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Posted on Oct 10 2012 08:17 PM
Watching Beat Girl right now and listening to The John Barry Seven play the rock in the movie. Very twangy electric guitar sound. Funny thing though; the only guitars they show being played are an acoustic archtop and a folk guitar.
Oh, the movie is pretty bad. The John Barry Seven seem to only have one tune they play over and over in the dance club. But the score John wrote for the movie has some decent cool jazz and then ends with some noir touches.
— This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.
Last edited: Oct 10, 2012 20:48:09
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Posted on Oct 10 2012 09:46 PM
Very cool, Noel. I've never seen the movie, but I've had the soundtrack forever, and it's good stuff. The John Barry 7 were definitely competing with the Shadows in '61-'62, that's who they were going after, though obviously they had the horns which set them apart. I remember reading the following story, I think I remember it pretty accurately, but don't quote me on it: back then the UK had all sorts of protectionist measures for their music industry, and one of those measures was that any foreign hit before being released in the UK by the original artist would get a shot at being released by a UK performer. Shortly after hitting big with Apache, the Shadows were offered to record Walk, Don't Run, which hit in the US almost at the same time that Apache did in the UK. The Shadows considered it, but ultimately turned it down since they wanted to develop their own sound and not be seen as simply copycats of US hits. The song ended up being recorded by the John Barry 7 (see the video below) and was a minor hit for them before the Ventures got to release their version there.
The track Beat Girl is really great. Amazing twangy tone, you can definitely hear the Duane Eddy influence there. I wonder if Flick was using his Strat on that one? Probably not... BTW, have you heard Satan's Pilgrims' version of it? Attached below. Enjoy!
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Back in Piitsburgh, Pennsylvania, where I grew up.

Posted on Oct 10 2012 10:03 PM
Those are great. Thanks. The full movie is on Youtube. Search for "Beat Girl (Full Movie) 1961". It's link is the kind that can't be attached.
— This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.
Last edited: Oct 10, 2012 22:03:32
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Posted on Jan 09 2018 05:46 PM
I love John Berry. Vic Flick is one of my all time favorites.
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Des Moines, Iowa, USA

Posted on Jan 10 2018 08:12 AM
I love bumping 6 year old threads!
This compilation might be hard to find these days, but the guys in the Volcanos (one of my favorite modern surf bands) have been in a zillion bands together, and they put out this compilation:
B-Movie Brain
In their "Kaos Killers" form, they play some really mean spy themes, including Human Jungle and the Theme from Get Smart. They have a very growly sax on those tracks too.
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Portland, Oregon with Insanitizers

Posted on Jan 10 2018 09:11 PM
What would James Bond be without his match in The Other Spy? Similar yet different, more dangerous, and far more troublesome. From the "Flying Guitars" album.
— Insanitizers!
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Posted on Jan 13 2018 10:57 AM
Post deleted by author.
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Posted on Jan 13 2018 11:45 AM
I don't think this was mentioned in this thread yet, but some of my favorite surf-spy music was by the Clee-Shays. Mostly a Challengers off-shoot, there's a great CD comp on Sundazed from some 20 years ago that showcased how great they were.

— Ivan
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Posted on Jan 22 2018 04:14 PM
Thanks for putting me onto these dudes, Ivan. I love that stuff.
— The artist formerly known as: Synchro
When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.
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Posted on Jan 23 2018 06:00 AM
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Portland, Oregon with Insanitizers

Posted on Jan 25 2018 04:31 PM
The Cleeshays LP "Super Spy Themes" is the album I've played most over the past 50 years. Here is a photo of the LP case back. All songs on this LP appear on the CD, along with a bunch more. Every song on the CD is fun. Ed Fournier and Richard Delvy are the Cleeshays also in the Challengers. Note this album antedates postal zip codes.
On the LP parts of the track volume on "High Wire" are so high they threw the phono stylus off the record. This is the only LP to do this. I taped a dime on my 1 gram phono cartridge to keep it "in the groove." No such problem on the CD.

— Insanitizers!
Last edited: Jan 25, 2018 16:36:53
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Not One-Sawn, but Two-Sawn . . . AZ.

Posted on Jan 27 2018 12:06 AM
My copy of the Clee-Shays CD is on the way. I haven’t heard some of this stuff since I was literally a child, but it’s a great trip back in time.
When I was a kid, music like this was pretty common. The Ventures, The Fireballs and any number of other bands playing everything from Surf to soft ballads on twangy guitars with lots of reverb.
— The artist formerly known as: Synchro
When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.
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Posted on Jun 08 2020 04:25 PM
The visuals on the opening credits kind of get me more than the music. I don't imagine wearing that kind of body paint is very comfortable.
