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Permalink Got a new macbook for net surfin' and recording on the move.

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Its got an 'OTM' hard shell cover. LoL

He who dies with the most tubes... wins

Surf Daddies



He who dies with the most tubes... wins

Surf Daddies

Have fun with your new machine. My mac book pro from '06 is brain dead. Catastrophic logic board failure. $800 (U.S.) to replace. For some processor hungry applications, like certain sophisticated Final Cut Pro projects, it's just too slow and out-dated to dump that much money into. So it's R.I.P., little guy.

Twisted Evil > Angel

Yeah I've owned a bunch of Macs since 1990 and they all become obsolete and/or dead eventually. This latest acquisition is last year's run-out model bought on the cheap, but it's still pretty zippy at this stage (2.5GHz i5 processor) so it can cope with recording the basic stuff I need. I expect I'll need to 'upgrade' it again in about 3 years.

He who dies with the most tubes... wins

Surf Daddies

Last edited: Jan 28, 2013 17:32:17

Congrats on the new machine.
My trusty old iMac is in the shop today getting a new hard drive. Six years of flawless service until now and we are running a business, website, video editing and recording on it so I can't complain.
Still probably going to pass the current one on to a family member and upgrade but I found out today that the new iMacs don't have built in CD/DVD Drives!..........

CrazyAces wrote:

...I found out today that the new iMacs don't have built in CD/DVD Drives!..........

You can get an external CD/DVD burner AND Blu Ray player for $50 (just did this myself). Apple also sells their own external drive for like $80. Either way it's a cheap add on, and those new iMacs are awesome!

The new iMacs are cool but I still find it interesting that they made them lighter and sleeker which means they save a lot on shipping, they omitted the CD/DVD superdrive because hey, we all live in a cloud now AND,
It's the same price as it ever was...........
Admittedly, I came of age before the whole computer/smartphone thing and am a bit stuck in my ways. LOL

Firewire is gone now too. Replaced by Thunderbolt. Apparently there are T-Bolt to FW adapters which, hopefully, will keep my M-Audio interface relevant, as I am leaning heavily toward the iMac over a new notebook.

Twisted Evil > Angel

norcalhodad wrote:

Firewire is gone now too. Replaced by Thunderbolt. Apparently there are T-Bolt to FW adapters which, hopefully, will keep my M-Audio interface relevant, as I am leaning heavily toward the iMac over a new notebook.

As Thunderbolt gains more availability and usage, it is going to RULE! So fast. Our servers at work all have Thunderbolt raids that pipe HD+ images all over the place, and there are never any problems. I wouldn't use an adapter unless I absolutely had to, though... it's just going to slow it down.

MadScientist wrote:

norcalhodad wrote:

Firewire is gone now too. Replaced by Thunderbolt. Apparently there are T-Bolt to FW adapters which, hopefully, will keep my M-Audio interface relevant, as I am leaning heavily toward the iMac over a new notebook.

As Thunderbolt gains more availability and usage, it is going to RULE! So fast. Our servers at work all have Thunderbolt raids that pipe HD+ images all over the place, and there are never any problems. I wouldn't use an adapter unless I absolutely had to, though... it's just going to slow it down.

Flip-flop that. I meant FW to T-Bolt adapter, or using a Firewire device in a Thunderbolt port. Looks like there are some significant changes with FCP X, which I'll have to bump up to, reluctantly.

Twisted Evil > Angel

norcalhodad wrote:

Have fun with your new machine. My mac book pro from '06 is brain dead. Catastrophic logic board failure. $800 (U.S.) to replace. For some processor hungry applications, like certain sophisticated Final Cut Pro projects, it's just too slow and out-dated to dump that much money into. So it's R.I.P., little guy.

That happened to my mBP of that year and they fixed it for free. Known problem.

How long ago? Was it still under any warranty?

Twisted Evil > Angel

It was way past warranty. Now I think it was a 2007 mBP. Check with the Apple store.

Thanks. Yeah, I did consult the Apple store. I didn't get into any issues regarding flawed parts or designs with them, but from the info I've gathered from Apple user's forums on the web is that it is a well known problem. Something like the video card, sound card and logic board are all attached and when one goes, they all go. And, the video cards from certain years went(fried) quickly and in large numbers. I think the '07 year was the worst.

Twisted Evil > Angel

Thanks to 0% interest for 18 months we now be rockin' a 27 inch iMac. Upgraded to the 1Gb graphics card. My versions of FCP and Lightroom were not backwards compatible so still more money to dump, unfortunately. For recording, I'm sticking with Garageband. I was still running Tiger on previous machine, so newest G-Band on Mtn. Lion looks different, but still easy to navigate and took no time to get familiarized with the new layout. Able to drop in some old unfinished projects with no problems.

Was concerned about some compatibility issues with my M-Audio Firewire 410 as it seems that M-Audio was bought out by another company and is no longer updating drivers for this device which I bought in '05. Last driver was updated for OSX 10.7 and I'm now on 10.8, but a little hunting on the M-Audio community forum helped get the info needed to make it work. $60(!) worth of adapters, (400 to 800, and 800 to TBolt), got my firewire device into the Thunderbolt port and in no time I was plugged into an Orange stack with some pink fuzz pedal. The new amps and pedals in GBand look fun, but I was happy to know that my interface was still relevant, saving some dough and still being able to use my mics.

Twisted Evil > Angel

CrazyAces wrote:

Admittedly, I came of age before the whole computer/smartphone thing and am a bit stuck in my ways. LOL

Kids! The first computer I used started up after loading a boot-strap program stored on punched paper tape. A deck of punch cards was a big improvement. My first modem was a 130-baud acoustic coupler. Ah, the good old days!

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Last edited: Feb 22, 2013 12:39:02

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