wasn't sure if this was the right forum to post this since it doesn't actually feature live video footage. this is the audio of our entire set @ reggie's music joint in chicago on fri june 15 with 3 still photos from the night depicting who was playing what during the songs with the exception of jay playing the tele during sleepwalk. this is from a 2 track stereo mix cd with one long track that the sound guy gave us that night. he made a multi-track recording that he is mixing and breaking into seperate song tracks that i'll get in a week or so. i thought i would share this uncut for those that may be interested as when i get the final mix, some songs may not be shared again and my time-killing stage banter during guitar switches will def be cut out. we have a drier sound more akin to some of the ventures live recordings, get a little too dirty at times for some peoples surf tastes and take liberty with tempos and arrangements of songs. so here it is, warts and all...
-Cruel Sea/Showdown at Newport/Bitemark/House of the Rising Sun/Sleepwalk/Nitro/Long Ride/Esparanza/The Weight/The Wedge/Mystery of Spangler Fen/Road to Kapetopek/I'm Branded/Fuzz Flag/Jack the Ripper/Rumble/Pipeline