We have just released our new holiday album, "The SurfChords: Sea Sun Greetings." An excerpt medley of the 16 songs can be streamed at http://www.SurfChords.com or downloaded via this link: http://www.lawrencesavell.com/SeaSunGreetings-Medley.mp3. A video version is at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkjDwTsyUso.
We believe the album stands out from the annual sea of holiday/seasonal releases due to its unique approach and content. The tracks include: In The St. Nick Of Time | SurfChord Christmas | Cruisin' Christmas Eve | When You Put On A Santa Suit | Snowball's Chance | Headin' Home On A Holiday Night | Sea Sun Greetings | Snowman On The Beach | Clothes In The Hamper, Tushies In The Tub | Snow Justice | Ridin' On A Red-Eye With Santa On Christmas Eve | You Better Be Good For Santa | In A Holidaze | Yuletide Riptide | Christmas Girl | Because It's Christmas. It is a combination of upbeat, driving rock tunes and introspective ballads, positively flavored with humor and seasonal sentiments. The album is available at http://www.SurfChords.com, as well as Amazon, iTunes, CD Baby, etc.
Lawrence Savell