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Permalink Whitney Houston has died

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DreadInBabylon wrote:

I wouldn't put her on the same list as those others you
mentioned, Billy. She sang and died, probably from
drug+alcohol use. Not the first one, but it don't make
her the same artistic level as those others.

Who said anything about being her being on the same artistic level? That's a given isn't it? Point being, they were all pretty big musical icons, and in the public eye, give or take.

they made that conscious decision to end it all with


Nobody does that, at least very rarely. A lot of
people use substances and live long happy lives. There
are easier ways to kill yourself.
If she was addicted, to the point of body failure, then
that's all it was - addiction. Some people are just
weak. Being conscious about it doesn't change a thing.
Anyway, even Heroin OD doesn't kill. The killer combo
is powder+alcohol.

I disagree. Did the Devil make her do it? Did Bobby Brown make her do it? Was she unconscious when she decided to snort, swallow, drink, or inhale, or whatever she did? The doctors have big fancy words, like addiction, disease, bad childhood, etc. How about responsibilty? She made that conscious decision to jeopardize her life the minute she snorted her first line. How about that folks. Responsibility for your actions. Now there's a concept.

Be careful following the masses. Sometimes the "M" is silent...........................

Last edited: Feb 22, 2012 21:03:06


Last edited: Feb 22, 2012 23:02:49

can we delete, not lock this thread?


Come on Jeff! This thread is much better than a Big Tiki Dude ass kissin' party! Ha ha!

Be careful following the masses. Sometimes the "M" is silent...........................

Why BTD? Is in not a legitimate discussion? Or we're just being depressing Smile sorry for this.
Musicians and chemicals (also Alcohol) is nothing new...

BillyBlastOff wrote:

Who said anything about being her being on the same
artistic level? That's a given isn't it? Point being,
they were all pretty big musical icons, and in the
public eye, give or take.

When you say it like that I wholly agree. She was a bit older that most, though...

BillyBlastOff wrote:

they made that conscious decision to end it all with drugs.

How about responsibilty?

In the end we are all responsible for our actions, and should be consciously aware of that. In real life however, there is a struggle to to that. Those guys and gals don't have anyone to blame but themselves, true, but there's a difference between conscious decision and bodily reaction to addiction. The mind can control the body, but sometimes the mind is just too ***ed up. It's not suicide IMO, just bad decisions...

As for Heroin specifically (who knows if that's the culprit):
Nice summary here
One of the first studies
Another study (summary)
There are many many more.

Again, I'm not arguing that H doesn't deteriorate the body, sure it does (so do Alcohol and cigarettes that are actually responsible to much more deaths), but that it is not the direct cause of death.
I have neighbors that use for more than 30 years, and even though they look like s***, they are healthy. The get quality product, and don't mix it with bad stuff.
There is such a thing as a "responsible" user, but it's a high risk game.

Sorry for anyone to die an an unnecessary death. As to whether heroin can kill directly just by itself, absolutely. I am a pharmacist with clinical experience in this field. Any opiate (morphine, methadone, heroin, oxycodone, ect.) can kill if the dose is large enough. Mixing with alcohol or other drugs can lessen the dose required. Take enough and you WILL stop breathing on your own, beyond any doubt.

Without being medically knowledgeable, I can see that what you write, Casey, is truth.
It's not the point I'm arguing though. Of course a heavy enough dosage of almost anything can kill you. In reality, according to research, that's usually is not the case with H users dying - but like you mentioned - the mixing substances, or contaminated drugs.

Well, at least Whitney is almost 2 weeks sober now.

Reverb, man!

The past two weeks has seen more interest in her career than nearly the entire last 20 years. Hmmmmmm..

THE KBK ... This is the last known signal. We offer Sanctuary.

...and now back to your regularly scheduled discussion of relevant reverb-drenched guitar instrumentals. Face Palm

I know...why don't we focus our attention on positive and talented female role models that are responsible enough to stay alive and continue to share their gifts with the rest of the world, particularly their friends, family and anyone else that cares about them.

Here's to Lada, Tine, Catherine, Eudocia, Mary, Naomi & Ruiko, Aki & Makoto, Sveta, and of course, Carol and all the other strong women out there!!!










Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

Last edited: Feb 23, 2012 11:38:09

Jonpaul, Popcorn


Fantastic! Way to keep it all grounded, Jonpaul! Big Grin

This thread is now saved... sorry, but I never gave a shit about Whitney Houston anyway.


morphball wrote:

This thread is now saved... sorry, but I never gave a
shit about Whitney Houston anyway.

Me, too! And I'm not sorry.

Ted James
Deep Eddy Records
The Nematoads

I heard Whitney played Surf Guitar. Yeah. True story. Dick Dale taught her..........................

Be careful following the masses. Sometimes the "M" is silent...........................

El Bumpo

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

JONPAUL wrote:

El Bumpo

Did she die again?

MadScientist wrote:

JONPAUL wrote:

El Bumpo

Did she die again?

No, but she's now over 4 years sober. So she has that going for her, which is nice.

josheboy wrote:

MadScientist wrote:

JONPAUL wrote:

El Bumpo

Did she die again?

No, but she's now over 4 years sober. So she has that going for her, which is nice.

Progress is what matters!

You know, I wasn't going to comment after reading some of the posts on this thread, but something makes me feel inclined to do so.

Maybe you all should just let Whitney rest in peace. Perhaps say a prayer a day to the Creator, thanking him that your lives and the lives of your loved ones are free from addictions, and things have worked out so well for you.

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