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Permalink 2013 in Surf Music. How many of these records have you heard yet?

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The year is almost over. Next weekend will be 2013 weekend at North Sea Surf Radio!
12 hours of shows with surf music released in 2013.

In the meantime, here are 66 releases from 2013.
How many of these have you heard yet???


Titles (left to right):

Row 1:
The Protons - The Explanatory Gap (EP, USA)
Condor Gruppe - 4 track demo (EP, Belgium)
Steinar Karlsen - Hanens Død (Album, Norway)
Demon Vendetta - Guardians Of The Bitter Sea (Album, France)
The Orions - Always Clean And Fresh (EP, Israel)
Bikini Machine - Let’s Party With Bikini Machine Vol.2 (Album, France)

Row 2:
The Twang-O-Matics - Fretboard Mojo (Album, Norway)
A Phonics - People of the Earth (Single, Spain)
Los Tiki Phantoms - Papá Soy Una Zombi (Single, Spain)
Los Derrumbes - Something Like It Wet (Single, Spain)
West Samoa Surfer League - Moments Of Truth (EP, Germany)
Elliot Easton's Tiki Gods - Easton Island (Album, USA)

Row 3:
Monokini - Dos Cañones (Album, Germany)
Twin Tones - La Muerte en Mojave (Album, Mexico)
Bob Irwin & The Pluto Walkers - The Throwaway Age (Album, USA)
Pirato Ketchup - That´s Right! (EP, Belgium)
Boom Pam - Manara and Summer Singles (Album, Israel)
Martin Cilia - Going To Kaleponi (Album, Australia)

Row 4:
Die Kosmonauten - Waka Tapu (split Album, Germany)
The Leonites - Planet aus dem weltraum (split Album, Germany)
Los Coronas - Adiós Sancho (Album, Spain)
Messer Chups - Church Of Reverb (Album, Russia)
Dirty Surf - Luchan, Cantan, Sangran (EP, Spain)
The Pacific Lions - Valle de Los Reyes (Album, Mexico)

Row 5:
Aloha Screwdriver - The Haunted Planet (Album, USA)
Kill,Baby...Kill! - Corridor X (Album, USA)
Frankie & The Pool Boys - The Adventures Of Cap'n Coconuts (Album, USA)
Man Or Astro-Man? - Defcon 5...4...3...2...1 (Album, USA)
Los Freneticos - El Playa (Album, Argentina)
The Mullet Monster Mafia - Clash Of The Irresistible (Album, Brasil)

Row 6
The Chemist & the Acevities - The Anarcho Surf Laboratory Co. (Album, France)
3 Balls Of Fire - Somewhere on the Deep Blue Pacific (Album, USA)
Los Venturas - Paisly Beach (Album, Belgium)
The Apollo Four - Blast Off! (EP, USA)
Insect Surfers - Infra Green (Album, USA)
The Surfites & Thunderchiefs - Surf Nut! (Single, USA)

Row 7:
Danghera - Danghera (EP, Denmark)
Diabolico Coupè - Diabolico Coupè (Album, Italy)
Crime Wave - Crime Waves (EP, USA)
La Luz - TV Dream (Single, USA)
The Surfin' Gorillas - Surfing Hootenanny (Album, UK)
Trabants - Cinematic (Album, USA)

Row 8:
The Mystery Men? - Sonos Delirium (Album, USA)
Surfer Joe - Señor Surf (Album, Italy)
Kanaloas – Letterjacket (Single, Spain)
The Mobsmen - Fraternitas Aurum Factorem (Album, USA)
Dirty Fuse - Surfbetica (Album, Greece)
The Reigning Monarchs - Black Sweater Massacre (Album, USA)

Row 9:
Various (Los Straitjackets) - Mondo Zombie Boogaloo (Album, USA)
The Longboards - Insane! (Album, Spain)
The Taikonauts - Mysteriis Alienis Mundi (Album, France)
Infra-Men - Faster, Giant Squid! Kill! Kill! (Album, USA)
Los Coronas - El Extrano Viaje (EP, Spain)
La Luz - It´s Alive (Album, USA)

Row 10:
The Man From RavCon - Skyscraper (Album, USA)
The Volcanics - The Lonely Ones (Album, USA)
The Twang-O-Matics - Death Grip / Werewolf (Single, Norway)
The Razorblades - Snapshots from the Underground (Album, Germany)
The Coffin Daggers - Cat´s Eyes / The Thing (Single, USA)
Les Agamemnonz - Les Agamemnonz (Album, France)

Row 11:
Alwaro Negro - El Hoyo Negro (Album, Italy)
Goggle-A - Sayonara Summer Hootenanny (Album, Japan)
Los Protones - Mara Villa (Album, Peru)
Los Pegajosos - Profecía Celeste (Album, Mexico)
Culebra and Thee Evolution Surf School - Surf Revellution (Album, Argentina)
The Illuminators - Road to Damascus (EP, Sweden)

Niels Jansen
Program Director
North Sea Surf Radio

To submit your surf music to North Sea Surf Radio send the tracks as .mp3 in 320kbps bitrate with correct tags to via Dropbox.

North Sea Surf Radio: Website- Facebook - Twitter
North Sea Surf Festival: Website - Facebook - Twitter
The Phantom Four: Website - Facebook - Twitter

Last edited: Dec 08, 2013 13:18:23

Just five...(seven but I don't count La Luz). My music listening/purchasing took a huge hit this past year.

I actually don't have the new Man or Astro-Man? yet, one of my favorite bands ever... I pre-ordered it but it never came...

Well I guess than it´s safe to say you´ve got some catching up to do. 2013 was a great year for surf music, so much amazing releases IMHO

Niels Jansen
Program Director
North Sea Surf Radio

To submit your surf music to North Sea Surf Radio send the tracks as .mp3 in 320kbps bitrate with correct tags to via Dropbox.

North Sea Surf Radio: Website- Facebook - Twitter
North Sea Surf Festival: Website - Facebook - Twitter
The Phantom Four: Website - Facebook - Twitter

I've only heard about five of those as well BUT that image strongly resembles my Christmas list that my family demanded.

Shock Only fourteen! I really tried, but a lot of my purchases were of older releases. I have a very long list of records on my short list, which I think just got longer. Yes

I've listened to some of several more, but haven't bought them yet either.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Last edited: Dec 07, 2013 15:55:10

Confused I think about 18 I heard completely, but different titles of about 37 records of these I already heard. I don't think that there is anyone who knows all - the new "Alwaro Negro" for example will be released tomorrow
I've already bought this album (the first two titles sounds really, really good) but I don't know the rest.

What about these records
The Tsulty Tsounds of Go! Tsunami:
Docteur Legume Et Les Surfwerks - Four Tales of Chemistry:
The D-Rays:
Blue Wave Theory - Superstorm:
The Archers - 7''s And Stuff:
Los Wet Guitars - Lost-B Sides:
Susan Surftone - Too Far:
The Retroliners - Too Far:
and maybe this
not really surf, but instrumental and very good!

Last edited: Dec 07, 2013 17:02:46

The above are not supposed to be ALL surf releases of 2013, just the highlights of the releases that reached us. The titles you mention never reached any of us. Will check them for sure, thanks for pointing them out!

Niels Jansen
Program Director
North Sea Surf Radio

To submit your surf music to North Sea Surf Radio send the tracks as .mp3 in 320kbps bitrate with correct tags to via Dropbox.

North Sea Surf Radio: Website- Facebook - Twitter
North Sea Surf Festival: Website - Facebook - Twitter
The Phantom Four: Website - Facebook - Twitter

A couple more:
Aaron & the Burrs - Aaron & the Burrs II
Beware the Danger of a Ghost Scorpion - For Blood Drinkers Only
The Break - Space Farm
King Beez - Deathproof Vol 2
Los Tiros - Tu Pesadilla Regresó, Bienvenido Al Infierno
The Quiets - The Many Faces Of
The Verb - Only 'Verb Can Break Your Heart

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

Oh, I forgot my absolute favorite tune of this year (shame on me!!!)

I would like a poster of that graphic! or a shower curtain or something.

Matt Heaton & the Electric Heaters
Boston's Premier Surf/Noir Combo

ElMonstroPorFavor wrote:

The Verb - Only 'Verb Can Break Your Heart



I'm fortunate enough to have heard 28 of these, some for review in the Continental magazine, plus several on our label. However that's 38 releases that we haven't received for review. If any of you in bands haven't sent your stuff to us for review do so soon, we're working on Continental #22 now.

Double Crown Records

Surf CD's / Vinyl / Fanzines / DVD's
Aloha Screwdriver - Lunar Wobble CD
The Nebulas - Euphorion LP / CD
Supertubos - The Fourth Drive CD
Continental Magazine - Issue #38 w/17 Song CD

Sadly the last few years I've slowed down on surf purchases.
Money has been tight, and then being out of work
Didn't help.
I need to catch up, but I need to win the lotto.


By popular demand I have added the titles to the original post.

This is not supposed to be the definite and complete overview of ALL 2013 surf releases, neither are they all strictly surf records. This are the highlights of releases that have reached North Sea Surf Radio and made our playlist. Next Sunday JonPaul and I will be presenting a six hour show where we will feature tracks from all these releases in chronological order of release. This 2013 Overview is a great opportunity to catch up on a lot you might have missed.


Niels Jansen
Program Director
North Sea Surf Radio

To submit your surf music to North Sea Surf Radio send the tracks as .mp3 in 320kbps bitrate with correct tags to via Dropbox.

North Sea Surf Radio: Website- Facebook - Twitter
North Sea Surf Festival: Website - Facebook - Twitter
The Phantom Four: Website - Facebook - Twitter

Last edited: Dec 08, 2013 13:16:04

Really looking forward to both Sat and Sun.


Thanks Jeff, somehow I knew you would Smile

Niels Jansen
Program Director
North Sea Surf Radio

To submit your surf music to North Sea Surf Radio send the tracks as .mp3 in 320kbps bitrate with correct tags to via Dropbox.

North Sea Surf Radio: Website- Facebook - Twitter
North Sea Surf Festival: Website - Facebook - Twitter
The Phantom Four: Website - Facebook - Twitter

I've got a private DJ gig on Sat.
And a public DJ gig on sun.

I'm gonna have to get ready on Friday
So I can hear the shows early,
then go to the gigs.


24, plus 7 of the the others mentioned. That reminds me...I need to get a life.

Last edited: Dec 08, 2013 14:22:19



i'm at 9 with a few i've tried to buy from europe but something has happened to the sales transaction.

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