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...I was just listening to "Gatecrasher" by the Atlantics on seems like the Atlantics might have influenced the Space Cossacks' sound...uncanny!

...especially the lead guitar tones: very Ivan-esque!

Dave, you're kidding, right?
Don't tell me that you didn't know that before...Ivan said it so many times.

The Scimitars

...actually I think the Atlantics ripped off the Space Cossacks...

Since Ivan will read this. The review says you were clearly influence by the guitar noise of My Bloody Valentine, is this true?

The Space Cossacks covered several songs by The Atlantics (Bombora, The Crusher.....)...they were a huge influence on that band!

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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Dave, you're kidding, right?
Don't tell me that you didn't know that before...Ivan said it so many times.


seriously...i guess the connection really didn't sink in 'til today...also i am kind of new to the Atlantics...i've only been listening to their stuff for a few months...

well, it's good to know that what I was hearing was really there...


Hey all;

I think pretty much everything has been answered by others! Yes, the Atlantics were a HUGE influence on me. They really inspired me to start the Space Cossacks, by showing me the way in which I could combine my love of the Shadows and trad surf music while still rocking like a mofo - and be somewhat experimental in my sonic approach rather than just slavishly copying. They were just an inspiration at every level - and still continue to be (which is why my avatar is a photo of the Atlantics - didn't pick up on that, DP?). In the Space Cossacks we recorded four Atlantics songs: Bombora, The Crusher, War Of The Worlds and Shark Attack. In the Madeira we recorded Express To Baghdad and live occasionally do Giant (as well as War Of The Worlds a couple of times). We're working on another Atlantics song currently.

I should mention that Gatecrasher is from one of the newer Atlantics albums with Martin Cilla on lead, and I was not influenced by that stuff whatsoever. Though I think the new albums are pretty good, they're a far cry from the brilliance that they exhibited in the sixties.

Finally, regarding My Bloody Valentine. Just prior to the Space Cossacks I was in a band that played that sort of 'shoegazing' music. Between '90 and '94 I was really into that stuff, Ride, Lush, Slowdive, Catherine Wheel, Swervedriver, etc. It was Art B.'s (of MuSick) idea to send out a press release talking about MBV, though realistically I don't think they in any way influenced my songwriting or playing in the Space Cossacks (though, who knows, subconsciously...). I really saw the Cossacks as combining the influences of the Atlantics, the "In Space"-era Ventures and Dick Dale (with some Shadows thrown in), and was trying to remain pretty faithful to those influences, rather than throwing in any modern elements.

Well, anyway, blah blah blah. There you go, you asked.


Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

even though Ran already pointed it out, and Ivan concured.
I just want to razz ya a bit more.
Ivan has said many many times on here, and on the yahoo group, that the Atlantics were a big influence,
I guess it just goes to show, if you don't read every post, you will miss some stuff. Wink



Dave, your ears were not misleading you...I was just surprised you didn't come across this before (especially since old Atlantics stuff from YouTube was posted here).

Well, enjoy The (old) Atlantics...

The Scimitars

Dave, your ears were not misleading you...I was just surprised you didn't come across this before...


yeah, I just didn't put two and two's funny how sometimes you simply don't hear something 'til you hear it Wink someone else wrote: I was thinking to myself: ",those Atlantics fellows sound an awful lot like the Cossacks!..."

Since the Space Cossacks are duly noted once again on this forum, I should mention that Apes of Wrath was played on XM Fungus (Kowabunga Uber Alles) this morning. Ivan must be raking in the royalties! Certainly enough for a new set of strings!


Ivan, i am a big atlanics fan, got bombora on vinyl 33 & 45... i have not heard your bands but i would love to hear any band influenced by the atlantics!!!....peter hood's drumming is insane, when i put a new band together i'm gonna test the drummers out on bombora instead of wipeout.... Very Happy

so where does one find a cd of space cossacks??


Hello Adam - we're a definitely of the same mind! Anyway, the easiest place to get the Space Cossacks is on They carry our best-of compilation ("Never Mind The Bolsheviks") priced pretty reasonably. An eBay store called Movie Dogpound has two copies for about $9. Our first two CDs are out of print now and can still be found used on Amazon, but go for a bit of money (the first one, "Interstellar Stomp," usually more than the second one, "Tsar Wars," about $30 vs. $20 or so). But they pop up on eBay for much less.

The debut CD by my current band the Madeira, "Sandstorm," has "Express To Bagdad" on it, plus at least three other songs heavily influenced by the Atlantics ("Rogue Wave", "Ricochet" and "Across The Dunes"). You can get that one direct from Double Crown Records for $12.75.

You can also get to hear all of "Rogue Wave" for free on our website. Check it out.

I hope you pick up some of this, and that you like it. Best regards,

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Our first two CDs are out of print now and can still be found used on Amazon, but go for a bit of money (the first one, "Interstellar Stomp," usually more than the second one, "Tsar Wars," about $30 vs. $20 or so). But they pop up on eBay for much less.

Ivan, how likely is it that these will ever be reissued again? ( not untill bolshevists is sold out?)


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

Wannes, the basic answer is - I have no idea. The recordings are owned by MuSick, so it's completely up to Art B. whether he wants to reissue the albums or not. I'd say it's unlikely, but who knows?


Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

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