Hi everyone, I've been looking for a 2x15" cab for my Sovtek head, but this configuration is very hard to come by here. I've thought about building my own, but according to my calculations this would turn out to be a rather expensive option.
After bit of searching I found out that some SF Bassman 2x15" cabs (the ones with offset speakers) were 30"x28"x12", which is quite close to the standard dimensions of modern 4x12" cabs. So I thought that I could get a cheap used 4x12", change the baffle board and pop in a pair of 15" speakers. I would end up with a cab with dimensions within 2" of the ones of the aforementioned Bassman.
What do you guys think? Would the slight variation in size be a problem sound-wise? I am by no means a vintage gear fetishist (well, I can't afford to be ), but a quick glance on PA/sound system cab building forums didn't reassure me -- those guys seem to think that a quarter of an inch variation is the end of the world.
Old punks never die... They just become surf rockers.
Last edited: Dec 10, 2011 08:48:41