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Permalink Eddie's Jag!

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Here is the thread that Eddie popped into, surprising us all:

Here is the post where he explains about this Jaguar:

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Thanks so much, Brian! That was such a blast to revisit. Hard to believe it's been over five years since then....

IvanP wrote:

(I do wonder if that sparkle blackurst Strat was simply his repainted original sunburst Strat).

Well, here's my answer: Damn, I forgot this. Not repainted, but rather a new Strat built for Eddie by Leo Fender.

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Come see the Guitar at the Winter Surf Fest this Sun. Jan 27th.


IvanP wrote:

Thanks so much, Brian! That was such a blast to revisit. Hard to believe it's been over five years since then....

When I read this, I thought for sure you were wrong about that date. But yes, it is all there. Five I still remember being completely stunned when Eddie first posted here. I'm glad we still have his posts, they are a treasure to me.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Brian wrote:

When I read this, I thought for sure you were wrong about that date. But yes, it is all there. Five I still remember being completely stunned when Eddie first posted here. I'm glad we still have his posts, they are a treasure to me.

You're not alone, Brian. For some of us, these posts (and this video of the radio interview are as close as we'll ever get to talking to Eddie. This far after the fact, it's almost like overhearing a private conversation between close friends. Wish I'd had the chance to be one of you back then.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

The pots are dated 30-65:

Man, that is nice! Looks like Eddie took real good care of it. The pickguard has shrank a bit, which is quite normal, & it's got a few scuffs, but it's aging beautifully!

Otto & The Ottomans
Kennedy Custom Guitars

Very nice photo, my copy is going on the wall next to "the beast". thanks for the post!! Angel Angel Angel

Enjoying the surf,sun and sand!!

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