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Permalink Virtual Upright Bass

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Anyone know of an Upright Bass VST instrument? The spectrasonics trilogy incorporates it as one of its parts. The samples they provided were jazzier than I had hoped as i'd be looking for a more percussive sound (think rockabilly). Besides the price is a bit steep for my student budget. Another program is the Broadway big band but it seems more a recording program than the instruments themselves. Thanks.

Surf in Seattle?

You could try:

Los Fantasticos

Sampletank has got a pizzicato solo double bass among the orchestral samples, and when you hit with enough velocity it will slap like a rockabilly bass a).
But I wouldn’t hope to get a good, real rockabilly slapbass pulse by going virtual. Rockabilly has two slaps on one note: a) hitting and b) releasing the string. This is a timing issue, to make it work you would need a sample set for every tempo you want to play. Or look for a REX library, which is stretchable in a groove related manner. But than you would have pre-played loops.


The Exotic Guitar of Kahuna Kawentzmann

You can get the boy out of the Keynes era, but you can’t get the Keynes era out of the boy.

Thanks, i guess when i said VST i just meant something that wasn't going to take a bundle to manipulate. I'll take a little more time to investigate. I liked what I heard on the manytone, it mentioned that there was a map "that could simulate" rockabilly. I was impressed with the demo track when the notes would begin to rattle when they were held out. Could be promising.

Surf in Seattle?

I checked the Manytone description and I think it’s not a map of all notes played in a rockabilly way, but it’s a slap on one key that is usually not in the range of a double bass and is an extra percussive-sound to be played along with the melody-note. Placing this extra sound in your midi might be difficult to sound convincing.

The Exotic Guitar of Kahuna Kawentzmann

You can get the boy out of the Keynes era, but you can’t get the Keynes era out of the boy.

So basically you're overlapping a default percussive sound onto your desired note. Hmm..that does sound like there would be some complicating issues. That seems like an awkward way of going about it but it must be do-able if they list it as an option.

Surf in Seattle?

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