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SurfGuitar101 Forums » Surf Music General Discussion »

Permalink Can anyone tell me the name of a song in Riding Giants

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I was trying to find out any information about a song I heard in Riding Giants. It played at about the 26 minute mark of the movie and was an instrumental. I also heard it in a commercial and have a link for it Any help is appreciated.

I would buy or find the sound track on disc or just check the end credits.


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There is a listing of all the song in the imDb movie database, but I couldn't find that particular song. It is very cool, however. Would make a great surf instrumental!


Sounds like a derivative of "Sleepwalk"

I saw this commercial the other day. I really love this song.

Could it be the Surf Kings?
I remember thay had a song in one of those 3 movies that came out a few years ago. But cant remember which song, and which movie, I'l have to ask Tom.



It's "Sleep Walk" performed by a person or group called Matter. They also did the original music for the movie.


Yeah I just talked to Tom Stanton of the Surf kings , he said they had a track on "Step into Liquid"
have to check both of those out on dvd, saw them in the Theater, but not since.
Has anyone seen a surf movie called "Men who ride mountains"
Its a documentary on Mavericks form 2000 or a tad earlier. and thew whole soundtrack is Mermen.
and I hear that there is a new movie about mavericks with Mermen music. their stuff, fits the vibe of that place so well.



Could it be the Surf Kings?
I remember thay had a song in one of those 3 movies that came out a few years ago. But cant remember which song, and which movie, I'l have to ask Tom.


If I correctly remember the liner notes to "Coming Up for Air" I think it was "Lobotomy" that Tom wrote for...Step into Liquid? Either way it was one of those movies and one of the songs from "Coming Up..."

Aaw, BTD you beat me to it.

I haven't seen that movie, but I've heard the Mermen are the "official" band of Mavericks. Seems fitting.

The tune is from Matter Music, an Austrailian company that does film soundtracks and commercials. They're a bunch of musicians who found a way to market their music and make some BIG bucks. I couldn't find that particular tune on their website so i can't tell you the name of it.
Check out:
R-R Cool

The TakeOffs
"Kauai's Only All-Instrumental Surf Band"

Sad that a cool movie like that wouldn't get music from real bands instead of music machine tunes.



Jeff.....i agree with you 100%............but if i'm one of those guys, i'm thinking, look how much money we made off those four i can get that Fender reverb tank!! No, i don't think that money is everything,
but.......and do we agree that it's "Sleep Walk"? I don't know myself but it sounds a little bit like it i guess.
Enough blah from me today.
Shoots.....let's see.....what should i do now. Blah Blah
R-R Cool

The TakeOffs
"Kauai's Only All-Instrumental Surf Band"

Aaw, BTD you beat me to it.

I haven't seen that movie, but I've heard the Mermen are the "official" band of Mavericks. Seems fitting.

Hey Wooz,
The Lava Rats are beginning to nudge our way into the hearts of Mavericks as well. We played the kickoff/media circus event a few weeks back, and the coordinator of the whole shebangabang liked us so much he invited us to play live on the cliffs during the competition.


The tune is from Matter Music, an Austrailian company that does film soundtracks and commercials. ... Check out:

Great tracking, RR!

See also

I figured they must be some sort of soundtrack outfit from the citations at IMDb ( >, but I couldn't get past that. The "about us" for Matter Music says:

Ric Markmann, Dan Pinnella, Dean Butterworth and Chris “Wag” Wagner founded Matter in 1997. The plan was to form a fun and creative musical cooperative that could bring our talents together and create distinctively remarkable work in every medium.

The credits at IMDb (above) list list Pipeline and Sleepwalk for Matter, but it appears that the soundtrack album ( doesn't include those cuts.

Pursuing the names:

Ric Markmann (bass) - (bassist for Heart 5/30/2006)

Dean Butterworth (drums) - (new drummer for Good Charlotte)

Dan Pinnella (various) Credited for the movie Zoe ( as a composer, etc., and as "musician: accordion, dobro, guitars, harmonica, indian flute, mandolin and piano (as Daniel Pinnella)"

Chris "Wag" Wagner (bass) -'s Danish)

It looks like the personnel might be somewhat various, anyway. I was wondering if anyone had a connection with surf music. I guess not. Surf movies, yes.

Hey Wooz,
The Lava Rats are beginning to nudge our way into the hearts of Mavericks as well. We played the kickoff/media circus event a few weeks back, and the coordinator of the whole shebangabang liked us so much he invited us to play live on the cliffs during the competition.


Dude, that's so cool. Cool I wanna go to one of those. It looks like total insanity.

Hey Wooz,
The Lava Rats are beginning to nudge our way into the hearts of Mavericks as well. We played the kickoff/media circus event a few weeks back, and the coordinator of the whole shebangabang liked us so much he invited us to play live on the cliffs during the competition.

how cool is that.... almost like playin' pipeline at the pipeline masters!
or playing the wedge at ............ Hmmm

very envious

, and the coordinator of the whole shebangabang liked us so much he invited us to play live on the cliffs during the competition.


Naw, it couldn't be......could it? UF?

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

We've got three of our songs in a surf video called "Nelscott Reef Beach Break" from Al Shinkle Video.
The Nelscott Reef is like the Maverick's del Norte.
You can check out a teaser video at
(No, that ain't us playin' on the teaser) Laughing


, and the coordinator of the whole shebangabang liked us so much he invited us to play live on the cliffs during the competition.


Naw, it couldn't be......could it? UF?

No no no... the coordinator of the Maverick's event. I just used "shebangabang" as my personal way of expressing "the whole enchilada"


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