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Permalink Inspiring Surf Music images from the 60's...

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Thought it might be fun to scan some pics and share them with yoose guys. I will credit the photo when credit is available, if not assume I found it on the web. Enjoy...

First entry, Dennis Wilson of The Beach Boys doing the Surfer's Stomp with unidentified blonde in the studio with a sweet blonde Showman in the wings. Blonde on Blonde??? From Brian Chidester and Dominic Priore's POP SURF CULTURE book... a must have book!!!!


BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

Last edited: Jun 26, 2014 05:50:03

Second Entry... Eddie Bertrand in the pages of the newspaper The Daily Breeze. Read the caption... Featured Singer?? The Bel-Aires sang to their teenage fans??? Mind-blowing. Also, from Dominic and Brian's book....



BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

really nice norman.....thanks !

El Papu & los Fantasticos Reverberantes

Thanks Brudda! One more for tonight...


Infamous Surf Legend Miki Dora and Beach Party Movie regular Mary Hughes together, Malibu, CA. Dora hated the exploitation of his culture and lifestyle by Hollywood and the so-called post-Gidget "surf craze", yet he acted and surfed as an extra in many Beach Party movies including doing all the big wave riding for Fabian in RIDE THE WILD SURF!!! DORA RULES!!

BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

Keep 'em coming!!



These are fantastic!!

Entry four... Surfin' Hearses! Everyone knows the preferred vehicle of the surfer was a Woody in the 60’s. But if you couldn't get your hands on a Woody (excuse me??) the Surfin' Hearse was the next best thing. It's long enough to fit your board (and a handful of surf bunnies) and great for carrying band equipment too, I'll attest to that.

Keds did a promotional giveaway and the first prize was a ’41 Surfin Hearse…


It wasn’t just a gimmick either. The winner was announced in the Sept 66 issue of SURFER…


The Lively Ones take part in a “Win a Hearse” contest too. I wonder if you won the board and date with the surf bunny as well??


BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

I really dig these. Surfin Hearse nice concept. those keds look like Van slip ons too. Very Happy

Jerry McNutt! But his friends call him "Woody." Rimshot

Cool stuff Norm!

Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

Great pix Norm! Hearses were a popular mode of trasportation for many cash-strapped musicians in the 60's. A Charleston band, "The Creations" had a bad boy image, but drove a pink hearse. My band, The Pendeltons. almost bought one from one of our drummers neighbors who was a funeral director. It had a placque on the dash that read "Funeral Coach". He remove some of the letters so it read "Fun.... Coach". The deal fell through when none of our parents would allow us to park it in front of their houses.

Jerry McNutt: my folks lived in Escondido from '70 to 2010, but I never saw that wagon. He must've sold it or something.

What great pix. I gotta get that book. Brian and Dominic have really been the dudes re. all this!

The book is a must have for sure.
I took it with me the last time I got a hair cut to show that pic of Dennis Wilson, "cut it just like this".
Dominic did a great show around the book at last years Tiki Oasis.

Thanks for the pic's!!!

"Maybe there aren't any surf bands; there's only surf music?" Tuck

Great pix Norm! Hearses were a popular mode of trasportation for many cash-strapped musicians in the 60's. A Charleston band, "The Creations" had a bad boy image, but drove a pink hearse. My band, The Pendeltons. almost bought one from one of our drummers neighbors who was a funeral director. It had a placque on the dash that read "Funeral Coach". He remove some of the letters so it read "Fun.... Coach". The deal fell through when none of our parents would allow us to park it in front of their houses.

Thanks Skip. Glad everyone is diggin' these posts.

As you mention, Hearses were also a popular mode of transportation for bands. Sam the Sham had one, among others. I own a '56 Caddy that I use for Ghastly Ones. It was previously owned by The Monocles, a Garage band from Greely, Colorado. Thought you might enjoy these pics from then and now...


BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

Jerry McNutt: my folks lived in Escondido from '70 to 2010, but I never saw that wagon. He must've sold it or something.

What great pix. I gotta get that book. Brian and Dominic have really been the dudes re. all this!

Jerry's parents probably made him sell it. They probably didn't want it parked in front of their house as Skip mentioned! That pic of him was scanned from Surfer Magazine Sept '66.

And Yes, everyone here should pic up a copy of Brian and Dominics book. Here's an easy link for ya...

BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

Norm, we might have slightly different takes on surf music, but I do really appreciate your dedication to the authentic and original lifestyle connected to surf music - you, my friend, truly are the real deal! Really cool stuff, greatly enjoying it - thanks!

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Entry Five... The Surfer's Stomp!! This pic is from Legendary Surf Photographer Leroy Grannis' book. Dick Dale (what, no guitar??) stretches his vocal chords at Huntington Beach 1963. People dancing to Surf music!! And at the beach on the sand! The Surf Craze sprang from the same moment in time as the Dance Craze. Kids all over the country were doing The Jerk, The Mashed Potato, The Hully Gully, The Watusi and near the beaches in So Cal they were doing The Surfer's Stomp!!!


BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

Norm, we might have slightly different takes on surf music, but I do really appreciate your dedication to the authentic and original lifestyle connected to surf music - you, my friend, truly are the real deal! Really cool stuff, greatly enjoying it - thanks!

Thanks Ivan! I think we agree way, way more than we disagree. Thanks brudda!

Glad everyone is diggin' this posts!

BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

One more entry for today. More to come!

Entry Six... GO GO GIRLS! Many Surf bands today have Go-Go Girls. Back in the sixties, I suspect that they were hired by the club or venue, but maybe they were the girlfriend of one of the guys in the band.

Here's a couple of photos I purchased at the recent Richard Delvy auction of The Challengers and their Go-Go Girl. Enjoy...



BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

Great stuff Norm!

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