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Permalink The Mobsmen: Fraternitas Aurum Factorem

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Got this CD from Double Crown recently. This is another one for the lovers of trad surf (between this and Lorenzo's new Senor Surf album, Klas and Norm can't complain that there's no trad surf anymore! Twisted Evil ) The Mobsmen are a Norway surf combo that REALLY gets trad surf! Pretty much everything by these guys is authentic: guitar tones, drum sounds, the production, the songs, the arrangements, etc... They like it driving and energetic and heavily reverbed, and all but two of the songs are original (one being a seriously cool cover of Pow Wow, written by Mike Curb and performed by Davie Allen), with two of them being vocal (and the vocals are the only place where they diverge from the tradition, having a very unique vocal style - something like Russian folk music sung over the surf background!). The trad guys will really appreciate the addition of a keyboard, both vintage organ and electric piano, very authentic! Listening to these guys I kept thinking of the first wave bands like the New Dimensions, the Surf Teens and the Original Surfaris, and of the modern surf bands like the Finks, the early Bomboras, Satan's Pilgrims and the Nebulas. If you're into any of those bands, NO WAY can you go wrong with this CD! I usually prefer my surf music a bit more on the adventurous side, but I really enjoyed this CD - if you love '60s surf music, how could you not?!

Now for only $12.75 from Double Crown!


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I love early '60s surf music. Lost Heroes From the Dawn of Surf is one of my favorite topics. I love all of it, the way the guitars sound, the saxophones, the organs, the vocals, the instrumentals, even the frequently erratic production values (Not an issue on this record!). I love all of it. The sheer youthful exuberance of this music is pure joyful fun.

So I wholeheartedly agree with Ivan about The Mobsmen's new CD, Fraternitas Aurum Factorem.

It's a real gas, man.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Last edited: Aug 07, 2013 13:49:48

There are 5 boxes of merch from Sean sitting here in my
Living room for the SG101 convention.
I wonder if there is any Mobsmen cds in there?
I seriously need to get that soon.
Loved their first cd.


My copy just arrived today! I cannot wait to dig into it. I absolutely loved their first album.

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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Thanks a lot for the kind words Ivan!

Always very interesting to hear how other people hear the songs you've been working with over and over. Big Grin Smile

guitarist, The Mobsmen

The Mobsmen absolutely rule!!! And they proved it again with this latest release. The drip! The vibe! The musicianship! The attitude! Even the vocals (gasp!) are amazing!!! I've listened to this new album 3 times this last week and there isn't a single song that I skip.

We need The Mobsmen to tour the USA! Jeff... make it happen!!! Big Grin

I loved the first album and the second is even better!

surf_agent wrote:

I loved the first album and the second is even better!

Yep, I just got my copy today and after listening to it for the first time I'm pretty sure this is already my favorite new release in 2013 Smile

Stellar album by these guys!


Don't like the two vocal songs, because I don't like vocals. But the rest of this album is SUPERB! The mono sounds terrific, better than many stereo recordings.

Instromania on Bandcamp

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