Hey All,
My Longhorn CD is available for $10 (incl postage) anywhere in the world until Sunday. If you would like a copy, you can Paypal to surfkings@hotmail.com
Review from SurfRockMusic.com
Reviewed by: Duke
I’m totally blown away. There’s no way I can keep up with Rev Hank, even if I’m playing air guitar. Man, can that cat ever set those strings on fire.
Longhorn isn’t just a stellar album, it’s a guitar clinic. Rev Hank, a.k.a. Michael Diabo, is an incredible guitar slinger. His string pyrotechnics are electrifying.
I’ve always thought of myself as a fair to middling guitar player. Unfortunately, at least for me, when I hear this kind of hot picking it makes me realize that regardless of whether I practice day and night, I don’t have enough years left to get that good … even if I had the talent to begin with. Oh well, I’m actually a drummer. That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it. It’s my only defense.
Longhorn is one of those rare albums that compels you to play it again and again. It’s impossible to wrap around everything that’s happening the first time, or even the second time you listen. Things happen so fast, with so many twists and turns, that you notice something new with every spin.
Not only is Longhorn filled with Rev’s jaw-dropping guitar picking, the bass and drums are as kick-ass as you can get, too. The entire 12-track all-instro album is a pure work of art.
Canadian Surf