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Permalink FIBERGLASS JUNGLE - Saturdays 2-4PM PST on! Since 2013!

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Playlist, playlist!!!


Bummed I'm gonna miss the live show this Sat.
Hopefully I can get the pod cast to play when I try
Next time.


I enjoyed that a lot. Thanks for sharing your enthusiasm with us all Jonpaul!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Just catching up/on. Hooray!

Great show, I forgot to catch it live so I must admit being very happy that it was available for download. But, and maybe it's just a glitch on my computer, it seems that there was a lot cut off/out?


Sorry for the delay! Here's the playlist for the first show, which can also be found on HERE

The Crossfires "Fiberglass Jungle" Out of Control Sundazed 1995
The Astronauts "The Hearse" Movin' BMG Japan 1997
Link Wray "Vendetta" Hillbilly Wolf: Missing Links, Vol. 1 Norton 1997
Robert Johnson and Punchdrunks "Theme From The Persuaders" Aloha From Havana Birdnest 1997
The Madeira "Tribal Fury" Tribal Fires Double Crown 2012
Volebeats "Moon Beams" Solitude Safe House 1999
The RoadRunners "Final Ride" Rampage Raksun Talli 2012
The RoadRunners "Hot Line" Rampage Raksun Talli 2012
Eddie and the Showmen "Dark Eyes" Squad Car AVI 1996
Spaceguards "Strangelove" Multivision SPC 2012
Los Coronas "Adios Sancho" Adios Sancho Sony 2013
The Fathoms "Getaway Car" Fathomless AVI/Atomic Beat 1996
The Baronics "Invention 1 & 13" Get Bach! G 1996
The Dynotones "Devi's Martini" Surf Monsters Del-Fi 1999
Richie Allen "Rising Surf" Surfer's Slide Surf 1994
The Penetrators "Another Time, Another Place" Locked and Loaded Double Crown 2000
El Ray "The Spider" Highwave to Hell Green Cookie 2007
The Bradipos IV "Titoli" For a Few Guitars More Dancing Bear 2002
The Debonaires "High Wall" Surf-Age Nuggets Rock Beat 2012
The Nebulas "Rhino Chaser" Nebula One Tivertone 2002
James Wilsey "The Rattler" El Dorado Lakeshore 2007
The Tiki Tones "Topple The Moai" Idol Pleasures Mai Tai 1996
The Sand Devils "Well of Souls" The Sand Devils Self-Released 2011
The Pyramids "Bikini Drag" Penetration! The Best of Sundazed 1995
Satan's Pilgrims "The Godfather" Around The World With Empty 1997
The Langhorns "Mother of Earth" The Langhorns Bad Taste 1998
The Bambi Molesters "Wanganui" Dumb Loud Hollow Twang Dirty Old Town 1997
The Bitch Boys "Sandstorm" Ride The First Wave Golly Gee 2004
The Vydells "Unknown" Surf-Age Nuggets Rock Beat 2012
The Lively Ones "Paradise Cove" Surf Rider/Surf Drums Del-Fi 1994
The TomorrowMen "Chronosurf" It's About Time Double Crown 2011
The Sir Finks "Weird Beard" Instrumentals in the Key of Boss Wildebeest 2000
Surfer Joe "The North Swell" Brave New Surf Double Crown 2011
The Deadbeats "Karabasan" Brave New Surf Double Crown 2011
The Secret Samurai "Carioca" Zanshin Muad'Dib 2011
The Atomic Blast The Amazing Hypno Bear (On A Unicycle) Continental Magazine Comp 20 Double Crown 2012

Thanks again for the support! I'm hoping all the bugs will be worked out this week and am bringing alternate spins to avoid the malfunctioning CD player.

Oh, and the show now has a Facebook presence! If you're so inclined, please feel free to "like" it!

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

Last edited: Apr 12, 2013 15:50:16

How is this physically produced Jonpaul? Are you at some studio? Are you recording yourself at home?

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

It was a lot fun to listen to this with some others in the IRC and talk about the show. I'm looking forward to doing that again.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Finally had a chance to catch up as well. Great show Jonpaul! Thanks so much for the spin!

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

Noel, that's great! I love the idea of you guys listening in the IRC. Brian, the show broadcasts live from an actual studio like an old-school radio station. Everything is done manually on the spot. I'll grab a couple of pictures tomorrow.

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

10 min.


Tune in now for some reverb bliss!

and some IRC anyone?

Last edited: Apr 13, 2013 15:58:35

Jon Paul is killing it again!

Agreed! Another great show.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Great show! Great chat in IRC! Great bunch of friends in the surf community!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Another great show Jonpaul! It's my new Saturday afternoon routine! Let's hear some of that new Insect Surfers! C'mon!

The Counselors

Just finished listening. Nice playlist...I especially enjoyed South of Heaven!


Canadian Surf

Yet another great show! Was fun to catch it live and hang out in the IRC with some of the other fellas too. Only down side is how much of the show is cut out of the downloads. But otherwise a great selection of killer tunes!


HUGE thanks to Jonpaul for the supercool shoutout to the Madeira on Saturday's show! We were tuned in - and got a big kick out of it! We practiced 2-5 pm (EST) Saturday, then rushed back to my place, scarfed down some pizza while listening to the show, and then took off for the venue around 6:45 pm. Rock'n'roll! Hearing the shoutout definitely gave us a nice boost for the evening - and we indeed had a really good and fun show!

And thanks for playing my suggestions, Jonpaul! Really looking forward to this Saturday's show! Keep up the GREAT work! You RULE!

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

I need to catch up on the 2nd show.


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