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Permalink Smashing, burning, & destroying gear?

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After reading the Pete Townshend thread about his misuse of musical equiptment I just had to ask.
Has any one here destroyed equiptment on stage?
If your answer is yes, please tell me why?
I feel like I'm missing something when I see it being done, I mean besides dramatics, it seems hard on the rest of the band, not to mention the equiptment.

Kind of related. I saw Pearl Jam back in 2002 and their lead guitarist threw his tele off stage rather far away and quite the drop onto concrete. He was playing the same guitar the next night. Teles are beasts.

I've never destroyed any gear, nor have I seen it done. Personally I think all gear destroying is lame. I think only Townshend and Keith Moon were cool when they did it. Even Townshend stopped doing it. There was something about the time they lived in, the music they were playing at the time, and Townshends charisma that seemed to make it okay.

sorry for the off topic comment, but there was nothing like seeing the original WHO and standing in front of the stage, five feet from pete townsend and having the battered remains of his guitar fly over your head and into the arms of the guy standing behind you. no need for anyone to copy this though.

Oh my god... I'm guessing that happened to you? That would be pretty much the greatest moment ever. If you are still a who fan check out the Isle of Wight DVD. It is worth it just for the Young Man Blues. Pete doesn't have a whammy bar on his SG, right? So he bends the neck for a really good whammy effect. It is the coolest thing ever.

Actually... here is the video. It is pretty much just him doing the guitar thing which begins shortly. This is my favorite Townshend moment.

yes, it was me. unbelievably cool to see the who up close and personal Thumbs Up

I think its great when people destroy things.

i broke a daphon pedal at at party. lol forgot it wasnt a boss

my frend tried to swing the guitar around his head without straplocks at a school concert.LOL
lets just say the song ended a little early


i had two or three destructo-episodes way back in the old 1980s punk rock days... it was kind of fun and mindless.

I speared a 4x12 Fender speaker cabinet with a Gibson Victory bass. Our band was at the end of a show and amps were sounded cool, but the neck cracked and had to be replaced. There's still a hole in the fabric to this day...

One time, during garage practice at max volume, I "smoked" the Bassman50...some of the transformer wires got too hot and started making smoke and stench...had to be fixed later...

lots of kicking and jumping and amp heads falling on the floor, and squealing fedback...that's how I learned to play...

Maybe it's just me and my old fashioned ways and upbringing.. or the fact that I broke my ass to get the gear I have today..

Having said that...

SMASHING, DESTROYING, BURNING or doing otherwise to a good guitar or amp is just
PLAIN STUPID!! Rolling Eyes

I cringe when I see musically drained 'rock stars' - be they Townsend, Hendrix or some lame wannabee mutillating perfectly good gear.

Am I missing something or is there some artistic merit to CONSPICUOUS WASTE!

I cringe as well. Most of the time it just seems so lame when they destroy their gear. Like they are emulating. As I previously said I think Townshend is the only one with merit when he does so. It isn't so cool when he does it these days but there is something about Townshend in the setting of the classic Who beating the shit out of his gear.

We had a show last year. We were all excited becuase they were going to be filming the show. We had Go-Go dancers. The club was packed to caqpacity and our Bassist was out of tune the entire nite. He was playing a $100 Korean bass that looked good. But played like crap.

So, to cut to the chase. At the end of the set, we were tapping our gutairs straight down on the stage. Nothing hard, just enough to get noise and feedback. Then all of a sudden over the top of my shoulder I see this blue blur and then Kerrraannnnggg!!!! The bass player just pulls a full on John Macenroe (Spelling?) and his fretboard seperates from the neck. Crowd is going wild. They want more music. The bands we are playing with are rock-a-billy bands. Not another electric bass to be found. So we play our first song over again. This time the bassist is trying to play and hold the fretboard onto the guitar. Still not in tune. Pure Lunacy.

Anyways after that he fully sacrificed the guitar to the go-go girls that stomped it properly into its watery grave.

So, that was our destructro moment. Hopefully the last, but it was rather exciting in the heat of the moment.

-Redd Tyde

...So, that was our destructro moment. Hopefully the last, but it was rather exciting in the heat of the moment...

well put, redtyde...

but, now that i'm an older dp, I agree with those who say "It's stupid it's a waste..."
it is a stupid waste. and expensive, too...

but, it is exhilarating and makes great noise...

Last edited: Jan 27, 2007 22:51:41

completely stupid idea if you wana break you shit how about sending me it cause i would greatly appreciate any instruments i can get since monies tight for me Smile

-Fly on little wing-

Couldn't Stand The Weather...
...add me...

completely stupid idea if you wana break you shit how about sending me it cause i would greatly appreciate any instruments i can get since monies tight for me Smile

Trust me, this bass guitar was not meant to live. It had the sustain of a toothpick. I think the body was made out of fiber board.

_redd Tyde

Very Happy Cool well, if your are townsend in the 60s it was cool. never saw the who myself--not a big fan of them. saw hendrix burn a guitar in washington d.c.. he torched a strat--very uncool. saw toni iommi kick over his hiwatt stack in memphis_. looked kinda stupid to me. i personally have torched a couple of hagstroms--but we know i ain't right. personally, i work hard for my money and back then it seemed silly to destroy perfectly good guitars. if page had thrown his paul at mr. plant--well whatever. guess you had to be there. i have noticed that sometimes the more people at an event causes the group IQ to crash. not all the time though. help me ivanp--i can't think of the big word for that!! i haven't broken, burned or bashed any gear in years--but sometimes i want to Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation peace_

Shocked Shocked Cool Cool redd tyde-------your in oceanside socal??? COOL Exclamation lived there when i was a kid. damn i miss that beach. lucky man!! peace

I've only broken one instrument before. Actually, I didn't even break it, my cat did. I had it leaning against the wall, and she rubbed up against it. It fell over and one of the tuning pegs popped off. I guess it wasn't that big of a deal; I think my friend still has and records with it--minus one string, of course.

I'd never intentionally destroy a piece of equipment, though. Even when I was a teenager, I never thought of doing it. I don't have the money for that, and I think it's just a waste.

Kevin, the original Halibut bass player once did the Pete Townsend thing when we were playing with Agent Orange. He planned it all out, bringing some crappy garage sale bass. It took quite a few swings, but he did manage to eventually break the neck off the body. He totally busted up the stage where he was swinging it and they made us come back the next day to repair it (actually Pete came back and did it). It was very cool. None of the band was expecting it.


smashing guitars became so cliched for PT, that he vowed to stop smashing in 2006:,,2-2231891,00.html

"The Who rocker Pete Townshend has vowed never to smash another guitar onstage again.

The Won't Get Fooled Again star is well-known for his decades-old love of destroying the instruments mid-performance.

But the 61-year-old has now decided this trademark has become a cliche, and he has decided to auction the last guitar he smashed up to raise money for the victims of Hurricane Katrina in America's Gulf Coast region.

Fans can enter a lottery on website to buy the battered instrument, signed by Townshend, that the guitarist dismantled onstage in Japan in 2004.

He says, "(My partner) Rachel (Fuller) plans to sell $10 lottery tickets for the last ever guitar to be smashed by the legendary me, at Yokohama in Japan."

A spokesman confirms, "Pete has promised the Yokohama guitar will be the very last to go."

Last edited: Jan 28, 2007 11:58:38

Well guys, I don't know what to say. I can see how folks can find themselves doing something impulsive in the heat of the moment.
But Pete T. did it in a sorta regular fashion. Sometimes mid show. He must have had equiptment to throw away. I wonder if it irked his other band members?
If I was on stage and someone in the band started trashing something, I think I would just sort of stop and stare at them. I mean, how would the band keep playing with something like that going on?
It's just beyond me, why it is done, and I know I am not a proforming band member so I guess I just don't get it.
You guys, and doll have put up some interesting replies, truely.

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