Frankie & The Pool Boys, The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party, and several others from SG101, with Eddie’s own answers, to let Eddie tell his story in his own words. Reading it is both uplifting and heart-breaking. I’m left with the impression of a generous, humble man of enormous talent who far-too briefly got the recognition he earned, and then many years later, right at the dawn of what was a new era of recognition of Eddie, for the music he so clearly loved and was its’ master, when a new generation of surf musicians and fans could have seen and heard him perform, Eddie tragically was diagnosed with cancer and much too soon passed away. I’m so deeply grateful to Ivan for this wonderful and important labor of love. If you love surf music, you owe it to yourself, and Eddie Bertrand, to read this amazing interview.

Following the interview with Eddie Bretrand is an interview by Kristina Hernandez with Steve Seagren, the director of the Reverb Junkies DVD. Kristina starts with a few background questions and then dives right in to discuss the production and filming of Reverb Junkies. If you don’t already own it, get the movie. You’ll be very glad you did.

Seven pages of brief music and DVD reviews follow, including one page of Man or Astro-Man? reviews to commemorate the release of three new 7-inch records and one full-length album. I’ve learned to rely on these reviews to point me to music I would otherwise not have given thought to, and I haven’t been disappointed.

Finally, included with every issue of The Continental Magazine is a compilation CD, and Issue # 21 is no exception. There are twenty-one tracks on this CD. The CD is always worth the price of any issue of the magazine, and this one most certainly is.

  1. Mrs. Moto, by Martin Cilia
  2. Beach Bunny, by Los Venturas
  3. Six Wives Under, by Bang! Mustang
  4. Beluga Sunrise, by The Space Rangers
  5. Duelo al Sol, by Durango14
  6. I Am The Werewolf, by The Mag Seven
  7. Corridor-X, By Kill, Baby… Kill!
  8. Showdown At The Tumbleweed Inn, by The Surfraders
  9. Rodeo, by The Stents
  10. Point Zero, by The West Samoa Surf League
  11. Tennessee Deadshot, by The Twang-O-Matics
  12. Tsunami Escape Route, by 9th Wave
  13. Jedd’s Gold Sled, by Crazy Aces
  14. Wailin’ Wolf, by The Monster Stalkers
  15. That’s Right, by Pirato Ketchup
  16. Backwash, by North of Malibu
  17. Slide, by Joe Matera
  18. Morocco, by King Pelican
  19. DelMarVa, by Insect Surfers
  20. Devil’s Dragstrip, by The Mighty Landshark!
  21. Carbomb, by The Bills

This is an amazing grouping of songs. There truly isn’t a weak song in the list. I’ve listened to it many times. I’m listening to it as I type this, and I don’t grow tired of it. There so much variety to the music. It really stands on its’ own as a worthy addition to any collection of surf music compilations.

Each issue of The Continental Magazine is full of valuable information, entertaining reading and great music. This issue, # 21 is a must-have for anyone who loves surf music.

You can find Issue # 21 of The Continental Magazine at Double Crown Records on the Internet at

Double Crown Records is also on Facebook at

and on Surf Guitar 101 at

You might want to get a subscription so you don't miss an issue. And don't forget to check out their back issues.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Last edited: Dec 21, 2013 20:06:24

stoked to see this is out.....ordering now

Great review, I have this, but have not read it yet,
Or listened to the cd. It's one if the many releases/things
I got at the SG101 convention. It's sitting by my alarm clock in my room.
I need to put it on the coffee table in the front room.
Not much going on this weekend,maybe I can catch up then.


I had meant to write something several issues ago, but it never came together. I'm very glad now I wrote about this very special issue.

And I want to say a special "Thank You!" to Ivan for putting together the interview with Eddie.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Thanks so much, Noel, on this thorough and highly complimentary review! I greatly appreciate it, as does Sean, I'm sure. Writing these articles for the Continental is a pure labor of love, I don't get paid anything, and they're a ton of work, I think most people have no idea how many hours goes into each one of them. But it seems worthwhile to capture a bit of history, to do deep interviews with people that rarely get a chance to speak about their music otherwise, certainly in that kind of detail. I do sometimes wonder if anybody's reading them, though, or if they see the length (and the tiny font!) and say 'skip!' Well, Sean's Continental subscription numbers are still doing pretty well, so that's a good sign, hopefully it means that some are enjoying these pieces.

BTW, the Eddie Bertrand article was a very special one for me, and I'm glad you singled that one out. Of course the thread is available on SG101, but it's highly disconnected, and there are a lot of posts (as there should be) where people are simply expressing their admiration for Eddie and their love for his music. But I personally found it quite enlightening once I stripped the thread down to just its very essence, the substance of his answers, and organized it all so it flowed from one topic to another. There was a ton of fascinating information in there that may have gotten lost amidst all the 'noise.' And I also agree with you that it revealed Eddie as a truly kind and humble human being, which is also how I remember him, having been fortunate enough to spend some time with him. I definitely miss him, and writing this article allowed me to feel as though I was in his presence for a bit longer - reward enough!

Thanks again, Noel!

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Thanks, Ivan. I'm glad you like this review. That means a lot to me. Sean's deeply involved preparing Issue # 22, which among other things means listening to an enormous amount of music, but he told me he read my review. I'm looking forward to the new issue.

Which reminds me, I have to renew my subscription to The Continental Magazine. This was my last one.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Last edited: Dec 21, 2013 18:51:43

Ivan, for the record, there is as least one person here that reads (and appreciates!) Continental cover to cover. As a novice to guitar and surf I feel it's a good way to "catch up" on the history and who's who. It's a bargain at the price. I wish it came out more often.


All I wish I knew what they were talking about

Last edited: Dec 21, 2013 17:53:21

just to let people know, I read them all,
sometimes it just takes a bit to get to them,
ADD is a bitch.


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