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Permalink Chris Isaac

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Not surf but some great sounding guitars.

Most people outside of the SF bay area don't know this, but The Shitones do one HELL of a version of this song. All instro, of course - it's like the song was just waiting for Jim Thomas to surf it up.

We used to cover it. Never played it live though.

I love Herschel Yatowitz' tasty playing style. Seeing him with Chris on MTV Unplugged several years back blew me away.

Did you notice the two Showmans with single 15" tone ring cabs (turned on their side) that the bass player was using? I was fortunate to see Chris and his band live a couple of times in the 90's, and they were all "musician's musicians".

Jack Booth
(aka WoodyJ)

The Mariners (1964-68, 1996-2005)
The Hula Hounds (1996-current)
The X-Rays (1997-2004)
The Surge! (2004, 2011-2012)
Various non-surf bands that actually made money

Live in Austrailia

Did see Chris several years back with James Calvin Wilsey, he had a lovely sound too. Yatowitz does a good job on the original.

I will probably come off jerky here. But I gotta say it and Im sure that some will agree.

I understand that Herschel probably wouldnt want to come in and sound just like the guy he was replacing.
But I say James Wilsey has way more soul, and depth to his playing.
and "SOUND"
Listen here:
and here:

I have all of Chris's cd's and the new stuff is good.
But The Early Years with Jimmy Wilsey just does it for me.



I must admit that was my point, but you said it bigtikidude.

Did see Chris several years back with James Calvin Wilsey, he had a lovely sound too. Yatowitz does a good job on the original.

After reading bigtiki's post I asked myself why didn't I say what I meant, must be the "let's keep it civilized" vibes I get from some posts here.

OK this is what I wanted to say, Yatowitz tries to do an exact copy of Wilsey's Wicked Game and that's all it is.
Now there...

surf raptor


My favorite Isaak album is the one right after Wilsey left. So awesome. The Graduation Day solo is great.

Anybody ever watch the Chris Isaak show? One of the finest comedies every. So great.

His show on Showtime was a riot... Never missed it.

My wife and I are huge Isaak fans. We have all of his CDs, every one. We have seen him live twice in the last three years. We saw every episode of his Showtime series (it's a real shame that's not out on DVD). We just love the guy.

My take on the issue of his guitarists: Herschel Yatowitz is a monster musician, extremely versatile and has chops up the wazoo. But Jimmy Wilsey, his soul is in the stuff that we here on this list love. He loves the Shadows, surf and old rockabilly. Technically speaking, though he is very good guitarist, he's not as good as Herschel. But ultimately he is more creative and more appealing to my ears. Jimmy created a big part of Isaak's sound, the sound that Herschel is now recreating.

I saw on Jimmy's myspace site that his debut solo album of twangy instrumentals is almost finished. I think this will be something many of us here are really going to enjoy!


Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Isaac was on the Letterman Show some years ago. He did Wicked Game & another song, I think it was called Shake Shake Shake. He had all the women from the audience on the stage dancing with him by the time the song was over. You could tell he was loving it. It was one of those moments when he was in the groove & all the stars aligned perfectly.

What is this with Chris Isaac, my wife loves him too... Very Happy
We have all of his cds, love 'em all, exept his christmas album...

now back to Miami...

What is this with Chris Isaac, my wife loves him too... Very Happy
We have all of his cds, love 'em all, exept his christmas album...

now back to Miami...

That's pretty funny. I love Chris Isaac, too, but my wife absolutely
despises him! Shocked

Oh well, as I mentioned on an earlier thread (about our parents'
music), I grew up listening to my parents' 1950s rock 'n' roll and
rockabilly, whereas my wife's folks were into Lawrence Welk
and Hee Haw. . . . Puke

Later kids!


Is this something you can share with the rest of us, Amazing Larry?!?

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