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Permalink "MISERLOU" Played by The USC Marching Band at Rose

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Yup, Miserlou was played by the USC Marching Band at halftime with the Trojan Cheerleaders swinging ang swaying away nicely. Where else but in SoCal and by SoCal folks.

I was just going to post the same message. I always ignore
halftime ceremonies, but "Miserlou" by the USC Band got me
runnin' from the bathroom with my pants down around my
legs. Embarassed Too bad they didn't have somebody playing a
left-handed gold strat through a dual showman in the band
for the halftime show. Cool nonetheless....



Sounds like you put on a halftime show of your own.

I was there. Considering they had just played the theme from "Snakes on a Plane," the "Pump It" version of "Misirlou" was kind of a letdown. The cheerleaders sure weren't, though.

But USC won, and that's all that really matters.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

Did they play against Michigan?

I guess if Tony or someone hadn't posted about it, I would have never known. I try not to watch sports.
when six of us went to dinner before the Bomboras show,
the place had great food, but had 25 tv screens with all kinds of
sports on them, and the audio of the main game on the big screen blarring at us thru the house speaker system. Not good times.



I'm wandering slightly, but all this talk of the USC band has my memories drifting back to high school. One of my favorite memories was taking the SAT II at my school the morning that USC was scheduled to play Stanford. They landed at SFO, and tried to find a field to run their halftime show and warm up a bit before heading down to Palo Alto (for people who know Stanford's band... they are devious little monkies, so practicing at Stanford was out of the question).

Anyway, they found that my high school was a few short miles from SFO, and had a spacious football field as well as accessible parking for their buses. So there I was, taking a big standardized test, when all of a sudden all 240 people in that band start blasting out the hits from Star Wars and Indiana Jones.

Long story short, lots of people sent in formal complaints about the distraction during the test-taking process. I scored the highest scores I ever have on a standardized test.


Actually, the cheerleaders caught my attention, and then I noticed they were dancing to Miserlou. Some real good and healthy dancers USC has. If they don't make it in the corporate world after graduation they certainlyshould give stripping a try.

Did they play against Michigan?

In theory--Michigan never showed up, though.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

Embarassed missed the game but i'm glad usc won!! heard miserlou on dancing with the stars a couple of months ago. it was played as a samba and wasn't too bad Cool


Did they play against Michigan?

In theory--Michigan never showed up, though.


Man, that was a 3rd degree burn right there. You're right, too; I saw some highlights. I'm a Buckeye fan, too, so it was nice to hear about it.

Does that make me petty and dumb?


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