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Permalink Anyone know verse of Messina's Honkey Tonk?

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Trying to figure out the part after the intro 12 bar blues part, I guess you would call it the verse, the chords seem to be throwing me off.

Thanks in advance.

just gave it a spin - it's a 12 bar blues all the way tound. Second chord is a Bb7 - maybe that's throwing you off?


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

wr, i am talking about directly after the double stop lead of the intro. The chords seem to change, its also down a half step and i was too lazy to retune the guitar. But thanks for the reply. I will keep fiddling with it.

might be a matter of approach or how you think about these things, it's still the twelve bar blues in F and there's no modulation, but I think I hear what you mean, sounds like he's playing a type E bar, and put's his pinky flat on the 3th fret on the 2nd beat.... that's what it sounds like to me but Im not 100%

is that the part you mean? I don't think of these kind of things like a different progression, but rather as a blues in F "with thingies". you could call the 'pinky down' a Bb or a sus4/6 in F, but to me, it's just a 'thingy'.

btw, note that whatever he's doin there, it has a (high) D#, which is the same note as he's playing in the lead is playing on the 2nd beat in the chuck berry-ish opening riff.


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

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