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Permalink Can you tell the story of the Surfer's Cross...

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Do you know when it started, who started it and why they choose it ??????

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Dick Dale invented it. Right after he invented such useful innovations as the guitar, the electric light, sliced bread, and his greatest achievement: Jimmy Dale.

Sorry, I couldn't help.

Seriously, there are a LOT of sources (some on this site, some elsewhere on the web, and a handful in print) that will give you a VERY concise history.


There has been some recent discussions on the subject over at the forums, although not much on the surf connection I'm afraid.

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S


T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

Since no one has posted any factual information, I'll tell ya the fuzzy memories I have of something that was posted on Cowabunga years ago. The story went that a lot, or atleast some of the first surfers (and motorcycle gang members) were WWII vets. During the war they had taken the Iron Cross off the German soldiers as a point of pride. They displayed the Iron Cross to show that they had won the war, not as any allegiance to the Nazis, but that remains a great point of confusion for the general public. Sounds logical anyway...

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Read the Wikipedia article it makes more sense. I should have just looked at there first....

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^ the Wikipedia version mentioned above is the way I always heard it...

sporting WWII Nazi Gear DIDN'T mean you were a Nazi back then...

rather, it meant you were an "outlaw hardcore biker gangster rock-n-roll surfer" type of know sort of like the punks/mods of the late 70s early 80s...

military gear as rebel-statement...


I would also like to think that the Iron Cross, as a symbol of bravery, factored into it somehow. You had to be pretty brave to surf some of those waves after all.

Remember that the Iron Cross as a German war medal predates the Nazis, and the design goes even farther back to medieval times.

I suspect it leeched into surfer culture from the custom car / hot rod scene...but I am just speculating.

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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

the question you asked is a good one,, people who are not hip to it are scared!!!because it's so badass!!
the iron cross was adopted in the mid 60's by surfer and biker culture as a symbol of courage in the face of danger, also as a fuck you to the establishment(the man). this was a time of cultural revolution in the united states..and the youth movements were angry. some variations can be seen in symbols for marksmen(riflemen) and firefighters.. the german cross was most often used as the "surfers cross" or "biker's cross" as it is sometimes called. the people who know.. are ok with this. the rest run like hell!!!it was a way to separate the posuers from the uninitiated. it is in no way meant to surfers and bikers as a nazi see, the iron cross originated in the late 1800's as a medal of honor and bravery but has since been unfortunatly associated with the 3rd reich of wwII.
outlaw bikers and badass surfers did not care!!
if you google "surfers cross", you will find an article in TIME magazine from april of 1966 explaining to america the trend of surfers wearing the cross.
this is why you see the symbol in rock and roll!!

now it is again common to see the symbol in logos for choppers and bands as a fuck you!! to the mainstream.

Please dont be shy to share your stuff I love new songs!

...Thank you all, to participate and try to get the story clear, Awsome !!! Very Happy

Please dont be shy to share your stuff I love new songs!

if you google "surfers cross", you will find an article in TIME magazine from april of 1966 explaining to america the trend of surfers wearing the cross.

Here's a direct link to that article.

The vogue started with California's Hell's Angels, whose motorcycle brigades also like to sport Nazi swastikas (TIME, Jan. 21). Then it spread to surfers, who began exchanging their St. Christopher medals for Iron Cross pendants (now sold as his-and-her pairs, charm bracelets and even earrings). Soon landlocked emulators across the U.S. took up the fad. Explains Chicago's Walter Wagner, 17: "I'd like to be a surfer, but you can't do much on Lake Michigan. If you can't surf and you can't have a board, at least you can have something."


now it is again common to see the symbol in logos for choppers and bands as a fuck you!! to the mainstream.

Unfortunately the symbol has now become part of the mainstream itself...

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

Please dont be shy to share your stuff I love new songs!

Holy shit the link who gave me Vaughn and not Vaught Sorry for the mistake above.... So THAT LINK HIS A HISTORICAL CLASS ON THE ORIGINE...Very Very Very interesting! THANK YOU TO VAUGHN FROM THE VON HODAD....GRACIAS, MERCI, THANK, ....

Please dont be shy to share your stuff I love new songs!

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