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midwestsurfguy: Merry Christmas!
286 days ago

sysmalakian: HAPPY NEW YEAR!
280 days ago

SabedLeepski: Surfin‘ Europe, for surf (related) gigs and events in Europe Big Razz https://sunb...
241 days ago

SHADOWNIGHT5150: I like big reverb and i cannot lie
174 days ago

SHADOWNIGHT5150: Bank accounts are a scam created by a shadow government
174 days ago

sysmalakian: TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!
160 days ago

dp: dude
141 days ago

Bango_Rilla: Shout Bananas!!
96 days ago

BillyBlastOff: See you kiddies at the Convention!
80 days ago

GDW: showman
31 days ago

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Permalink 6th Annual Surf Guitar 101 Convention, Sat. Aug. 10th, 2013, Reviews, vids, pics start on page 13

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fun to relive the weekend through your photos...jamie

mom_surfing wrote:

fun to relive the weekend through your photos...jamie

Yes, I'm very glad to see some photos of the gift to Ivan... even though I'm in them.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

MadScientist wrote:

FRIENDS!! I'm super late once again... pretty much every activity in my life since I returned decided to stand directly on my head and take up all of my energy! So, now I play tons of catch up! Big Grin Here is my rundown of the INCREDIBLE week in California we had completely with pictures and all.

My apologies for the length:

I had what I can easily call the highlight of my music-­playing career during the convention week. As expected, it was really high speed and just LOADED with great times!

We got into San Francisco on Wednesday afternoon, and immediately went to get some burritos and meet up with an old friend that was putting us up for the night. Jay (bass player) and I lived in SF for a couple of years, so it was nice to be able to run around the old neighborhood and catch up with an old friend. We then headed to The Knockout where we had the show to drop off our stuff, and soon after set way to Southern Pacific Brewing for a proper SF brew (and proper it was!). We got back to the venue in time to catch a really fun set from the band Buzzy Frets. They played some surf covers as well some other instro rock tunes. It was a great start to the night. Next up was Rocketship Rocketship who played a cool set of Rockabilly­-flavored rock with an instro or 2 sprinkled in for good measure. By this time, the place had a really decent amount of people there... surprising to us considering it was a Wednesday! We were really thrilled to have a couple of friendly faces in the crowd in one Danny Snyder with the lovely Lady Reverb and Mr. Reverb Zanti in tow. I even saw Tony Bologna there for a little bit, but sadly didn’t have a chance to chat too much with him. Danny was gracious enough to haul out some amps and tanks for us to use which really made us feel comfortable for our first western stop! I really can’t thank him enough!! We had a great time playing that night, and we really feel like we started our trip right! I have to also extend thanks to Don from Aloha Screwdriver for putting us in touch with Scott from Alcoholocaust Productions who was a SUPERHERO in getting that show set up! A super cool guy on top of it all! Many kudos to that dude!

Wednesday pictures

So, after a couple of hours of sleep (literally), we got up and made way for some good breakfast and then straight to SFO to head south... and that’s where the delays began that day. 2 hour delay at SFO (sadly not at all rare in my experience), then we get into LAX and getting the rental car was a true act of patience considering the speed with which the personnel worked. THEN we head directly into rush hour traffic to try to check into Don’s and THEN go to South Pasadena. That whole day was really just a giant clusterfuck, with some really great highs to offset it all. Thankfully (and expectedly), Frankie & Hoss Delatorre and their place The Barkley was definitely some of the sunshine of that day! They really treated us well, and were so gracious in having The Aqualads and us set up a show for Frankie’s birthday party. Those guys are tops in my book! It was great to see Jeff, Josheboy and his new bride Jenny along for the evening as well. Along with Surf King Bob and the Aqualad boys, it was like a reunion being back with dear friends that I don’t see enough. It was a bumpy evening personally, but all of these elements really helped wash away some of the crazy and made for some really great and fond memories!

Thursday pictures

After heading back to the hotel for some good rest, we rose early(ish) to grab some breakfast at the Sugar Shack in Huntington Beach. Given the Fender tour wasn’t happening for us this year (bummer, but what can you do?), we decided to take advantage of that time and go check out The Wedge and the old Rendezvous Ballroom site given we wouldn’t be able to do all of that on Monday due to our flight home. Once again standing at those sites really has a magic that is impossible to describe! After very briefly stopping by the Hanson house to say hello to everyone and pick up a Quilter amp to use, we started out way to San Diego to meet up with the Aqualads and Secret Samurai for the show at the Tin Can. Now, I’ve heard some horror stories about the drive from Orange County to San Diego, but I just didn’t think much of it. 95 miles... on mostly highway. Can’t be 2 hours? Try 3 and a half. OOF. Thankfully, we gave ourselves plenty of time, so we got there with no worries, and were able to drop off stuff and head out for some dinner. After some walking around we headed back to the club and started the night! It was once again a chance to play with our friends The Aqualads, but another for me to see the Secret Samurai! I stand in complete awe of Ryan and his control over that guitar. Lordy. We had a really great night in San Diego. I had never been, and I found it really charming. I’m so glad we booked this show, and have to give Ryan BIG thanks for putting it all together!! After the show we made our way back to Orange County (a very different experience driving back without traffic!), and then off to grab a couple of hours of sleep before THE BIG DAY!

Friday pictures

Saturday was a whirlwind. Got to the Starting Gate early to set up our merch spot and grab a table to get some grub... and we were instantly off and running. As always I enjoyed watching the member jam, seeing different folks get up and play songs with each other. I didn’t participate this year feeling like I had enough to worry about with The Mystery Men? set as well as The Astronauts tribute, which was my first performace of the day. I was REALLY honored when Eddie Katcher asked me to be a part of the tribute. We had a really great time doing it at Instro Summit in NC, and here in Surf Music Mecca, it was just to be icing on the cake. Well... I can say that we played, and all things considered, had a good time, but BOY OH BOY was that first run through a rough one... haha. Thankfully that put some fire under our asses for Huntington Beach. Next up was The Penetrators tribute, and I have to tell you... much like the scenario in NC, it was one EMOTIONAL experience. I never met Rip, and knew Spanky briefly (but with a wonderful lasting impact), but Sticks and Trace are people I consider dear friends, and this set had me in tears. I was brimming with pride knowing these guys and how much their spirit means to all of us from all over. I’m sure given I was on virtually no sleep and pretty fragile, that just put me over the edge, and in the best possible way. I was truly moved. It was magic. Of course, immediately following the tribute was the incredible gift to Ivan in recognition for all of the support and love that he gives this community. As someone who has directly been on the receiving end of said support and inspiration, I was again floored and moved by an experience that was just drenched in meaning and love and appreciation so indicative of this community. And once again with the waterworks... haha. What an emotional and charging front end of the day! At this point my time was divided into prepping to play, manning merch, and watching what I could of bands. I really can’t add any more about the bands. I feel honored to be included with so many great musicians and bands. I had seen Outwave, The Glasgow Tiki Shakers, The Aqualads (many times), and Surfer Joe (in a couple of capacities) before, and they were all just as great as the last time I saw them! While I wasn’t able to see an entire set of any band, I made a point to watch as much as I could from each group. The quick rundown of the bands that I had not seen before: 3 Balls Of Fire: eccentric and energetic! The Pyronauts: WILD and fun. A band that MUST be witnessed live! Martin Cilia: Actually exceeded my expectations quite soundly! Incredible melodic music! Surfer Joe: Highest quality trad surf as expected (and witnessed with previous bands!). The El Caminos: a band had the least exposure to, I enjoyed watching them play immensely! I find that kind of stoke incredibly infectious!

All day long, thanks to our new artist friend Louie Villa, we had danced around the idea of getting tacked onto the after show at The Juke Joint. Finally, I got in touch with Carlos from The Tequila Worms and it was on. Just had to haul ass over there and were to play a quick 30 minute set to start the night off. What a great dude to do that for us! We got there tired and on edge and scrambled around to play our quick set (the first 2 songs without a kick drum pedal... haha), and then most of the band threw in the towel. I stuck around to catch The Tequila Worms (who I just really love!), and as much as I could of the All­-Star band. I lasted about 3 or 4 FANTASTIC songs and then I could take no more! I needed SLEEP and my ears were just cooked. So off to the hotel I ran for some much needed sleep and recoup in preparation for the next day.

Saturday pictures

We got up (kinda) early on Sunday to get to Huntington Beach, grab a good parking spot and then get some breakfast! After getting all of those necessities out the way, it was time to dive back into tunes! First up for me was The Astronauts tribute. Now, as I said, I really felt like we limped through our set on Saturday, but on this day, it was a total redemption! I felt really great about the whole set and we really had a spectacular time! That was a really satisfying conclusion to the Astronauts tribute journey for me! Once again I’ll say that it’s a real honor that Eddie K asked me to be a part of it, and it was really a thrill to do it HERE on top of it all! As for the rest of the day at the pier, it was really more of the same, and another great and memorable day in that magical location. While I really felt the special vibe playing at the convention show, playing on that stage is such an incredible and unique experience, that it’s almost impossible to keep from getting a little misty while up there. I hope to have another opportunity to do that some day! At this point in the week my head (and ears) were so full of music that I wandered around on the pier a bit and drank some beer over at Duke’s next door, always coming back over to check in on the tunes. The whole experience of the day, taking it all in was so great. It’s almost cartoony how “summer-y” and fitting the whole setting is considering what we were doing that whole week. It was really an incredible coda and one HELL of a way to finish the week of performing! Of course, no SG101 weekend is complete without the wind­-down party and hang out over at Don The Beachcombers, so after a great meal with Jonpaul, Marie and Eric Penna over at the Huntington Beach Brewpub, we headed that way to finish the week out! Some of the group cried uncle and headed back to the hotel, but I love the final goodbyes and comradery of that last gathering, and once again I am so glad I did!

Sunday pictures

I once again have to extend so many thanks to Jeff BigTikiDude Hanson for inviting us out and helping us navigate and book the entire thing. Your hard work and enthusiasm is SO APPRECIATED!!! It was just an incredibly memorable and moving experience from the beginning to the end. I will cherish these memories and experience until the day I leave this world!!

I just re-read and finally got a chance to see all of the pics.
Once again wow!! and thanks again for writing that Jamie.
that is the pefect example of how even though the SG101 covention
maybe only be a 1 day show, that the whole event is really a 3 to 5 day weeeknd depending on when you can start attending shows.

I encourage everybody to try to come out early and soak in some of the so cal expirence, and some of the pre or post convention weekday shows


it brought a smile to my face reviewing all of the photos again. what a fun couple of days.

Thanks! I hate that it tends to take me so long to gather all of my thoughts, but at the same time, it's really great that it gets me to revisit the whole experience with some considerable depth.

These really are profound and wonderful events that I will treasure forever!

MadScientist wrote:

These really are profound and wonderful events that I will treasure forever!

Amen! I feel so fortunate to have only missed 1 convention so far.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I'm hoping to make the line up announcement
For sg101 convention 2014 soon.


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