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Permalink The Surfites - Big Pounder CD With Pre-Release Bonus Track

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I just got mine. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE................OW!!!!
Rock Rock Rock Rock Rock Rock Rock Rock Rock Rock Rock Rock Rock
Nice job, Klas!!!




Thanks Ted, Brian and Bob! Very Happy

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

Got it last night!

Man what a boss album!

Congrats Klas!

The Thunderchiefs

After hearing bits and pieces of it and freaking out wanting it.
Kristena and I both kept Razzing Baja Marty about it at the Surf Museum on Sun. So now he's got the bug to finally plunk down some $$$ and get it. I got Marty a Barbwires cd and 45 while they were here., so he's gonna get me a Surfites in return.
cant wait to get my own.



Last edited: Apr 18, 2007 20:33:52

After hearing bits na d pieces of it and freaking out wanting it.
Kristena and I both kept Razzing Baja Marty about it at the Surf Museum on Sun. So now he's got the bug to finally plunk down some $$$ and get it. I got Marty a Barbwires cd and 45 while they were here., so he's gonna get me a Surfites in return.
cant wait to get my own.


It's super drippy. Marty will get all crazy like he does when Outerwave plays those Fender IV tunes. hehe

"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

Just got mine yesterday and listened to it for the first time today. I really love the tempo of the album---great stuff! The guitar tab in the liner notes is such an awesome idea (hint, hint to all the bands who have a release in the works Wink )

Thanks for the awesome tunes!


Thanks Shaun, Jeff, Kristena and Robbb! Very Happy

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

I have to chime in again after listening for a few days. At first the massive drip and overall mix made me think of the Astronauts, as others have mentioned, but now I'm hearing a really strong Gary Usher (Super Stocks era) influence in the melodies and song structure(s). You can't go wrong with that. Excellent!

We are huge Gary Usher fans so I guess it's not a coincidence. Some people also have mentioned that we remind them of the New Dimensions which are another favorite of ours. And of course we also dig the Astronauts.

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

The New Dimensions might have been my next revelation...I'm a slow processor. Not only that, these are pretty subtle influences,The Surfites definitely have your own thing. Hearing the Usher influence just sort of came to me slowly.

The drum mix really reminds me of the Surf Teens.

All good stuff to be compared to, huh Klas?

Again really good record!

The Thunderchiefs

All good stuff to be compared to, huh Klas?

I'm glad that (so far) we haven't reminded anyone of something we don't like! Laughing

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

You remind me of a Mermen wanna be band,
just kidding just kidding, had to go there.
Rolling Eyes Wink

actually Klas, you guys really nailed the old school sound to a T.


Got my first listen to Drag U La,,,, very cool.... Cant wait for the CD.

You remind me of a Mermen wanna be band,

Suuuuure Laughing

Got my first listen to Drag U La,,,, very cool.... Cant wait for the CD.

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed the bonus track.

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S


The Big Pounder CD is now available from a variety of online stores including iTunes. Go here for a links page.

And thanks everyone who have already bought the CD! I just read on the Double Crown website that it's one of their biggest sellers in recent years!

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

Good to hear Klas!
It hasn't left my carstereo, love to drive downtown with the windows down and the volume way up, so you have much more listeners then you realize! Very Happy

Just to chip in on this one -- this is one of the best trad-sounding CDs I've picked up in ages. It's got a boooch factor of 15. AMAZING tones, and some killer composition on the disc as well.
They really knocked it out of the park with this release.


I taught myself to play 'Surfville' the other day. I turned my tank to 8-8-8 and got pretty close to that crazy Surfites sound. Still, there's no substitute for the original.

Thanks guys, I'm glad you enjoy it!

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

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