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After another long break we are back with Episode #14: New Releases in 2012 part 1. A big thank-you to Lady Reverb and Danny Snyder for their hard work on this one. Enjoy! Head on over to the podcast page and download away.

Track listing:

  1. The Aquatudes - Cindy in the Sun
  2. The Atomic Blast - Space Patrol
  3. Bang! Mustang! - 6 Waves Under
  4. Bevel Emboss - Rumba Nova
  5. The Biarritz Boys - Whatever Happened to the Longboard
  6. The Born Losers - Tokyo Drifter
  7. The Amazing Coconauts - Over the Rainbow
  8. The Concussions - Phantom Limbs
  9. The Crazy Aces - Invasion of Malibu
  10. Espectro Plasma - Columbia UFO Attack
  11. The Exotics - Surf Burglar
  12. The Good The Bad - 049
  13. The Grande Bois - El Meteor
  14. Hell-O Tiki - Futterman's Phobia
  15. The High Fidelics - Lil Curfew Breaker
  16. The Inframen - Mercy Kill a Burning Man
  17. King Pelican - Morocco
  18. Los Kahunas - 7 Mares

Bed music and outro song by Los Straitjackets from their new album Jet Set.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Last edited: Feb 07, 2013 16:49:05

It should show up in iTunes in a few hours.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

What if you're not an Itunes user????

The you go to the Podcast link on the left side of the site. And if you can't handle the m4a file type, you convert it.

wfoguy, go here:

You can download or stream it. An mp3 version may follow if there is demand.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
Need help with the site? SG101 FAQ - Send me a private message - Email me

"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Really happy that Windows 7 Media Player not only plays the m4a format now, but also shows the images.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
Need help with the site? SG101 FAQ - Send me a private message - Email me

"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Thanks Danny!!
and Lady Reverb...

Thanks for including us and taking the time to compile this!

Thanks guys, all downloaded here on iTunes Aus and ready to go!!

beachbreak a.k.a Sean Cool
Turn up the Reverb!!

A few notes as they come to mind. First, apologies in advance for all the mispronunciations, I'm sure there's plenty. Big big thanks to Rodrigo Herrera aka Shock. He's the man to know for all kinds of great music coming out of Mexico and Latin America and more.

Every song you hear has been approved by the bands except for The Phantom Four who I can't seem to get a hold of, but I really wanted to include them so hopefully it's OK if they find out.

I'm finding that all the links I painstakingly added to the podcast ( located in the images on your viewer) don't work. After researching a bit, it seems there's a glitch in Garageband, apparently before I start building the podcast I have to change the amount of 'bars' in the 'song' or else it thinks we overextended and thus the links don't work. Don't ask me...

The 2nd half is already done, we're just waiting final approval and then off it goes to iTunes, I'd say in a couple days.

So on behalf of Lady Reverb and myself, we hope you enjoy this looooooong coming podcast, and thanks for your patience.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Last edited: Feb 03, 2013 00:56:10

No worries, now listening to no. 14 in Brisbane, Australia.
Danny, I appreciate how the individual tracks in the podcast are labelled and are able to be seen when I click the centre button on my iPod.
Ta for going to the trouble to do that. Smile

beachbreak a.k.a Sean Cool
Turn up the Reverb!!

Thanks for playing our stuff in Ur podcast! We appreciate it a lot and are thankful! Thanx! Lots of great music and great great bands! WOW!

Twang & Bop til You Drop!

Excellent! Thanks for all the hard work Danny & Lady Reverb.


Danny, for The Phantom Four issues, give me a PM, i can contact them

If I would have looked, I would have seen the link. I'm sorry for being unobservant.

Thanks a ton for doing this Danny and Lady Reverb! I'm saving mine for the commute tomorrow...


Great, just what I need...more awesome music to be introduced to! Great to see a new episode up. Thanks for all the hard work!

The Aquamaniacs on ReverbNation
The Aquamaniacs on Facebook
The Aquamaniacs on Twitter
The Aquamaniacs on Instagram

Cool. Big thanks to Lady Reverb and Danny. I'm listening to mine now.:-)

He who dies with the most tubes... wins

Surf Daddies

Last edited: Feb 03, 2013 19:05:53

Most excellent!!! Thanks!!

Monkey Groovy SG101! Cheers Thumbs Up

Awesome.... and my freebie Quicktime player likes it complete with the video etc.

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