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Permalink Help!! We need a surf poster.

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Aloha everyone.....The TakeOffs are in need of a surf poster for our Sheraton Kauai Resort gig. We've been looking for a while now and just can't hook up with someone. We're willing to pay for the thing so if you know someone who can help us.......Thanks in advance.
The TakeOffs Cool

The TakeOffs
"Kauai's Only All-Instrumental Surf Band"

Do you need someone to design the poster or to print it?


We're looking for a design. We can have it printed over here. We look at some of those posters in the monthly contest website and wish we had one!
Something cool and retro with our name on it and the name of the venue that we perform at, that we can put in the surf shops and be proud of. All surf bands have 'em over there on the mainland. Maybe something with the "Duke" on it. I don't know, we need a design. Thanks for asking.

The TakeOffs
"Kauai's Only All-Instrumental Surf Band"

I could do that.
I am in Germany, if that is not a problem for you.
Here’s my MySpace page:

The Exotic Guitar of Kahuna Kawentzmann

You can get the boy out of the Keynes era, but you can’t get the Keynes era out of the boy.

just be real careful if you decide to borrow an image that you don't get poped for not paying for it.



just be real careful if you decide to borrow an image that you don't get poped for not paying for it.


Hmm. If he got "Poped", would he get to wear the fancy hat? Might be worth it!


All you guys......thanks. BTD We'll be careful and thanks for pointing that out. Kawentzmann, i'll be getting in touch with you and i don't care where you are. I even like Kraftwerk!! Dane.....thank you.....i really like humor and you can never tell with e-mail but i busted a big smile at your response and yes, i am the Pope in The TO's but my pork pie with the stingy brim doesn't come close to His lid. Cool
Well, today's my birthday and i'm going to the beach.
Aloha you surf dogs,

The TakeOffs
"Kauai's Only All-Instrumental Surf Band"

I once made an illustration, 13 years ago for Jon Blair, he send me his Illustrated Bible of Surf as a thank you!
Airbrush, how times flies...



surfraptor......That's a cool poster and just what we're looking for. You can e-mail me thanks for posting a reply.

The TakeOffs
"Kauai's Only All-Instrumental Surf Band"

I once made an illustration, 13 years ago for Jon Blair, he send me his Illustrated Bible of Surf as a thank you!
Airbrush, how times flies...



Great poster!

It would make a great album cover!


Hey Ron, I know I am a bit late for this but if you ever need a banner, flyers, illustrations or grpahic design let me know. I would be more than happy to help you guys out. You can see some of the fun stuff I have done in the past over at


Coconut Wired Podcast
Barefoot bloggin'

Chong........thanks a lot for the offer. You've got GREAT stuff on your page and i'm amazed at your talent. Thing "real" artists are too good for that i mean, if you made us a poster or whatever, people would just steal them for the fantastic artwork. I don't know.....! I just may take you up on the offer. Thanks again for including us on your podcast #10 and welcome to SG101. Are you still thinking about coming over here?
RR Cool

The TakeOffs
"Kauai's Only All-Instrumental Surf Band"

Hey Ron, I really appreciate the compliment on my art and stuff. As for poster getting ripped off. Yeah, it is bitter praise. On one hand, you're stoked that somebody wants it, but bummed they aren't appreciative enough to purchase or have the integrity to leave it alone for all to see. It's kinda self defeating to create a crappy flyer/poster just so people won't swipe it. Let me know if you want to take a chance. Laughing
As for Hawaii, yup still plannin' on making the jump in spring. I don't think I will make it over in March and will more likely do it in the begining of May. I am aiming for Kauai, but may fall short and end up on Maui. The Plans are still being made and data compiled. Thanks for askin'


Coconut Wired Podcast
Barefoot bloggin'

I just saw this old thread. Anyone out there needing a poster? That is one of the reasons I came to this site. I've done a few lately for Slacktone, The Razorblades, The Kilaueas and The WHYs.

I have samples on my site--

For surf bands my fee is low to 0, unless you are Dick Dale or anybody else with a airplane. This is a fun side project for me, I make my living doing illustrations and other less fun design work.

There is also a "temporary" site for Dave Wronski there that I've worked on with Dave but it is old now, but you can check out some of his gear there.

Aloha Doug.........your posters are killer and we would be proud to display one with our name on it around our little Island. How can we proceed?
The TakeOffs Very Happy

The TakeOffs
"Kauai's Only All-Instrumental Surf Band"

Thanks R-R,
I'll send you message with contact info. This has also been a great way for me to meet some cool cats and get CDs from some great bands.

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