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Posted on Feb 01 2013 08:54 AM
First, I apologize to everyone for waiting 7 years before registering with the site. I've lurked the message boards here since the site started, but I felt like I just wasn't active enough in the surf scene anymore to warrant joining. I was in an instro band in the mid 90s that released a few 7" and one full length. Anyway, I have been struggling beyond belief trying to put a band back together. I've tried several times in the last decade, just been shut down so many times. Now I've got a dedicated bass player and sax, and cannot find a drummer. We've been through 9 in the last 6 months. Yes, 9. Haven't even made it on stage yet, been through 9... And the ironic thing is...I teach percussion! I have actually sat in my studio and taught all of these people how to play my songs, only to have it not work out. It's driving me insane! Any help or advice from fellow reverb addicts would be extremely welcome, or hell, just some encouragement at this point...
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Berkeley, CA

Posted on Feb 01 2013 09:00 AM
Welcome into the light Billy, you'll get a lot of support here I'm sure. Where do you live? Is joining another band an option?
— Danny Snyder
"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo
Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta
Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party
Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF
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Jacksonville, AL

Posted on Feb 01 2013 09:02 AM
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Posted on Feb 01 2013 09:02 AM
Finding the right drummer is hard, if your doing something "different" it can verge on impossible. I play in three bands, one makes lots of money, another some and a third none at all. I much prefer the one that makes nothing, it's the most creative but has the same problem: a dozen drummers have come and gone. Nothing to do but keep on keepin' on.
Joined: Nov 22, 2012
Posts: 71
Kitchener, ON

Posted on Feb 01 2013 09:03 AM
I've just been going through the same thing, trying to find a new drummer for a cover project (after months I think we've got our guy). I feel your pain. The only suggestion I can give is to stay patient and stay true to your mission. It will happen in due time and when it does you'll be ready to explode! All the best!
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Posted on Feb 01 2013 09:05 AM
Try letting the drummers come up with their own parts, most people don't enjoy being in bands in which they have to play parts others came up with.
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Back in Piitsburgh, Pennsylvania, where I grew up.

Posted on Feb 01 2013 09:05 AM
Welcome to SG101, Billy. Danny's right about how supportive everyone here is. Just exactly where are you located? There's a number of members here looking for band-mates.
— This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.
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Posted on Feb 01 2013 09:24 AM
In my unbiased opinion, an ok drummer who understands surf drumming can make an ok surf band great. And a great drummer who doesn't understand surf drumming can make a great band suck. Or something like that...:)
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Posted on Feb 01 2013 12:27 PM
Wow, thanks guys. I'm actually in North Carolina. I just can't believe it's been this hard. The good drummers I've gone through either don't have time or don't like instro (I coulda punched the cocky 16 yr old metalhead in the face). The bad ones love instro, they just cant play, haven't played in 10 years, or their wives are holding their balls hostage in their purses. At any rate, I have an amazing sax player, a rockabilly chick on standup bass that slams, and I'm no slouch either. We play mostly originals-surf, Latin, middle eastern, and some standards-Dick Dale, Link Wray, Trashmen, etc. Send me anybody you think would be a good fit.
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Lawrenceville , GA

Posted on Feb 01 2013 01:55 PM
Every band I know has or has had drummer problems. A good friend had a drummer with awful time they made him play to a click track and he tried to say the time was off on the click track. Welcome and good luck !
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mojave desert, california

Posted on Feb 01 2013 02:54 PM
surf drummers are born... and then they grow into the surfbeat day by day with dedication and a Slingerland kit...
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Posts: 282

Posted on Feb 01 2013 03:24 PM
Two thoughts: For me, this type of instrumental guitar music is solo guitar (sound, playing, etc) + drum (sound, playing, etc) without the good cymbals, snare sound, etc.. it never be good. everything is important, but these are the two most important stuff (for me)
My opinion: when you play covers (wedding band, anything) it's like a job - nice person - good player - want to play with us == OK. When you play original music, it's like a marriage, it's really hard to find the guys who are good enough, good people, have good instrument, want to play the same music - I mean: they don't play what you say, they play their ideas, but these ideas make your music better (for you too) - One of the hardest problem of my life, really
— original compositions (low-level demo stuff /out of tune, etc) myStuff not my best, but i don't like to be in a musician community without anything to show
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Posts: 12159

Posted on Feb 01 2013 04:03 PM
Good instruments don't matter, a great musician will make anything more than good enough.
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Jacksonville, AL

Posted on Feb 01 2013 04:05 PM
I have to agree, Jake. Look at Dex Romweber.
— THE KBK ... This is the last known signal. We offer Sanctuary.
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Huntington Beach, CA

Posted on Feb 01 2013 04:09 PM
BlackHeartBilly wrote:
The bad ones love instro, they just cant play, haven't played in 10 years, or their wives are holding their balls hostage in their purses.
Keep at it. Someone may get divorced.
— Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.
Joined: Jul 28, 2009
Posts: 105

Posted on Feb 01 2013 04:37 PM
In the mean time maybe try a drummerless Surf Band? I played in a drummerless Rockabilly trio (great bass player though, Kevin Stuart who has played with Deke, Big Sand and more). No one ever missed the drums in that band. The upright bass can add a lot and it does NOT need to sound like psychobilly. Adding a rhythm guitar probably needed though(acoustic?). Just a thought, would like to hear a sound clip of your band without the drums...
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Posted on Feb 01 2013 04:37 PM
killbabykill34 wrote:
I have to agree, Jake. Look at Dex Romweber.
One of the most intense sets I ever heard at a club was Flat Duo Jets as a two piece, drums and guitar, and the guitar was one of those cheapo Silvertone/Dano amp-in-the-case models.
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Posted on Feb 01 2013 04:45 PM
websurfer wrote:
One of the most intense sets I ever heard at a club was Flat Duo Jets as a two piece, drums and guitar, and the guitar was one of those cheapo Silvertone/Dano amp-in-the-case models.
Those rule!
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Posts: 282

Posted on Feb 01 2013 04:56 PM
I don't talk about good quality (or expensive stuff), I talk about appropriate stuff - if you want the sound of 60s, and the drummer don't care about this (because he doesn't really like this style - this can be the only reason - i think), you never be happy. You've got a drummer, but you don't have a surf(or instro, or whatever) drummer. for example: I can play with a bass guitarist who has an active bass guitar, but with a metal drummer... I don't think so. but it's me, you don't have to agree with me
JakeDobner wrote:
Good instruments don't matter, a great musician will make anything more than good enough.
— original compositions (low-level demo stuff /out of tune, etc) myStuff not my best, but i don't like to be in a musician community without anything to show
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Posts: 5

Posted on Feb 01 2013 05:53 PM
Instruments are just tools, you just have to use the right one for the right situation. (I.e. using my Gretsch for big tremelo Latin tunes, and my dano hornet for Link Wray!). I think a lot of the problem is people walk into the drummer's chair thinking surf and instro music is easy, and, at least in my band, that's not even close to being true. Drummers need to play surf, punk, Latin, jazz, and middle eastern, from slow to stupid fast, and in several different meters. My music would sound insane without a drummer, haha. I guess I'm gonna keep searching. The right guy (or girl) is out there somewhere.