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Just loading up my new i-Pod Wink and I came across my Apemen stuff. Wow these guys are good. They are, well, blistering! I don't think they get talked about much, they are probably broken up and fairly obscure. Double Crown did release some of their stuff in the US on the 7 inches of Love EP. But their other material is pretty hard to find. WR or surfraptor, did you get to see these guys live? I understand their band lineup changed quite a bit. Anyone else like them or have any info on them?

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Decided to check their website and was stunned to see that it still exists. Looks like we just missed their farewell gig!!! Shocked

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Damn Kinda weird that them and the 50 foot combo were similar, and they both just broke up.
yes though great band,
I have some 45's the double crown comp and one or 2 lp's
but I'd like them on cd.



I was lucky enough to track down a copy of "Surfvival of the whatever" not too long ago, and it damn near singed my eyebrows off. I can only imagine what they were like live.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

Warren did you get that on cd?
I have the LP, can I get a cdr of it from you.
my burner isn't hooked up to my turntable



Speaking of burning LP's to discs...

What does it take to acheive this? How exactly does it work? I understand some software is obviously invovled but how can one get a setup without spending lots of cash?

The Apemen are one of my favorite surf bands, but I'm in minority when I say I like "Are you Being Surfed?" better than "Survival".
Why? becuase Survival is full of Keyboard, and it's really sloppy. I still like it, but not as much (For years I thought it was a different drummer, but I saw the lineups and it was Mike Rosema both times). I don't own it, so this opinion is a few years old, and I might think differently today. Of course I never got to see them live, I only wish.

Regarding Kevin's question - not to be an asshole, but this belongs in a different thread, probably not in this sub-forum.


The Scimitars

  • there actually already is a thread about tjis if Im not mistaken. Im not gonna look for it though right now, the "search and enjopy" button should work though...

regarding the apemen... quite a while since I saw them (as in 6 years or so) even though they played my hometown about a year ago - missed it completly Duh

when I saw them, though, they were playing on the bar (litteraly) at one of our local small cafes, and ripped!

not a clue what else is goin' on with them.

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

Great band, never saw them live and missed the farewell gig too...

Have_ Are You Being Surfed? and _7 Inches of Love on cd.
Surfival Of The Onbeschoftste on vinyl...I think Shake Your Hoover is one of the greatest garage tracks in decades.
(You all know what "onbeschoftste"means eh? The most rude)
And 3 45's
I too am trying to figure out how to transfer my vinyl...
Not for the sound mind you I prefer vinyl...


I've always been a really big Apemen fan, at least in that Seven Inches of Love gets a LOT of play on my ipod.

I would be really interested in finding more of their stuff, assuming it doesn't break the bank.

Anyone pick up the Dr. Frankenstein from Double Crown -- they have a fairly similar sound IMHO.

Although nothing will touch the Apemen's "Bahareeba" in my mind.


The Apemen were one of the best Surf bands ever.
I have all their stuff on vinyl and CD's.

Jeff (or anyone who is intrested) - I can make you a copy. let me know.

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