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Wondered what kind of mics folks here use on their guitar cabinets. I have been going round and around with several units. (I have a 15" Twin Reverb + tank, FYI) I am not getting as much satisfaction from the cab recorded as live. Hence the poll. What are your faves, and why? Also any helpful mic-ing techniques are much welcomed.

Yes, I realize that there are several great home recording fora on the Web with gobs of hints and tricks and advice. Hardly any for our brand of audio anachronism, though.



I like whatever mics these are. One looks like a SM57

Well, I usually use an Audix Fusion 15 condensor mic for alot of our recording. It's a great mic that you can use for drums, bass, and guitar. I find that I just like condensor mics for recording alot more than dynamic mics.

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I like whatever mics these are. One looks like a SM57

The one on the left is the venerable Sennheiser MD421. Quite nice, street about $350. The right one may be the Audix i5 or a Shure SM57.


While the SM57 works just fine for me, I've found that there's something a little different with the Shure 55SH, which is the old school chromed-out mic (the "Elvis Style" as most would call it). It uses the same element as the SM57, but I've noticed there's just something about it that picks up all my frequencies really well.

Then again, it could just be that coooool look...



i have been using the Sennheiser e609 for somewhat-close guitar cab micing. I also use the Shure SM 57...


Last edited: Feb 11, 2007 12:19:38

An ol' 57 works like majico (magic) awesome for live and killer to mic instruments in the studio Exclamation


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I like whatever mics these are. One looks like a SM57

Oh yeah now that's what I'm talking about!!! a classic photo of a 57 hard @ work making out with a Showman, on the job Shocked


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I've been recording our latest CD here at home and have used an SM-57, large diaphram condesor, and a small diaphram condensor, depending on the sound need for the tune.

Live, it's SM-57 all the way.


Canadian Surf

When recording, I like a '57 up close to the speaker and then something different, like a condenser or a ribbon, about 18" to 2' back - I record the two signals onto two tracks and then re-combine them onto a third track, with the balance dependent upon what sounds best in the mix with the other instruments.

The SM57 has been used almost evey time I've recorded something with a band. I'll stick with that.

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