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Permalink 4 VIDEOS from my MAR 4 2011 SURF-ROCK SHINDIG are now posted

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March 4 2011 was the date for this month's SURF-ROCK SHINDIG. It was a Friday, though my monthly SHINDIGs are usually on Saturdays. i was asked to move the show so NELL MELLON (Otto's Mgr/Owner) could celebrate her birthday on Saturday March 5th. I was concerned that "the regulars" wouldn't show b/c of the change of days. As it happens, the place was jammin'!! It was a crazy night.....

I shot 4 videos overall -- 2 of THE OCTOMEN and 2 of BEWARE THE DANGERS OF A GHOST SCORPION. I did not shoot any videos of PRESTON WAYNE 4 (who are barely a "surf" band these days, but more or less rockin' bar band). They got on stage almost 1/2 hour late b/c of the traffic they got stuck in driving down from Massachusetts (driving in on Saturday is a breeze next to driving in or out of NYC on a Friday night, as they found out.) The band played about 40 minutes without a break (I had asked them a few times to tell me what tunes they wanted vidoed - and had requested they make a full stop between songs for the songs they wanted me to video. In the end they didn't designate what songs they wished for me to videotape. Plus they were playing way way way toom loud, despite requests to lower the volume, and I was fearful the sound on the videos would have been awful.). I had also gotten violently ill during the show, barely getting thru the evening, so by the time the great rockabilly band COOL KITTIES & SQUARE CATS came on, I could not stand up, so shooting videos was simply out of the question).

THE OCTOMEN, led by RATTLESNAKE are the 2 videos:



And here are the 2 videos I shot of BEWARE THE DANGERS OF A GHOST SCORPION, from Massachusetts, a band that classifies itself as being in the style of Ghoulish/Scary/Cemetery/Creepy/Horror surf. Turns out they were killer!! I took a chance on a relatively 'unknown' surf band (in the NYC area, that is), and I am thrilled that I did.

Check out their 2 videos that I shot:



Unsteady Freddie

Last edited: Mar 06, 2011 16:12:29

freddy! scott from ghost scorpion here. thanks so much for an awesome night and the great videos! you kept the show running smoothly no matter what came along - not easy to do with all the traffic problems/scheduling conflicts. thanks again, hopefully we'll be back soon!
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SCOTT -- please book another 2011 SHINDIG as soon as U can. I ask bands to wait 4 months between shows so it gives everyone a shot, and it doesn't look like favoritism.

So that would mean you can come back July at the earliest. You could also book November or December if you choose July. If you choose August, then you can also pick December.

I told you and your bandmates that you should call yourselves "Goosebump Surf" (instead of horror, scary, cemetery, creepy, etc.) -- I like that a great deal.

Man, to sum it up, you guys were awesome and very UNSTEADY (in a positive way, I mean)


Last edited: Mar 06, 2011 15:32:34

"THE OCTOMEN, lead by RATTLESNAKE are the 2 videos:"

Smoking shirt and jacket!

BTW, Scott, you are spot on, Unsteady Freddie running a great surf show is like the sun setting over Huntington Pier... happens everytime!


MARCH OF THE DEAD SURFERS! (2024) - Agent Octopus
Wake up Jimmy! It's Christmastime! (2024) - Agent Octopus (Single)

YOUTUBE - Agent Octopus Surf

haha, i like goosebump surf. i'll pass that along to the boys.
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