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sysmalakian: TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!
333 days ago

dp: dude
314 days ago

Bango_Rilla: Shout Bananas!!
269 days ago

BillyBlastOff: See you kiddies at the Convention!
253 days ago

GDW: showman
204 days ago

Emilien03: https://losg...
126 days ago

Pyronauts: Happy Tanks-Kicking!!!
120 days ago

glennmagi: CLAM SHACK guitar
105 days ago

Hothorseraddish: surf music is amazing
85 days ago

dp: get reverberated!
36 days ago

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Permalink The 4th Annual Surf Guitar 101 Convention, Sat. Aug. 13th, 2011, reviews start on page 17

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Ivan, not Deadbeat's Gooch in Space, right? Either way, I am pretty sure I have most of the Saturday and Sunday sets for Deadbeat on video tape. Sunday may be very strangely aimed, since things were so bright at that point that I couldn't see my camera screen very well.

Kind of sad to see Wooza have to move on from two great bands, but, Ben you know music is not always completely incompatible with grad school. Hopefully there will be some good fallout wherever it is.

I sat next to Dick Dale at the Pier Plaza show. What an opportunity!

So, who had the coolest van: Quilter or Tikiyaki?
(photos by Dave Becker)

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PolloGuitar wrote:

So, who had the coolest van: Quilter or Tikiyaki?

I vote for Quilter. Very cool.


More Video

Jeff & Carol: The Second Half of Crystal T

Jeff and Carol have allowed me to post the second half of Crystal T, in which they gave up trying to figure out where the other one was and just played. (They were amazed how different - how loud! - it sounded out in the audience.)

Last edited: Aug 23, 2011 10:43:58

RobbieReverb wrote:

I vote for Quilter. Very cool.

I like the sort of batiki thing on Tikiyaki's van.

Even though I thought the Quilter Van was cool,
I have to say that the Tikiyaki Van is my Fave.
I especially like the Gas,Grass,or Ass,(nobody tides for free) sticker.


Yesterday afternoon,I got back from Tiki Oasis 4 day weekend in San Diego,(Boy am I trashed, tired, and sick too) ;-(
and am finally getting a chance to catch up and read all of the posts and look at the video and pictures.

Thanks to all of you for the great comments and kudos.
It is all my pleasure to make it a Jam packed weekend,
and full reverb immersion.
And as much as I am thankful for those that are doing the Pre, and post events. I wish that some of the Locals would sack up and do them too.

I have an Idea of who might be playing Next Years convention.
But nothing is in stone.
Hope to see all of you who have come before, and more 1st timers.

Thanks to all of the helpers at the Event,
and to Kristena(tiki tena) for helping with the online promo of the event. and of course to all of you who came to the shows.

Big Thanks to Matt, and Pat Quilter for the amplification for the day.
and to Dusty for the drums.

Thanks to the vendors who help make this more than just a show.
Thanks to the Starting Gate in Los Alamitos, for letting us do the show there.

And Huge Thanks to Linda Miller for letting me Book 7 of the bands from the Convention at the HB pier the next day.

I am sure that I am forgetting some people,
but thanks most of all to you people who have come and thoroughly
enjoyed yourselves.


from Tiki central

Cool, someone filmed this at the official Post-Convention show at Don's.

From Spy-Fi to Crime Jazz actually...


reviews on Tiki Central from half way down on Page 4 to page 6


Tuck wrote:

More Video

Jeff & Carol: The Second Half of Crystal

Jeff and Carol have allowed me to post the second half
of Crystal T, in which they gave up trying to figure
out where the other one was and just played. (They
were amazed how different - how loud! - it sounded out
in the audience.)

this is what happens when you can't hear the other person and just go for it Laughing

bigtikidude wrote:

from Tiki central

Cool, someone filmed this at the official
Post-Convention show at Don's.

Fady! From the corner known as The Wedged.

Tuck, or anyone else,
Do you have video of Dick Stewart giving the Buddy Holly award to
Davie Allan?

Davie, and Dick would both like to have it.



no more reviews?
wow that died off quick,


Last edited: Aug 25, 2011 00:17:45

bigtikidude wrote:

no more reviews?
wow that died off quick,


bigtikidude wrote:

Tuck, or anyone else,
Do you have video of Dick Stewart giving the Buddy Holly award to Davie Allan?

Davie Allan Presentation

Dick Stewart - Bulldog

(With Dusty on drums and Dick's son on bass - I didn't catch his name.)

Last edited: Aug 25, 2011 12:58:36

tuck to the rescue.

my few cents worth about the convention weekend as it comes back to me watching the videos.......

i loved meshuggah beach party. they were fun to watch and it was obvious they were having fun playing. a good variety of tunes and schtick. fab musicianship. they made me happy inside.

i had already seen daikaiju this year so i knew what to expect in an indoor venue. i know people could argue that they are surf or not but the element of surf is there and the biggest thing for me is that they play a full on attack but there is melody in every tune. i was wondering how they would do outdoors at the pier show the next day because i've seen them take over a room, so could they take over the pier? oh yes they could. there were a lot of passersby that stopped to watch and were drawn in close to the stage. they had a big crowd at their merchandize table after they comment someone made to me at the starting gate show was that he had one of their cd's and had listened to it a few times and kind of put it aside.......but, he was going home to listen to it a bit more closely.

the razorblades.......stage presence- plus, musicianship- plus and so obviously enjoying themselves. i think they're the ones that covered 'cecelia ann'? very nice. i thought they were better at the pier possibly just because i like pier setting for live music.

davie cool to see him play 'blues theme'. i've loved that tune since i saw the movie 'wild in the streets'.

more later as stuff pops back in my head

Hi Bigtiki Dude, dont u remembrer me??? The guy from Mexico xD Spaghetti Western band ''I don't need to show yu any badges'' haha
How are you?? How was the Surf Guitar Convention this year? Smile

you have the message inbox full xD

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bigtikidude wrote:

from Tiki central

Cool, someone filmed this at the official
Post-Convention show at Don's.

From Spy-Fi to Crime Jazz actually...

That was cool as hell!

"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

Incredible!!! Thanks for filming it and sharing, Fady ! (and Jeff for posting it here).


Sonichris wrote:

bigtikidude wrote:

from Tiki central

Cool, someone filmed this at the official
Post-Convention show at Don's.

From Spy-Fi to Crime Jazz actually...

That was cool as hell!


Last edited: Aug 27, 2011 19:48:18

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