We've got plenty of surf/instro releases (CD's, 7"s and fanzines) available at Double Crown Records. A bunch of new items have been added to the catalog over the last few weeks. Order before January 31st, use coupon code FREESHIP and receive free shipping anywhere in the world (minimum order $20.00). You can order online with credit card/Paypal at: www.dblcrown.com/catalog.html. You can also send a Paypal (www.paypal.com) payment directly to: records@dblcrown.com
* (NEW!) The All-Nighters - Dance 'Til Dawn CD - AMR01 - $12.75
* (BACK IN STOCK!) The All-Nighters - Drink The Night CD - NRM09 - $12.75
* (NEW!) Eddie Angel - Guitar Party + Bonus Tracks CD - SPCD23 - $14.75
* (NEW!) The Aquasonics - Play Songs For The Surfin' Set CD - WT506 - $14.75
* (BACK IN STOCK!) The Arousers - Princes Of Penetration CD - RAU073 - $12.75 (NS)
* (BACK IN STOCK!) The Astroglides - Selling Out CD - SHR02 - $14.75 (NS)
* (BACK IN STOCK!) The Beat Tornados - Scandinavian Interlude CD - FR009 - $16.75
* (NEW!) Big Boy Pete - London American Boy CD - RAU105 - $12.75 (NS)
* (NEW!) The Fuzz-Busters - Retro-Sonic Music For The Moderns CD - FB751 - $14.75
* (NEW!) The Ghastly Ones - Target: Draculon CD - GPC02 - $14.75
* (BACK IN STOCK!) Goggle-A - Goggle-A In Europe DVD - SZ002 - $16.75
* (BACK IN STOCK!) The Kilaueas - Profesor Volcanova CD - ASM022 - $14.75
* (BACK IN STOCK!) Los Mel-Tones - Surf Sensation CD - LCM46 - $14.75
* (NEW!) The Orangu-Tones - Introducing The Simian Sounds CD - WT503 - $14.75
* (NEW!) The Orangu-Tones - Pledge Kappa Epsilon Gamma CD - WT504 - $14.75
* (NEW!) Planet Creep - Self Service CD - PC001 - $16.75 (NS)
* (NEW!) The Rattlesnakes - Tornado CD - TCY04 - $14.75 (NS)
* (NEW!) The Razorblades - The Dark Side Of The Beach CD - GS001 - $14.75
* (BACK IN STOCK!!) The Sandblasters - Jupiter Beach CD - RAU111 - $12.75 (NS)
* (NEW!) The Sidemen - Go Too Far! CD - ZRR01 - $16.75 (NS)
* (NEW!) The Sin-Tones - Surf-O-Ghetti! CD - FWM26 - $16.75
* (BACK IN STOCK!) Surf Cinema - S/T CD - SC4827 - $14.75
* (BACK IN STOCK!) The Surfin' Gorillas - The Return Of... CD - FT017 - $14.75 (NS)
* (NEW!) The Surf Kings - Coming Up For Air CD - IM002 - $13.75
* (BACK IN STOCK!) The Surf Kings - Up From The Depths CD - IM001 - $12.75
* (NEW!) TubeStone - Aligretosurfati CD - TBS01 - $14.75 (NS)
* (BACK IN STOCK!) V/A - Better Than The Average Weekend: Shadowy Men Tribute CD - DE011 - $14.75
* (NEW!) V/A - Big Wave Riders CD - DE020 - $14.75
* (NEW!) V/A - Los Kahunas / The Invisible Surfers - Waves Of Reverb, Sea Of Fuzz #1 CD - NF017 - $14.75 (NS)
* (NEW!) V/A - Reverb Brazil CD - RB001 - $14.75 (NS)
* (BACK IN STOCK!!) V/A - This Is Rockabilly Clash CD - RAU131 - $14.75 (NS)
NEW ITEMS - 7" & 10" VINYL
* (NEW!) El Ray - Holiday On Ice 10" - HTR203 - $11.75
* (NEW!) The Ghastly Ones - Flying Saucers Over Van Nuys 7" (Green
* (BACK IN STOCK!) Los Kogars - Action Packed 7" EP - SFX008- $4.75
* (NEW!) Monsters From Mars - Surfing Through A Creepy Castle 7" EP - TTT01 - $4.75
* (NEW!) The Orangu-Tones - Santa's Comin' / Don't Believe In Christmas 7" - WT709 - $4.75
* (BACK IN STOCK!) The Panasonics - Introducing The Inscrutable Panasonics/Panther 7" - SP008- $4.00
* (NEW!) The Savage Wrong Notes - Rip Tide / Green Room 7" - VR002 - $4.75
* (NEW!) Thundercrack - Here Comes... 7" EP (French Import) - RY709- $4.75
* (NEW!) Barracuda Magazine - Issue #21 - BM021 - $3.50
* (NEW!) Barracuda Magazine - Issue #22 - BM022 - $3.50
* (NEW!) The Hungover Gormet - Issue #8 - HG008 - $2.00
* (NEW!) New Gandy Dancer - #80 - NGD080 - $8.00
* (NEW!) Pipeline Instrumental Review - #72 - PL072 - $6.75
* (NEW!) Tiki Magazine - - TM006 - $4.95
Double Crown Records
Surf CD's / Vinyl / Fanzines / DVD's
Aloha Screwdriver - Lunar Wobble CD
The Nebulas - Euphorion LP / CD
Supertubos - The Fourth Drive CD
Continental Magazine - Issue #38 w/17 Song CD