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Permalink Topical Non-Surf Music Every Surf band Should Know

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This thread derives from the "Non-surf songs turned into surf instros" thread.

I've been impressed by some bands' ability to insert a topical song into their act. I notice it usually gets a good reaction. I suppose it's moot whether this sort of thing is a good idea, but assuming it is, what are some stock examples folks use? And if not, why not?

A few I've seen:

  • Happy Birthday (by request)
  • Smoke on the Water (new smoking ban being enforced)
  • Christmas music, of course!

This thread may exist already...

We do:
That Thing You Do
Somebody's Crying
I'm Happy Just to Dance With You
Don't Worry Baby

And we used to do Main Theme, The Office Theme, and maybe some others.

We don't play too many covers live. 2-3 in a set normally.

I misunderstood the thread topic. I thought it was non-surf covers.

Anyways to properly address the topic. Christmas music, yes. Anti-war covers, yes. Smoke on the Water because anti-smoking enforcement, no. Happy birthday, depends.

The Glasgow Tiki shakers and the Eliminators both did a cover of The Beatles "You say its your Birthday" on Sat. For Baja Marty.

Sounded great.



A guy I work with is having a party and were gonna play there and he is a Deadhead so were gonna cover some dead song, Im not sure which though...

A guy I work with is having a party and were gonna play there and he is a Deadhead so were gonna cover some dead song, Im not sure which though...

ouch, Im very sorry for you.
Metal surf is one thing,
but Dead songs, oh no, say it aint so.




A guy I work with is having a party and were gonna play there and he is a Deadhead so were gonna cover some dead song, Im not sure which though...

ouch, Im very sorry for you.
Metal surf is one thing,
but Dead songs, oh no, say it aint so.


Yeah, Im not much of a Deadhead...But I thought it would be a nice suprise for him. The good thing is it doesnt really have to be a Gratefull Dead song per se, as they do a lot of covers themselves, I always liked thier version of 'Operator' which is a standard blues song.

A guy I work with is having a party and were gonna play there and he is a Deadhead so were gonna cover some dead song, Im not sure which though...

"... Keep surfin', like the do-dah man." (

I'm not really sure the tune works out, though. Maybe something by Bare Naked Ladies or Phish?

OK, getting serious, how about Good Mornin' Little School Girl or, maybe more apropos for the context, Sitting on Top of the World. Dead covers, but classic material. I'm remembering the Yardbirds and Cream versions, respectively, of course. I remember liking Goin' Down the Road Feelin' Bad and Casey Jones. The first turns out to be traditional, and I've reminded myself that it was munged together with Not Fade Away by Buddy Holly.

If you want to bail there' always Slacktone's Skeleton Key.

Just for the record I didn't mean to detract from the existing thread on non-Surf music per se. I was thnking more of songs for specific occasions.

I misunderstood the thread topic. I thought it was non-surf covers. Anyways to properly address the topic. Christmas music, yes. Anti-war covers, yes. Smoke on the Water because anti-smoking enforcement, no. Happy birthday, depends.

Smoke on the Water is not exactly my favorite Deep Purple, either. It's only virtue is ease of recognition and I think everyone can play the first few bars. For Deep Purple, I liked the first two or three albums and Lazy and the refrain of Space Truckin' on Machine Head, but that was the last thing they ever did that I cared for. This was about the point where "psychedelic" became "metal" and things started to go downhill. About midway through this album, but not just for Deep Purple, of course.

OK, for smoking bans, how about Smoke Gets in Your Eyes?

Whenever I get me a band together, I figure that we should learn "Free Bird." That way, should a booking goof be made, and we end up playing some place where the folks are expecting x style of rock, and somebody inevitably shouts "PLAY FREE BIRD," we can oblige the request. Smile What to do, after that, would require further planning that's still a ways out, for me.


Fast Cars & Loud Guitars!

and somebody inevitably shouts "PLAY FREE BIRD

We always yell that or "Play Whipping Post" at surf shows. It's a joke, mate!


Whenever I get me a band together, I figure that we should learn "Free Bird."

I did that just to piss off a former roommate. Trust me, it's not worth it. Not even close.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

We always yell that or "Play Whipping Post" at surf shows. It's a joke, mate!


I can play "Whipping Post"...on bass, at least. I wonder if any Lynyrd Skynyrd tribute bands ever have any problems with comedian types shouting "PLAY PIPELINE"? Razz


Fast Cars & Loud Guitars!

To be done in surf fashion, of course.

  • Auld Lang Syne (New Years Eve)

  • You Never Give Me Your Money (a few bars anyway)

  • Bouree (a traditional drinking song)

OK, just kidding on the last, though the Baronics do it on Get Bach,
and, of course, Jethro Tull did once, too.

in awl seriousness (haha)

Any surf band werth his salt.... (that's bad grammar I know)....will know these songs.









Rolling Eyes omg......... tell me yer not going to say TWINE TIME or CISSY STRUT ?

Very Happy ~ hehehehehehehehehe

L7 (aka Louie Seven)

How about something like a country song, say last date, or maybe a Stevie Ray Vaughn song like Lenny/Rivera Paradise?
Oh heck maybe a Marie Osmond song. Shocked it could be surfed up????right???

- Bouree (a traditional drinking song)

OK, just kidding on the last, though the Baronics do it on Get Bach,
and, of course, Jethro Tull did once, too.

Is that the Bouree you are thinking of? This kid is good but he has awful feel.

Mustang Sally is the blues club version of Freebird.


The Minutemen "Corona" (aka "The Jackass Theme Song")


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