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Permalink Astronauts from Bielefeld, Germany

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All of this talk about band uniforms reminded me that it's been a year or so since I last tried to get in touch with the Astronauts from Germany. Back in the 90's they put out a bunch of great 7"s and one LP, and played a bunch of shows dressed kinda like the Spotnicks (okay, not kinda like - they dressed exactly like 'em!). Anyway, a dream project of mine is to put out a CD or double CD with all of their songs on it. They seemed open to the idea about 5 years ago, and even sent demos of some new stuff they were working on, then I lost touch with them. I see that they've played a show or two in the last 6 months or so. Anyway, does anyone have any contact info for them? If so, please shoot me an e-mail at:

Double Crown Records

Surf CD's / Vinyl / Fanzines / DVD's
Aloha Screwdriver - Lunar Wobble CD
The Nebulas - Euphorion LP / CD
Supertubos - The Fourth Drive CD
Continental Magazine - Issue #38 w/17 Song CD

Did you try September Gurl Records?

We played a show with them in about '95 in Eugene, those guys are pretty wild!

try posting here:

its in German, but im sure someone will pass along the
info, I seem to remember seeing something about their shows on there.

Sean, that would be great if you could do that cd comp.



yeah these guys are real cool.

best wishes from germany!



Very cool poster for a cool gig,

please e-mail me, I am having trouble logging into your surf forum.


i´m new in this forum and a very big fan of the "german astronauts" too. But First of all, excuse my bad english in the following lines Embarassed .

The astronauts come from my hometown and so i had the pleasure to see them more than 3 times now and every gig was a great show (with lots of beer too Very Happy )
Since i know them, i tried to connect some information from the internet.

Here is some stuff i found:

This is the site of guitarrist "Henrick Sprock", you´ll find some soundfiles and photos there, he plays also in an rockabilly/rocknroll-coverband named "The Snake Charmers". You can find also his email adress on his site, i think it was (but delete the NOSPAM for mailing ;-))

Guitarrist Thilo Pieper (Tilo Pepper??, Tilo Piper?! i dont know his exact name ^^ ) often postes dates for gigs on ehries surf-forum thats true, you might get in contact with him per private message (PM) via the forum. He plays in two other bands, "The Hangover Hearts" (honky tonkin country rockabilly sound;-) and is also in the Snake Charmers with Henrick.
Sometimes after the show he is playing some cool 60s sound as " 7 Inch DJ".

Their Drummer is playing in 2 other bands: and in my opinion some cool beat,garage,trash-sounds

And here i found some nice videos on youtube (one is from me-hehe;-) ):
- The guy who grabbed the toilet paper of the bassplayers bass-neck, is a friend of mine Laughing )

It would be nice if there are some other "astronauts-fans" who can tell me more about bandhistory and stuff like that.

I know they published a 7" split with the "Phantom Surfers". I´ve heard the astronauts where touring in the USA as well, does anyone know about it?

Im looking forward to get a chance to talk to one of the guitar players after a gig, but i ever missed that chance Rolling Eyes .

so long, i hope you can understand my broken english

Benny a.k.a Nosferatu

I understood most of what you said fine.

I heard that the Astronauts may have played the USA before, but I was not into surf at the time.

I hope you can help them get in contact with Sean, and talk them into releasing a comp cd of all the vinyl tracks.

thanks for posting here.


I saw them in Portland with the Surf Trio. There were about 10 people there, but they were great! Great energy!

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