Joined: Nov 12, 2006
Posts: 43

Posted on Jan 21 2007 08:36 PM
Greetings Surf fans,
I have posted pics of the surf guitar portion of the Geek Festival at:
Deke started off late as always but not as late as usual. The venue was
hot, not too many chairs (if you got there after 4 pm, you had to stand!)
and the bar was not open! Deke had invited a number of guitarists from
many different genres, opening with Darrell Hyam, from England, with
a rousing set of Eddie Cochran tunes. Next came Crazy Joe Trixel (sp)
and I had to admit, he is a terrific picker. Jeremy Wakefield was next
with a demonstration of some sort of ancient lap steel guitar that allowed
voice modulation so that the guitar seemed to "sing". Not too impressive!
Comic (rather than guitar player--or both) Del Casher,added a bit of history on the
WAH pedal and played some old stuff. I gotta say that he had the best
looking bass player for the entire night. A guy from Bakersfield used
a double neck to play some great old country songs in the rapid Chet
Atkins style. Great picker!! Kid Ramos laid out some solid blues
instumentals and did a great job as usual. I've seen him play before and he
was a good as ever. Probably the low point of the night was Herb
Remington playing steel. He used to play with the Bob Wills western
swing band of the 40s on. Not that he wasn't a great player, he just
wasn't the best part of the show! Then came the Legends of Surf
part of the show. Deke started off with a couple of up-tempo surf
songs including K-39 after he announced that Art Fisher didn't make
the show. Paul Johnson was up next with his usual great performance
of Duane Eddy's Ramrod. Eddie Bertrand was up next in a rare appearance before an audience. He split Mr. Moto up with Paul and
the "Belairs" and then changed hats to become "Eddie and the Showmen"
to play Squad Car. I think I'm out of order here but Jim Masoner took
the stage and took a stab at Surf Raider. Jim Fuller pulled together a
great version of Wipe Out complete with the recorded lead in. Willie
Glover of the Pyramids pounded out Penetration and a cover of Johnny
B. Good. Bob Spickard and Brian Carmen played the usual Pipeline
and had the crowd pleased. Brian looks good--I haven't seen him play
since the Chantays played the pier two years ago, maybe longer. It
was really good to see him smile. Nokie was the last of the bunch and
turned out a great performance on some of the Ventures stuff. He did
a nice job on "Tears in Heaven" all by himself. He still looks like he
enjoys playing. Then came the jam: all of the surf guitarists and anyone
else with a guitar including our favorite Neptune, Tom Walzem, played
the "Surf Music Anthum" Pipeline, en mass. See the pic, you'll see
what I mean. A long show, in a very crowded place, with little service
and lousy meal service downstairs at the Jolly Roger resturant and little
if any air conditioning. If it weren't for the music..........
Surf's Up, Rich
Joined: Feb 27, 2006
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Chicago IL.

Posted on Jan 21 2007 08:49 PM
Nice to see Eddie with a Jaguar again.
— "as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"
Joined: Feb 25, 2006
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Des Moines, Iowa, USA

Posted on Jan 21 2007 09:12 PM
Thanks for the pics!!! This link worked better for me:
Linky Linky
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea
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Posted on Jan 21 2007 10:11 PM
Hey I was invited along with anyone else geeky enough to bring a guitar.
I would say the shredmistress was by far the lowest spot of the night. The girl who strapped on... er... the vocalizer was a real beauty, with a great voice. She said it works better most of the time, they had some difficulties.
In my opinion, the fest would have been just fine with the mix of, hillbilly, surf, pickin' sort of stuff without the blues or shred.
During both of those sets the crowd was very distracted... The Steel player Herb Remington was great... the guy had the most amazing ear... perfect pitch and he wrung every ounce he could out of each note. NIce to hear an older gentleman do so well...
The Bakersfield guy was Brian Longbeck! Jaw-dropping-to-ground Speed. Really fun to listen too. I hope he is playing out there still.
Eddie Bertrand played with TRAD TONE! for which I was grateful, the last time I heard him he was wailing with a 70's sound.
The guitars on display were killer, a 1960 tele custom in shell pink owned by Jimmy Bryant, in near mint condition, brought by his son... who also had a photographic history of his dad, in two big binders, that was given to him by a family friend.
In the audience was Danny Amis, Thom Bresh, and Insect... Dave Arnson. and I am sure other famous folks.. Tiki Tena and BTD need to fill in some stuff... I gotta get back to work.
What a blast!!
— THe NEpTuNeS
Joined: Jan 13, 2007
Posts: 8
Aloha, OR

Posted on Jan 21 2007 11:29 PM
Wish I could have been there. Thanks for the pics and reviews.
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Austin Texas

Posted on Jan 22 2007 08:39 AM
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Port Fierce, Florida

Posted on Jan 22 2007 10:29 AM
Wow, what a cool show that must've been. I hope Deke puts out a DVD of the event. I have the 1st two - great stuff.
— The Disasternauts
Joined: Feb 27, 2006
Posts: 25630

Posted on Jan 22 2007 12:07 PM
Wow, what a cool show that must've been. I hope Deke puts out a DVD of the event. I have the 1st two - great stuff.
He records every event, but I was bummed to hear that the 3rd year
show was not ready for sale. But it will be on his web site soon.
so I assume that this years will be about a year away.
I was assuming that the shred mistress was gonna be the low point, boy was I correct. worse than I thought.
I was feeling really crappy again, so I was hanging way in the back, and (it was cooler back there, Rich) But I could hear the whole show fine,
and it was a really long, but great night of music. Like I said before.
I dont own music in these styles, but I like to see it played live.
Great job to all the bands and Deke again!!!
I was really blown away by the Surf Jam. I was expecting it to be just very so so. and it was prettty amazing.
the surf back up band was Deke on a White Jazzmaster, with matching white headstock. Mel Bergman of the Phantom Surfers on a sunburst
p bass( only down side was he played thru a Hartke aluminum speaker bass cab- but it sounded good, so go figure )
Pete Curry of LSJ's and Halibuts on a old school Keyboard, not sure if it was Fender, but it sounded like the electronic piano on Pipeline, and he changed the sounds for different songs. Chris Sprage(aka Sugarballs)
on Drums. there were 4 blonde Showmans on stage with Reverb tanks.
I think 3 brownface, and one Blackface.
I cant for the life of me remember the other song, besides k-39, that the back up band played, but it ripped. Help me somebody???
When all the old school surf guys came up to play their songs, they plugged into a tank, and showman. and didn't have any effects.
So instead of being let down like I usually am, we were all treated to the most surfiest versions of these guys songs, I have heard in along time.
It was really good to hear Jim Masoner play with Reverb instead of all
the delays and other effects he usually uses lately. still kinda leggato
instead of stacatto, but way better without all the effects.
Tim Fitzpatrick also got up to play with Jim, on Surf Rider on Drums.
Bob Spikards son got up with him and Brian Carmen to play pipline on Keyboards. Man Brian was really rippin, on the drippin part of that, almost playing as hard and loud as DD would.
It was pretty cool to hear Jim Fuller play the Lead on Wipeout, as usually hes just stummin acoustic when I see him play with the Surfaris.
His sound was pretty Trad, but he had a new Strat, with a Floyd rose tremelo.
Willy Glover is a great, fun guy to talk to. But he had a few Bum notes on Penetration,and some people said he wasn't playing it in the right area on the neck. H seems much happier playing his so so
Version of Johnny B. Goode.
No offense to Rich, But I thought that the solo version of Nokie playing Tears in Heaven was very so so in playing and lacked emotion and feeling, had many bum notes, and was too slow. The other songs that Nokie played with the back up line up were pretty good. But Dry as a bone to my dismay, but that is the Ventures sound. Dimonhead was excellent. Deke and Mel switched from Fenders to Mosrites for this part of the set. Nokie had that off white Mosrite nock off he's been playing the past few years. Looks beautiful , but too smooth, does not sound like a Mosrite, and this is not to meant to be rude, so Ventures fans, get off my back, im just reporting here. If Nokie was really happy to be playing, it was news to me, as he had that 1000 yard stare. Just seemed to be somewhere else in his mind. Not that he was not wanting to be there. But defiently not rocking and smileing from ear to ear like the surf guys were.
It was another great night of killer pickin as always.
Deke is the man when it comes to getting all these old guy together.
anybody that goes to Namm really should attend this also.
Also in the house was Chris and his other guitarist from Colorados Aquasonics. he wanted to give me one of their cds, but I insisted to pay him for it. I know that Rick Escobar was in town for the Namm show, but he called and said he wasn't sure he was gonna be able to make it, as he is the info guy for the company he works for, and probably had to schmooze all night long pluggin their stuff they were there sellin.
Allen(Bass) and Mac( guitar) of Outterwave, Dave Arnson of the Insects,
who also sat in on the Pipeline Jam at the end, but is pretty short, So Rich probably didn't see him hiding in the back.
Abdel( the guy that does the solo Shadows type stuff videos)Tom of the Neptunes from Fresno. Rich(photo guy-&his wife Marilyn),Kristena &Rudy,
I think I saw Steve( Guitarist of the Vindicators)(but after I trashed him so hard on the old locked thread, he will probably never talk to me now Danny Amis of the LSJ's, and I'm sure there was a few more, but Thats all i can think of now. But the place was pretty full, about 120 or so.
— Jeff(bigtikidude)
Last edited: Jan 22, 2007 18:57:30
Joined: Feb 27, 2006
Posts: 492
Austin Texas

Posted on Jan 22 2007 02:44 PM
[ Willy Glover is a great, fun guy to talk to. But he had a few Bum notes on Penetration,and som people said he wasn't playing it in the right area on the neck. H seems much happier playing his so so
Version of Johnny B. Goode.
No offense to Rich, But I thought that the solo version of Nokie playing Tears in Heaven was very so so in playing and lacked emotion and feeling, had many bum notes, and was too slow. The other songs that Nokie played with the back up line up were pretty good. But Dry as a bone to my dismay, but that is the Ventures sound. Dimonhead was excellent. Deke and Mel switched from Fenders to Mosrites for this part of the set. Nokie had that off white Mosrite nock off he's been playing the past few years. Looks beautiful , but too smooth, does not sound like a Mosrite, and this is not to meant to be rude, so Ventures fans, get off my back, im just reporting here. If Nokie was really happy to be playing, it was news to me, as he had that 1000 yard stare. Just seemed to be somewhere else in his mind. Not that he was not wanting to be there. But defiently not rocking and smileing from ear to ear like the surf guys were.
Here's to Willy for even taking a stab at Penetration.
And heres why:
While his dad still didnât approve, Gloverâs mom was supportive of his musical interest and bought him a custom-made left-handed burnt-orange Stratocaster. Despite the cool axe, Mercier surpassed him as a guitarist, and Glover became the Pyramidsâ rhythm player. When the group recorded âPenetration,â he wasnât even in the studio.
âIâd gone across the street to get my typical meal, which back then was a pack of Hostess cupcakes and a 7-Up. Then I ran into Brian Wilson and Mike Loveâthe Beach Boys recorded in the same studioâand started talking with them. By the time I remembered we were making a record, they had it all recorded, with Skip doing my guitar part.â
And Nokie's always looked like that, I think he left the show up to Mel Taylor.
Thanks for the review.
— The Thunderchiefs
Joined: Jan 22, 2007
Posts: 1

Posted on Jan 22 2007 03:23 PM
Crazy Joe Tritschler
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Posted on Jan 22 2007 03:31 PM
Crazy Joe Tritschler
Yeah I forgot to get a program postcard, so I forgot that Cats name, but he friggin ripped it up.
Dont get me wrong I totally dig seeing all the old surf dudes and the other pickers up there. Its an honor and privlege to see them play.
But I'm also not gonna say everybody was 100% perfect and note for note, and perfect sound, when it wasn't. But like I said, the surf portion was waaaaayyyy better than I was expecting. Big big plus in my book. as I have seen some of those guys dry as a bone, bluesing it up and just not surfy, in the past. they were all surfinit up on Sat.
— Jeff(bigtikidude)
Joined: Feb 25, 2006
Posts: 19319
Des Moines, Iowa, USA

Posted on Jan 22 2007 03:34 PM
Minor Nit, BTD: Isn't Chris Sprague's nickname "Sugar Bowl"? Not "Sugar Balls"... 
— Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea
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Posts: 25630

Posted on Jan 22 2007 03:53 PM
Minor Nit, BTD: Isn't Chris Sprague's nickname "Sugar Bowl"? Not "Sugar Balls"... 
as far as I know, and I have seen Deke about 10 times he calls him sugar balls' I think it even says it on the drums.
Maybe the rockabilly guys here would know for sure.
— Jeff(bigtikidude)
Joined: Feb 25, 2006
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Des Moines, Iowa, USA

Posted on Jan 22 2007 04:05 PM
My bad, that is his nickname. 
— Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea
Joined: Feb 27, 2006
Posts: 25630

Posted on Jan 22 2007 04:22 PM
now what it means I dont even wanna go there to take a guess
— Jeff(bigtikidude)
Joined: Feb 27, 2006
Posts: 492
Austin Texas

Posted on Jan 22 2007 04:38 PM
now what it means I dont even wanna go there to take a guess
believe me, you don't. 
— The Thunderchiefs
Joined: Mar 21, 2006
Posts: 1540

Posted on Jan 22 2007 06:15 PM
Crazy Joe was excellent.
Nice photos, Rich!
— "Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty
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Posts: 923

Posted on Jan 22 2007 06:29 PM
Yeah Tena... and only 9 years old!!!!
Seriously, that guy is awesome!
— THe NEpTuNeS
Joined: Mar 21, 2006
Posts: 1540

Posted on Jan 22 2007 06:39 PM
Yeah Tena... and only 9 years old!!!!
Seriously, that guy is awesome!
It was nice seeing you again, by the way. I'm looking forward to those SoCal shows.
— "Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty
Joined: Mar 06, 2006
Posts: 1903
Wear gloves - I'm in the Rockies

Posted on Jan 22 2007 06:55 PM
I got to go this show too. We flew in on Saturday afternoon from Denver. here's a few quick thoughts -
First - I got to meet BTD and Tiki Tena, and Tom from the Neptunes which was very cool. All are super friendly, and helped me meet a ton of local players and people. BTD introduced me to several legends. He also insisted he pay me for a cd, which I'm sure he regrets now. Tena also bought a cd, and I spent all the money on $5 beers for Mark and me, the other A-Sonics guitar player that came.
I got to meet ALL of the legends of surf. Paul Johnson, Eddie Bertrand, Tim Fitzpatrick, Jim Massoner, Jim Fuller, Nokie Edwards, Bob Spickard, Brian Carmen, Willy Glover, David Arnson, Danny Amis, Pete Curry and several others that escape me for the moment. All were extremely gracious and friendly. I got all of them to sign a guitar body for me, (I'll post pics when I get it re-assembled.)
I had real conversations with several of my favorite players from the 60's. Paul Johnson was great to talk to. He told me about whats going on lately, and was super nice and cool to talk with. Bob Spickard was very nice too. we talked about how The Chantays traveled back in the 60's, and where the played. He talked about when they recorded Pipeline, and shared a bunch of info that was cool to hear about. Tim Fitzpatrick took me over to meet Jim Massoner, who I'm sure I wouldn't have recognised without his help. Danny amis didn't want his picture takedn without his Los straits mask on (which I thought was funny!) Eddie Bertrand was quiet, but nice.
One thing that struck me was how much of a surf community there is in S. California. Everyone there was very supportive to all the other bands. The one overriding oppinion is that the band "Outerwave" is the new hot trad band - I heard that from everybody.
I enjoyed all the music acts. the only one that didn't do it for me was the "Mistress of shred." Deke and his band played great - I was sorry his portion was as short as it was. Crazy Joe is a great great player. The Eddie Cochran guy was fantastic - sounded just like him.
my favorite part of the night was the Surf portion at the end. I knew as soon as I saw Deke and the crew getting out the Showman amps and tanks that this was going to be a chance in a lifetime. Deke and his band warmed up with a couple for the sound check, and they were Awesome! Then each guy came on and played. Everybody had some real surf tone going, and it was a thrill to see all of them play. The crowd loved it too. Seeing eddie Bertrand play a jag through a tanked showman was cool - sounded a lot like the 60's Eddie and the Showmen.
Coolest texperience I've had in a long time. and this was just the first day - I'll review the rest of the trip in another thread.
— "You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"