Joined: Jun 17, 2006
Posts: 1010
Bay City, Michigan

Posted on Dec 09 2006 01:59 PM
has anyone noticed that the drums in the surfaris "wipeout" has a bit of drippy reverb in it? you can hear it the best in his higher tom and on the accents.
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Joined: Mar 02, 2006
Posts: 1778
Star, Idaho. Formerly lived in Surf City USA.

Posted on Dec 09 2006 09:55 PM
To me, the drums in the original version by the Surfaris are just epic. An absolute kick ass performance with serious attitude. In all the versions out there none measure up to the orginal version. I have several CD's of the Surfaris playing Wipeout after the original. The drums dont even sound close to the original. I've always wondered what happened to those drums.