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Permalink Hey Hey Cheers From Mexico¡¡¡¡

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Hey greetings From Mexico, is a great Honor i belong to this site.

I hope to be in touch whit u for give Some information about surf Scene in Mexico.
About Mexican Bands, Links, Cds, Demos, Etc, and i want to share some music whit u.

So will be here working and sharing the Mexican Scene whit all of U.

Cheers and Good Waves¡¡¡

Beto Huatulco


Beto good to see you here,.
very interestd in whats going on in mexico.
please let us know the good surf music from there.



Hey greetings From Mexico, is a great Honor i belong to this site.

I hope to be in touch whit u for give Some information about surf Scene in Mexico.
About Mexican Bands, Links, Cds, Demos, Etc, and i want to share some music whit u.

So will be here working and sharing the Mexican Scene whit all of U.

Cheers and Good Waves¡¡¡

Beto Huatulco

Hey!!!! It's good to see you here!


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

That's great Beto, welcome!

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Hey Beto!!!

Glad to see you made it over to this site!


thank you very much for the welcome, and thanks for receive me
thanks Jeff, Dear Tiki Tena, Danny and SurfBandbill.
Really thanks
B. Huatulco


Hi B

Lost Acapulco does some good shit over there with great art


Hey Good Surfraptor, the art of the cd it's great but that band it's not one of my favorite's,
also i see that they took this kind of music in the 90's and apart it's the band who has more acknowledgement in anothers country's ... thanks for the comment and see u later.

The art is By Dr. Alderete, remember the art of cd Los Straitjackets Supersonic Guitars in 3d.


B. Huatulco


Welcome, Beto! Glad to have you as part of the group.
I will look forward to your stories about the surf music
scene down there.



I've seen some great flyers go around for shows in Mexico. I think it would be so fun to go to one of those!


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

The art is By Dr. Alderete, remember the art of cd Los Straitjackets Supersonic Guitars in 3d.

Indeed, great artist


Welcome Beto!

The artwork of Alderete is excellent!

I have been checking out some stuff by the Twin Tones. (they are
on the "Spaguetti and Chili Western" & "Surfmex"comp)
Is this band well known in Mexico?


do you live on the coast or inland???

Cool how yall are? glad for you to join us at sg101!! do you play? guitar that is! holler at us sometime and see whats up!!!

Que viva Mexico. Saludos desde Brasil! 1970 FIFA world cup forever. Cool

Bienvenidos. Cheers

Welcome Beto!

I have been checking out some stuff by the Twin Tones. (they are
on the "Spaguetti and Chili Western" & "Surfmex"comp)
Is this band well known in Mexico?


Hey Friends, Cheers, Good Trode: wow, without doubt, twin tones it's a great spaguetti western band, and one of the best in the mexican escene.

they have one production, called "Nación Apache" and one Ep Called "Salon Chihuahua" with 6 songs, one of them one popular country, called "Cotton Eyed", are two fantastic productions with great quality musical, And participate with two songs in Surf Mex 2 Comp: "Bolido De Fuego" and "Diane" fantastic themes, And Spaguetti Chili Western they take part with song "Espiritu del Desierto"
Really great band......

Cheers Auuuuuu¡¡¡¡¡

B. Huatulco


do you live on the coast or inland???

Hey Mom Srfing:

Im Live inland near to the mexico city, in the City called Puebla De Los Angeles, where happened the battle of may 5 against the french army, in usa you celebrate a lot of dates.


Cool how yall are? glad for you to join us at sg101!! do you play? guitar that is! holler at us sometime and see whats up!!!

Hey Surf Daddy, Im Fine Man, Sad unfortunately i don't play the guitar, although i like it a lot i'm dj amateur, i was shared the stage with The Phantom Surfers from (San Francisco California) in their last visit to México in September last year, and with The Clorox Girls from Portland in august of 2006, besides with lost acapulco and more local bands.


Beto Huatulco


I've got to get down to Mexico!

"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

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