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Permalink The Song Baja by the Astronauts

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I have been working on the Song Baja and I notice that it is played several different ways and in different keys. It looks like the Astronauts played it in E? and the Chantays Played it in G. Yes/No? Anybody know or have a favorite arrangement? Looking for feedback....I love that song!

The Astronauts is the definitive in my book, but Al Casey has a good version too, a tad slower and heavier. He was a Wrecking Crew guy. I've seen probably a hundred bands cover it, including my own, it is usually played in E.


Astronauts - 10
The Torquays - 9+

Others -----zero

Big Grin That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Last edited: May 15, 2012 11:13:05

I've never heard Baja played in any other key than E.
And absolutely, unequivocally, undeniably...The Astronauts version is THEE one.


Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

I was having trouble finding a good tab version that showed the rhythm chords when I came across this tutorial on YouTube
So I practiced it then set out to find a backing track. I had been listening to the Astronauts version but when playing along figured out real quick that what I had learned was in a different key. So I just moved down to E and bingo there it was. I also like the way the chords in the bridge chime in that position as well. In the tutorial the guy mentions a Chantays version. I didn’t care for their recording. I wanted the Astronauts version. You guys are right that is the definitive version. So the backing track here in our download section is it in E? It doesn’t say
I welcome any tips you guys might have. I think I have it down put just looking for more info


Last edited: Mar 01, 2020 07:56:50

Yes, the track in the downloads is in E.

We also did a backing track (in E) here (on Disc 2):


The Blue Hawaiians do a nice and easy version with an excellent rhythmic pulse...

Last edited: May 15, 2012 17:42:22

...of course, Slacktone does the big-monster-super-twang-power-trio-version:

WOW thanks guys! that's way cool. I'm stoked, looks like I'm on the right track. It's great to actually post to guys the know surf music...I'm concerned that its losing it's roots. I was at NAMM and one of Fenders employees was demostrating the new 50th anniversay Jag. When I asked him to play surf music on it he freaked. He had no clue.

dp wrote:

...of course, Slacktone does the big-monster-super-twang-power-trio-version:

My fave version ever. Motown beat.

Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

I have another question. On the Astronauts version of Baja. How do they get that first sound you hear when the intro starts? Was that a bass or rhythm guitar? The sound too? Anybody know if you used a tank reverb?....:-) so many questions......

The Astronauts were big users of the Fender Reverb Tank,
plus the sound quality of the studio helped it sound even better.


Mike, it's unfortunate that you encountered that kind of cluelessness from any guitar player, let alone a Fender employee. However, one of the most steadfast characteristics that I've encountered within the surf music community is its knowledge of and appreciation for its roots. Now keep in mind, we're talking about real aficionados and players here, not just your average Joe on the street. Any surf player who really "gets it" has done their homework, studied where it all comes from and cut their chops on the standards. Surf is the LAST genre out there that would ever "lose its roots."

Regarding your other questions...a "must read" thread about the Astronauts and their recording techniques and locations can be found HERE and gear HERE And, what you are hearing at the very beginning of Baja is what many consider to be THEE surf sound. I would suggest spending some time using the extremely user-friendly SG101 search function and reading through some of the "Best of SG101" threads to become more acquainted with how this sound is achieved.

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

Great response Jonpaul, you really are a great asset to this forum. Thumbs Up

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

WOW, thanks guys. I actually grew up as a surfer in the southbay and hung around Hermosa Beach. I went to a lot of these concerts, but back then I didn't know crap about what I was experiencing. I little pipeline, wipeout on the desk in class (drove the teachers nuts!). It wasn't until later that I became interested in the music and trying to play it. Now as I have the time I have decided to play and see if I can get good at it. At least I get that a lot of it is the tone. I'm going to read up on all that....way cool Hang Ten! thanks so much. Oh and I'm going to the convention....wouldn't miss it for the world.

Is this the best forum on the Internet ot what?

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

It's so cool. i read all the info on the Astronauts. I had no idea they didn't consider themselves a Surf Band. It looks like they play a Jaguar too

DannySnyder wrote:

Great response Jonpaul, you really are a great asset to this forum. Thumbs Up

Who says Jonpaul has the greatest ass on this Forum?
Shock Whatever


Okay I've got another question, In the bridge of Baja are the chords played as a straight arpeggio or is there a riff that is being played from the chords. It doesn't sound like a straight arpeggio. But I know they had severall guitars. Also does anyone know where there's an accurate tab for this song?

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