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Permalink Surf-Age Nuggets: Trash & Twang Instrumentals: 1959-1966

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bigtikidude wrote:

wow good work JP,
but still worth getting the box set, right?

20 or so exclusive songs plus having the rest of them in one place? That's well worth it to me, at least.

That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

Does anyone have this Ace records title & how does it rate?

Beach Party: Garpax Surf 'N' Drag
1. Beach Party (All Summer Long - Dave Kinzie
2. The Wipe Out - Kenny & The Sultans
3. Red Hot Scrambler Go - The Captivations
4. Waikiki Rumble - Vince & The Waikiki Rumblers
5. Summertime Is Surfin Time - The Surf Bunnies
6. Escondido - The Torquays
7. Lets Go To The Beach - Sanford & The Sandies
8. Kaha Huna (Goddess Of Surfing) - Gene Moles
9. Little Bitty King Of The Road - The Captivations
10. Surf Dance - Kenny & The Ho Daddies
11. Surfin With Jimmy - Judy Russell
12. Countdown - The Rockets Band
13. Big Bad Ho Dad - Lord Douglas Byron
14. The Scavenger - Gary Paxton
15. Firewater - Bucky & The Dales
16. Surfin Back To School - The Fashions
17. Speedshift - The Captivations
18. With Vigor - Kenny & The Sultans
19. Surfers Memories - The Fashions
20. War Path - Lonnie McLaughlin & The Premiers
21. Wild Wild Mustang - The Captivations
22. Surfers Cry - The Torquays
23. Warrior - The Rockets Band
24. Two Hump Dual Bump Camel Named Robert E Lee - Gary Paxton &
25. Goofy Guitar - Kenny & The Ho Daddies
26. Dear Henry Ford - The Zip Codes

Dave, look here:

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Back on topic....and first thing's first--this collection is nothing short of absolutely amazing! Yeah, some of the tracks have appeared on other comps over the years, but most of those are out of print and difficult to find. Not to mention, the convenience of having everything in one place on CDs is very nice. The combined eye candy, track-by-track liner notes and sheer raw, young energy and diversity of the selections is truly inspiring whether you're a die-hard fanatic or a casual listener. As I've learned myself, nit-pickers need to just ignore the type-os and be thankful that this project ever saw the light of day in the first place! It was truly a labor of love and NOT based on economics or profitability.
Cowabunga presented the "hits," Surf-Age Nuggets presents the "deep tracks."
I've been corresponding with James Austin and I can assure everyone that he is incredibly devoted to and passionately conscious about the integrity of the entire project. He assured me that Mike Campbell knows "Pipeline" should be attributed to The Chantays and that there was a comma missing from the quote. And, to address the audio quality of the tracks, Mr. Austin expressed that the mastering on all the tracks have been worked on. He said, "as producer, I searched out the best quality tracks and had them sonically restored." And, yes, they sound great!!
Also, to address the context of the Vox Instruments commercial...the track following it, "Turn On," begins with a gentleman saying "Turn on Gov'ner" in a British accent. Mr. Austin expressed that "inserting it there was intentional, as the British Invasion was now influencing our music and in this case, a surf instrumental."
Run, don't walk, to your computer and order this now. We are really fortunate to have it!

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

Why anyone wouldn't want to buy this boggles my mind.
come on everybody, lets all pick this up,
make it sell so fast, that they have to do a re-print of it.


Just pulled the trigger,,looking forward to the set!

Urgh. What did I do wrong? Amazon sez
"Description: We've received your order, but we haven't started preparing it for shipment yet. The amount of time your order spends in this status can vary based on the availability of the item(s) and the selected delivery."
You're killing me JonPaul! Smile



homerhead wrote:

Urgh. What did I do wrong? Amazon sez
"Description: We've received your order, but we haven't started preparing it for shipment yet. The amount of time your order spends in this status can vary based on the availability of the item(s) and the selected delivery."
You're killing me JonPaul! Smile


I believe they will be shipping Nov 13 when they get's a pre order ststus

Yeah, the initial excitement like the kid on Christmas morning is intense!!! You just wanna soak up every single thing! Ignore the type-os, realize that this project really was a labor of love, sit back and rock out! Soooo much amazing material, it really is quite overwhelming! I still haven't found the time to write any specifics about the music because I've been enjoying the listening time so much. So, whaddya think?

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

Disc 1 song 11 Phantoms/XL2.

Zock,bam pow!

Thats as far as I have gotten. 3 full plays of Disc 1, it's all good, song 11 stands out for me (Trem or Vib)intro.


A few more brief reactions:

**Sound Bytes: I just love the way the period sound bytes like the commercials and movie trailers provide a contextual reference. Listening to the set becomes more like stepping into a time machine than just throwing on a CD.

**Well-known tunes interpreted by lesser-known bands! - How cool to hear so many relatively obscure bands covering so many of the classics in their own way ("Miserlou, The Cruel Sea, The Breeze and I, Slaughter on 10th Ave., Moment of Truth, Jack the Ripper, Pipeline, Baja")

**Varied Guitar Tones! - What an amazing variety of recorded guitar tones! It's like a masterclass in the sound of vintage gear! Drool. Dig the crazy drip on The Mockers' "Madalena!"

Instant New Classics! - How awesome that so many really great tunes previously only known by a small handful now have the chance to disseminate throughout the global community! It used to be such a thrill to bring obscurities like "Crash" and "Nautiloid Reef" to life live with The Boardwalkers--I can only imagine that happening a lot more often with so many tunes more readily available!


Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

"**Varied Guitar Tones! - What an amazing variety of recorded guitar tones!"

Fo Sho.
At one point of this AM drive/listen time I was trasported back to a time when I had bought a used Silverface Pro Reverb in 1981. I wanted to get the sound of a cranked Boogie at that point in my quest for deafness and that darn Fender just stayed clean and only got louder. I sold it right away. Now I long for the sound I tossed away.

arrived..remarkable that this exists! Buy now!

Just got mine today - incredible! Haven't read the book yet, but the photos are amazing throughout. Just started listening to the first disc - great stuff so far. I'm sure many of us probably have a good chunk of these songs in our collection already, but it's great to have them in one place. The book alone though is worth $20-25. It was mentioned that it was too bad that the Continental Magazine wasn't mentioned in the required reading section, but the focus here is on early 60's surf, and we really don't feature that much of it in the Continental (other than reviews and the Dick Dale piece that Ivan did a few issues ago). The only modern surf mentioned was the Blue Stingrays CD, but of course that's due to Mike Campbell's involvement with this box set.

Double Crown Records

Surf CD's / Vinyl / Fanzines / DVD's
Aloha Screwdriver - Lunar Wobble CD
The Nebulas - Euphorion LP / CD
Supertubos - The Fourth Drive CD
Continental Magazine - Issue #38 w/17 Song CD

i just ordered my copy. when i went to pay it turns out i had almost the exact amount left over from a gift card. Smile

Disc 1 - Just had a 93 KHJ moment. Man, like being back in my room with my first stereo and my little cassette recorder. Boss, man!

What a great set, and I'm just starting to dig in.



I'm going to place my order very soon. Looks amazing and I can't believe anyone put this out! It's a no-brainer to support them with this.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

haven't listened yet, but I got it fri.
the book is so cool, like Sean said, its worth buying just for that alone.
But then add is all the cool rarities, Buy this now, before its out of print.


Caught a good bit of disc 1 on this morning's run. The Scouts / Mr. Custer Stomp came on, got me thinking... you know the early days of hip-hop are often credited with the liberal use of sampling in music. The Scouts had 'em beat by nearly 20 years! Uh-Oh Wink

First time I heard this one, I wasn't sure, but I think it's growing on me.


El Mirage @ ReverbNation

Two threads for this comp? Okay cool! I'm pretty stoked about this comp so here's my post from the other thread since this seems to be the one for reviews...

Just got mine today! WOW! I mean, DOUBLE WOW! This is IMO the best Surf music comp anyone has done. Pure unbridled teenage surf-stompin’ fury! If you digged the stuff on this thread... then you're going to love this! I can't help but wonder if they saw it. Big Grin

So, stop what you're doing and get it now! Some of these songs have been on rare LP comps, but they managed to dig up TONS of even more obscure stuff. The booklet looks amazing with lots of cool pics. Can't wait to read the liner notes. AAAplus! Need I say more?

BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

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