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Brian, You had said on the old site, that when we posted on the Calendar on the new version of SG101,that is would automatically start a thread.

How does this work?


Last edited: Feb 26, 2011 20:46:54

I'm glad you asked Jeff; I just tried it out on a Madeira/Volcanos gig. When you create a new event on this page, you can tick the checkbox at the bottom above the submit button. When the event is approved a new thread will be created!

Here is the thread that got created for the Madeira & Volcanos show.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Jeff, we are chatting on IRC. Get in here!

hey Brian,

thanks, so we still have to wait for the submission to be approved to the calender, before the thread starts? if that is the case, I will probably just not click that, and do it myself right then, and copy and paste the info from the thread to a calendar submission.

I dont have a google account, looked at the link you posted and the info was there.

Thanks will try out the calendar submissions soon when I get the info about a show next fri.


Last edited: Feb 27, 2011 13:54:19

bigtikidude wrote:

so we still have to wait for the submission to be approved to the calender, before the thread starts? if that is the case, I will probably just not click that, and do it myself right then, and copy and paste the info from the thread to a calendar submission.

But..... it's often only a matter of hours. Confused

I dont have a google account, looked at the link you posted and the info was there.

Thanks for checking.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

sorry, I'm impatient.

When I get into the mode of promoting, I like to post the info in a thread. Then send that link for the thread in e-mails to people, that I know if I don't tell them about it, they wont see it.


Last edited: Feb 27, 2011 14:22:13


A couple of things about the calendar. How do you set the time for a performance/gig that's specific to the time zone? In our user profile, we can set PST, CST, etc., but when filling out a calendar entry, choosing the correct time zone doesn't appear to be an option. For example, 1:30 PM (PST) is changed to Central Time when the calendar entry is displayed (or so it seems). Also, the space alloted for text could be a little longer so the venue/band's name doesn't get chopped off.

These minor "complaints" could simply be an oversight on my part. You've done an incredible job of revising the site interface. Good goin'!!


Hi John, I'm glad you asked that. I posted about it in the other feedback thread but here is a good place to discuss it.

The Google calendar displayed here is a Google calendar tied to my Google account. You have to set a timezone for the calendar, and I arbitrarily choose Central time. Thus, all times are going to be in CST. You correctly entered the time for your show in US/Pacific, but when it gets displayed it is going to be in whatever timezone the calendar is configured to be in.

If you are a Google user, you can copy events to your own calendar, and then the times will be displayed in your own timezone.

This leads to the following questions: perhaps I should make the default timezone Pacific time? Most (?) of the shows are in that timezone. But that might really confuse East coast people, or our European friends (they are probably already confused). I had to pick a timezone, so I picked a middle one. I state what is going on the calendar page, but maybe I need to make that text bigger and bolder. Since California is the birthplace of surf perhaps the calendar timezone should be set to Pacific.

I agree that the text looks very small on the month view, but you can change the view to a weekly or an agenda view, which provides much more readable results. Maybe I should make the agenda view the default? And you can click on the event to get a pop-up balloon that is more readable.

I realize this calendar is different than the old one. I decided to go this route because it meant leveraging Google so I would not have to re-write the old PHP Calendar into Python. Having it on Google does have some advantages: you can more easily share it with other people; they can display events on their blogs and websites. And you can configure Google to send you email or even text message reminders about events. And finally if you provide good location details, Google will generate a link to a nice Google map of the event location.

I'd love to get feedback on this feature. Thanks.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Last edited: Feb 27, 2011 14:44:41

For example, here is what the calendar looks like in agenda view, after I clicked to expand the two events.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea


Whether or not you make PST the default time zone, I'd think it would be a good idea to append the default time zone to the gig time. For example, 3:30pm CST or 1:30pm PST (8:30pm GMT?). Too bad you can't force the times in the calendar to match the time zone entered in the user profile (or can you?). Without identifying the default time zone (currently CST), any time entered for a band playing anywhere outside of CST will be incorrect (and, therefore, confusing).

I think the idea of making the agenda view the default is a good one. Whatever is needed to get at least the band's name and the location (city or club, etc.) to show up on the calendar date without losing part of the text.


Hi John -

Your points are well taken, and at first I was going to say we can't do any of your suggestions. However I just did some reading, and it looks like you can retrieve the SG101 calendar and ask it to be displayed in a given timezone. So perhaps with a bit of futzing I can get it to be tied to the time zone preferences in your user profile.

Please stay tuned.

In the mean time, here is a test screen cast I did showing off the calendar. Some of this may change if I am successful in getting the timezone to dynamically change.

Screencast demo for the new calendar

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Wow, that was far easier than I thought!

John, thanks so much for the feedback. I was able to do the following:

  • the calendar automatically shows all times based on the time zone set in your profile
  • the default view is now agenda view

This slightly invalidates the screencast, but hey, this is much, much better!

Thanks again for the suggestions!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Last edited: Feb 27, 2011 20:02:42

Yowza! I don't know about everyone else but IMO, the "new" calendar is much more informative and accurate than it was before. I like it! Thanks for changing what you did, Brian. I'm glad it wasn't a huge headache.


Again, John, thanks for the feedback. This calendar is seeing lots of use and it's working great now.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Thanks to a question from Chad Shivers I've figured out how to display multiple calendars at a time. So I'll be able to put the radio shows on one calendar and the live shows on another. I can also display the Southern Surf Stomp calendar. You'll be able to filter out the ones you are interested in. Coming soon!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Cool!, as much as I like the radio calendar.
I heard some complain that they stopped looking because
It was to confusing, and almost all radio shows.
Thanks Brian.


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