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Permalink Yuzo Kayama - Eleki no Wakadaisho

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Way cool. Yuzo Kayama doing "Black sand beach". Obatchan (Granny) seems to be enjoying herself! And I´ll be damned if the guy sitting on drums isn´t the same one who played Ide on the original "Ultraman" Laughing

The Ventures "Beloved Invaders" DVD released by The Video Beat features some of the musical numbers from "Eleki No Wakadaisho", as seen in the You Tube clip. Lots of cool Yuzo stuff there! The movie also features Takeshi Terauchi - another prominent eleki player.

And I think you are correct about the drummer - the actor who played Ide on Ultraman was Masanari Nihei, who is also credited in Eleki no Wakadaisho. I noticed the same thing . . . Smile


Fender Reissue Cap Mod Site

Last edited: Feb 27, 2007 22:12:47

Way cool... I've seen that about 30 times and never even noticed that the drummer was one of the Science Patrol guys... Far out!

Eleki + Urutoraman... as cool as it gets! Well, actually, if it were Ultraseven, it´d be even cooler. Cool

That's a great clip! I've been thinking of getting the "Eleki No Wakadaisho" DVD from Japan but it's just too expensive.


T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

Here's more to that:


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

As I mentioned above, you can see more of "Eleki No Wakadaisho" in the DVD of "The Ventures: Beloved Invaders 1966" offered by The Video Beat. I'm not pimping The Video Beat, but if you want to see a few more tunes from this movie, they are featured as a bonus to this Japanese documentary of The Ventures' 1965 Japan tour. It's not the entire movie, but does have musical excerpts from the film.

You can check it out here:


Fender Reissue Cap Mod Site

That's a great clip! I've been thinking of getting the "Eleki No Wakadaisho" DVD from Japan but it's just too expensive.

Man, no kidding. I'm prone to late-night fits of online ordering, but that one's just too far outside a reasonable price range.

Great version of BSB--I really like the different arrangement.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

As I mentioned above, you can see more of "Eleki No Wakadaisho" in the DVD of "The Ventures: Beloved Invaders 1966" offered by The Video Beat.

Thanks, but I'm not interested in Video Beat's home made DVDs with blank (no artwork) cases. However, after reading their description of the movie, I've decided to get it from Japan despite the hefty price tag.

The Video Beat
I don't understand Japanese but some standout scenes include: a battle of the bands competition (the whole movie revolves around the competition) where a wild girl group in mini skirts and go-go boots look and sound teriffic! Also, a Beatle-wig-wearing group who play great but are up to no good! Look for several fantastic record store scenes that feature tons of cool looking LP covers, Beatles "Help" posters and totally bitchin' electric guitars on display. The top ten at the record store includes "Help" and "The Cruel Sea" (a Dakotas, sans Billy J., instrumental). Lots of performance scenes including on stage, in a bus, in a back room, at a restaurant, etc. Tons of songs including, "Yozora no Hoshi," "Black Sand Beach," "Kimi to Itsumademo," "Blonde Jennie," "Blues of Wakadaisyo," and several others.

Another cool (and funny) scene from the movie featuring Yuzo and Terry:

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

Thanks so much for posting these links. I've been fascinated with Terry and his ilk lately, and it was charming seeing this clip. EVEN MY SON (age 12) said, "That's pretty cool" (high praise from a hard rock fan).


don't panic!

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