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Bay City, Michigan

Posted on Feb 27 2007 10:26 AM
i was wondering what everyone's energy level is at while they perform.
for example, do you stand in a calm manner, swaying back and forth to the beat?
are you in everyone's face much like that of an early punk band?
i was curious because me being in a punky surf band we have a very high energy level, whereas a more traditional band such as maybe the reluctant aquanauts, i can just imagine not really moving around too much. im not saying either is good or bad, im just curious.
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Posted on Feb 27 2007 10:55 AM
Eveyr gig and crowd will be different, I tend to warm up after the 1st song and then I let loose and move around on stage and walk over to my 2nd guitar player and do some moves and walk off stage with my axe and play on the dance floor with our go go dancer and do some moves and then hop back up and I just move, I mean you don't want to just stand there and look at your shoe laces and floor all night it's all in the music as well I feed off of that and the mood, if your having fun on stage the crowd will too!!!!
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Posted on Feb 27 2007 11:14 AM
I would think that would have more to do with the personality of the band instead of trad vs punk vs progressive surf. For example, The Lively Ones got their name because they were maniacs on stage, and they are trad by definition.
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Posted on Feb 27 2007 03:01 PM
The Lively Ones got their name because they were maniacs on stage, and they are trad by definition.
wow, really? thats really cool. i wouldnt imagine them being crazy. i just got in this way of thinking because there is another surf band from my area called "marty and the mcflyers" that when they play they are nice and calm. i absolutely love watching them and have no problem with their attitude. completely opposite of us, were freaking crazy onstage.
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Posted on Feb 27 2007 04:02 PM
stage energy???? insect surfer dave............
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Posted on Feb 27 2007 08:45 PM
stage energy???? insect surfer dave............
with what she said.
someone once said that Dave spends more time in the air than on the stage.
— Jeff(bigtikidude)
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Posted on Feb 28 2007 01:12 AM
Yeah but Dave isn't overly aggressive or "in your face" with his energy; he kind of bounces and floats, jumps in-place, rocks and grooves. I find his body language perfectly in-sync with their sound, which is by no means aggressive or "punked-out". What a great sound, great stage presence.
I'm lucky to see them often here in LA. Always a treat.
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Austin Texas

Posted on Feb 28 2007 08:32 AM
I love Dave.
He's insane!
He once walked up to High Noon's guitarist Sean Mencher and grabed his ass at a party!
When Sean spun around with a what the hell look on his face Dave says:
"oh sorry, I thought you were my Dad."
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Posted on Feb 28 2007 04:23 PM
I love Dave.
He's insane!
He once walked up to High Noon's guitarist Sean Mencher and grabed his ass at a party!
When Sean spun around with a what the hell look on his face Dave says:
"oh sorry, I thought you were my Dad."
Now thats funny!!!
— Jeff(bigtikidude)
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50,000 Light-Years Beyond Planet Claire

Posted on Mar 01 2007 01:14 PM
personally ~ I think movement on stage is a plus. Swaying is good... knealing is good... steps are good... twisting is good... etc etc....
Conversely, I find jumping in place (or whatever it's called) the most idiotic stage move ever invented.
To me it looks like a musician who drank too much and didn't have enough sense to take a leak BEFORE he got on stage.
Other offending moves are rapid stutting, and back to back pushing (that's hair-band stuff).
~ "gosh, Louie...tell us how you REALLY feel..."
ok.....I think most of the energy on stage should be coming from JBL speakers 
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Posted on Mar 01 2007 05:04 PM
stage energy???? insect surfer dave............
with what she said.
someone once said that Dave spends more time in the air than on the stage.
And he can do a mean Mick Jagger impersonation when the Karaoke machine is fired up.
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Posted on Mar 01 2007 05:47 PM
It's a hard line you have to track when doing onstage movements. I, for one, think there should always be some kind of motion onstage, even if you do have to do something like go-go dancers. You can play some great blazing surf music, but if you're standing still the whole time, it's just flat-out boring to watch. I have always been a huge fan of choreographed onstage moves.
The one time when you run into problems with that is when the stage movements seem unnatural, or forced. I've seen a few instances where bands have tried to get a little "over the top" with their presentation and the music suffers as a result. So I say, just do what feels natural, but remember - there are (hopefully) people watching, and if they just wanted to listen, they'd buy your CD and go to the comfort of their own home.
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Bay City, Michigan

Posted on Mar 04 2007 04:50 PM
_Conversely, I find jumping in place (or whatever it's called) the most idiotic stage move ever invented. _
haha, that's called the POGO
invented by Mr. Simon John Ritchie AKA Sid Vicious.
you push people around, too. its hell of a lot better than a circle pit, in which you just run around. whoo!
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Posted on Mar 04 2007 08:47 PM
<u>POGO</u> ... it's called ?
I stand corrected......
And I will remain standing......playing my guitar.
Thank you Louie
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Posted on Mar 05 2007 02:00 AM
I move around like an idiot when I play the drums.

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Posted on Mar 05 2007 02:06 AM
i do the "sweatlikeapig" and then, the "hey, where is F#?" when i'm playing...that, and the "Townshend-pirouette" on the tippy-toes...and then i trip right offstage...
it all seems to work for me...
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Las Vegas

Posted on Mar 05 2007 07:07 PM
For me it depends on the night and venue. When I play a punk bar their is alot of taunt and pushing the audience around. On a large stage There is a lot of running, dancing and very little talking. One common thread with all shows I play and that is booze.
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Posted on Mar 05 2007 09:27 PM
I'm against jumping around like an idiot. Jumping around and walking back in fourth is as much of a no no as hawaiian shirts! I think moves like the Straitjackets or the Shadows is more fun to watch.
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Posted on Mar 06 2007 10:21 AM
I agree 101%
It's a courageous stance.
You'll never see a surfer doing the 'pogo' while ridin' a heavy.
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Los Angeles, California

Posted on Mar 06 2007 11:17 AM
I'm against jumping around like an idiot. Jumping around and walking back in fourth is as much of a no no as hawaiian shirts! I think moves like the Straitjackets or the Shadows is more fun to watch.
I agree. Surf is more about 'cool" than "unleashed youthful energy".
One band that I really like in that way is Deadbolt. They are the owners of an ultra- cool stage presence with the addition of powertools on stage! It's a "dont F$%^ with us" kind of cool with a deep grinding surf sound. Def not the passive "trad" stance but still held-back, at ease yet intense.
Los Straightjackets are a joy to watch live. The fact that they groove-out in-sync adds to the spectacle and it's much more of a "performance" than if each individual were doing his own thing.
Maybe that's the thing about Surf compared to say, punk or even rockabilly. It's more about the group act rather than the individual " each in-his-own-world" kinda thing. The whole then becomes greater than the summ of it's parts, as it were.
Surf bands that just play standing still like lifeless mummies without any physical vibe or expression are boring to watch. Too many fine-sounding trad bands do this, maybe it's an age thing although I hope not (I'm 46). A littel attention to "stage presence" goes a long way in brining the music alive to those watching.